Take Down

You are trying to lord it over people. Try to rein in your Ashkenazy Arrogance and refrain from these infantile demonstrations of Virility.

You are not a yogi. You are an entertainer trying to make a buck. Also, you are someone without anything useful to do in life, as shown by the dates on your e-mail: too many, indicating no life outside the screen, which is purest delusion.

Bhogiji, you are a common putz like the rest of us, trying to get through life in a proper way. You do not know any more than any of us do and you are certainly not in a position to be teaching any of us because your only instinct is to lord it over people — the opposite of a teacher’s instinct.

You are an entertainer working as a businessman. That is fine. Be that. It is a good calling and necessary. But do not pretend to know something about yoga or vedantha or liberation because you do not know a thing about these subjects, having never been there.

Again: you are trying to lord it over people. Try to rein in your Ashkenazy Arrogance and refrain from these infantile demonstrations of Virility. That is correct advice from one who is a teacher and you should bend the neck and accept it and put it into practice.

Correct. A Vedic Teacher (guru) does not take money for teaching. On the contrary, they support their students room, board and tuition. Swami makes this point both in precept and example. Therefore, anyone who claims to be a teacher — and this includes anyone so claiming, including at our common universities — and is taking money for that activity from students is a charlatan, not a teacher.

A premise of that point is that a teacher must be a Vedic type, a guru. This premise is carefully chosen for its reality, especially in this Sai Era/Golden Age. In this context we do not have to abide phonies — people saying they are doing one thing (e.g., teaching) and actually doing another (e.g., making money).

Teaching and income must be separate else one cannot claim to be a teacher.

Next, a Vedic doctor is under the same rubric: they do not take money from their patients for treatments. On the contrary, they support their patients 100% during the treatment process. A hospital that charges patients is not hospitable at all but is really a factory performing murder. A doctor who charges patients money is a charlatan.

Again, Swami gives both precept and example.

And one who overbears others is no yogi at all but a bhogi.

The point is that in this Sai Era we do not have to put up with phonies. Dharma is not only safe in the Sai Era, as It is in all era, It also reigns, and this is the Good News of Sai. Thank God!

Your sales program is good, successful, but a sales program is what it is, not Truth, yoga, liberation, vedantha, etc.

In Biblical Hebrew, the word we translate heart means the seat of the intellect, the discriminating capacity. It is a correlate of the Sanskrit buddhi (intellect). This phenomenon is often overlooked by Hebraists. When the Prophets tell people God wants a soft heart, their meaning is one which sees clearly what is going on. This is a felicitous quality of this particular Biblical Hebrew.

Your native environment is the theatre, vaudeville, the stage. You are very good at it. Your ability with the language and with dramatic effect is unsurpassed, in my experience. Why do you not put on splendid dramatizations of the love and sweetness of Swami for the American people? You have access to producers, writers, funders, etc. Why do you not use these to tell this panting population about the life-giving, thirst-quenching Water that is Sai? What an opportunity for all you are built to do!  Why are you not using it?

Dancing for coins pretending to be a teacher of yoga is such a mean dispensation of your capacities, which are so extensive and scintillating. Where are the dramas about Swami on TV and radio and on Broadway and Off-Broadway? Why are you inactive? It is time to work. You have everything it takes. Why be mean when you can be yourself? Why must we listen about Lewinsky when we could be listening about Tara Puttaparthi Sathya? Why are you inert?

It is my very firm opinion that at this late stage, any Swamis, Priests, Clergy, Rabbis, Mullahas, Yogis, Sages, Teachers, etc. who do not simply point everyone in their orbit to the Avathar is a charlatan.

Until recently these leaders had excuses. Not now. Every leader has had a chance to know Swami. Those of these who do not now merely point to Him are phonies, not Swamis, Priests, Clergy, Mullahas, Yogis, Sages, Teachers, etc.

I know a whole lot about buses and [Name’s] BUS ain’t one of them. He’s a yaksha and speaks for and to yakshas, not for or to humans.




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