The Evil Men Do Lives After Them*

As is the feeling,
So is the result.

St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Medina, WA
St. Thomas. Episcopal Church, Medina, WA
St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Medina, WA

Accomplishments of personalities such as Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Barack Obama, Adolph Hitler, Hideki Tojo, Oliver Cromwell, Nancy Pelosi, Mohamed Morsi, Ruhollah Khomeini, Pauline Léon, John Brennan, Claire Lacombe, and Hillary Clinton, never receive esteem and perish to rubble because their loyalty fixes on themselves and the ideology of a political party rather than on God, their Country, and their Family.

Ideology über reality. Works every time for ensuring devastation. But the ideology was correct, and that only matters to the ideologue. A mind not saturated in God is consumed by its own vagaries. A life not dedicated to self-less service contracts into winless and witless sterility.

Reviled did I live, evil I did deliver.

The weight of this recognition has been pressing on me of late: that for ideologues, their ideology trumps any possible combination or permutation of reality. This war going on in D.C. and around the country is conceptual. It gets to political, economic, medical, and institutional phases but only latterly and only as epiphenomena.

A religion is a set of procedures that can be used to reconnect a personality — body, mind, intellect, and spirit — with reality.

* William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act 3, Scene 2.

We don’t know how to model human ingenuity, and humans become even more ingenious during a crisis. So if you were hoping to AI your way out of a crisis, I have some bad news for you.

Stephen Green

The next step (in getting rid of the ignorance of individuality, where the first is practising the attitude of, ‘I am Yours’) is: “You are mine,” where the wave demands the support of the sea as its right. The Lord has to take the responsibility of guarding and guiding the individual. The individual is important, worthy to be saved, and the Lord is bound to fulfil the need of the devotee. Surdas said, “You are mine; I will not leave You; I shall imprison You in my heart; You shall not escape.” The next stage is: “You are I” — I am but the image and You are the Reality. I have no separate individuality; there is no duality. All is One. Duality is but delusion.

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