American Vulgarity Vice Jewish Sanctimony

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

The Old Man Receives Darshan Of Our Lord

Vulgarity, obscenity, and profanity are far from the same thing.

Sanctimony stands profane railing at perplexity.

Pro Fanum.  Before the door to the Holy.

Vulgarity is tone of behavior common across a society and contrasts with tone of behavior typical of a society’s leader cadre.

Obscenity is tone of behavior that references, for dramatic effect, bodily functions considered private even though natural and contrasts with tone of behavior which does not refer to those functions for dramatic effect.

Profanity is tone of behavior that references things or personalities trivially, flippantly, or worse, without authority from the thing or personality referenced.  Profanity contrasts with tone of behavior respectful of things and personalities.

Christianity applauds vulgarity,
Uses obscenity, sparingly,
And condemns profanity.

Americans are by history, nature, and destiny vulgar.  Authority for us emerges from the sovereign freedom of our personal and national being.  We are our own authority, common among us and to us.  Within parameters of our birth and circumstance, we make our own destiny, tweaked now and then, and always paradoxically, by initiatives consequent upon the definite partiality of Almighty God.

We abhor poseurs.
Liars we do so abominate.
Cheats we find attractively despicable.
Thus, sanctimony really fires our ire.

We have among us now, for various reasons, most of them drug-related, flocks of personalities flummoxed by VUCA and expecting its extirpation from their life.  VUCA is a constant of reality.  It can be neither suppressed, obliterated, nor escaped.  To be flummoxed by VUCA such as to demand its removal from one’s life is to admit devolution from human to demonic nature.

VUCA affects the body but its effect on the mind is the main existential problem it occasions.  Unable to avoid VUCA, a sane personality seeks a salutary response to it.  There is one.  Keep the mind dwelling on and then attached to God.  God transcends VUCA, in fact is its Source.  An initial response to VUCA, therefore, is to welcome it on assumption that its presence is salutary, as indeed it is.  Good emerges from struggle only.  Evil lies about easily picked up without practice.  VUCA is the beginning of good.  Fill the mind with God and VUCA becomes a friend.

VUCA is a friend to Americans.  And VUCA is vulgar.  Everyone has it and everyone is responding to it, one way and another, to increase freedom or to decrease it.  Comes the ethnic Jew, or anyone else, to tell us Americans, including Jews, that our vulgarity fouls their eyes, ears, and nose, that we lack decorum and respectability, that our manners are deplorable, and our response, if we make one, will appraise that sanctimonious personality of our command of the vulgar, obscene, and if need be damnatory registers of the English, Spanish, Yiddish, French, German, Polish, or Vietnamese language.

Reality is a rock.
VUCA belongs to it.
Be VUCA, by the Rock.

Past, present, or future, women are the backbone of progress and the heart of the nation.  In fact they are its very breath.  Charged with holiness, they play the chief role in the dharma of life.  No nation can be built without investing in the culture of its women.  The world can be lifted to its pristine greatness only through women mastering the science of realisation of Reality (Atma-vidya).  If a nation is to have lasting prosperity and peace, women must be trained through an educational system that emphasises moral conduct and moral qualities.  Every woman must be able to understand the problems of the family, society and the countries.  She must render such service and help as she can, within the limits of her resources and capacity, to the family, community and the country.  The present downfall in moral standards and absence of social peace is due to the neglect of this aspect of women’s education.

Sathya Sai BabaDharma Vahini, Chapter 5  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

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