Trimurthi / Trinity

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Swami mentioned years ago that the Sai Avathars are all Siva: Shirdi as Siva alone, Sathya as Siva-Shakthi and Prema as Shakthi alone. He also mentioned that the Sai (Siva) Avathars are here in fulfillment of a pledge made by Siva and Parvathi to Sage Bharadwaja during Tretha Yuga. As best I understand, this all came out especially at the famous stroke incident of many years ago. Kasturi is extensive on the matter.

Swami has also mentioned that Jesus did not say He would come again. He said, He Who sent Me will come again. Meaning, Swami. Thus, the Second Coming is a cook-up of certain interested parties … and not just clergy! Notwithstanding, Baha’u’llah has some enlightening things to say about the Second Coming as usually understood, i.e., of Jesus.

Thus, when we correlate Hindu Trimurthi and Christian Trinity — the latter is from the former, incidentally, and is not native either to Jesus, Palestine or Christianity for its first century and a half — and bearing in mind the points just made, I would suggest the following:

Father correlates with Brahma

Son (Christ) correlates with Siva

Holy Spirit correlates with Vishnu

And all Sai Avathars are Siva (correlates with Christ/Son). While Poorna Avathars by definition comprise the full Trimurthi, one aspect predominates and in the present case that is the Siva aspect, no doubt because it is the aspect most needed soteriologically by the world at this juncture as well as because that is Who promised Themself to Bharadwaja.

I feel this understanding is of some moment.

Update: An extensive set of correlations on The Holy Trinity is here.




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