
The English noun diagnosis compounds the Greek prefix dia and the Greek noun gnosis.

Dia means “over against” in the sense of interacting or communicating with another, something or someone outside oneself. Gnosis means knowledge in the sense of ecstatic union, complete, unconditioned participation of one with one.

Diagnosis is awareness mediated by observation during interaction and emerging in unmediated unity of observer and observed, dispelling separation and inspiring awareness of the observed’s condition as one’s own.

A diagnosis is a report that is true because its maker is one with the condition reported. Diagnosis is participatory, neither removed nor stand-offish. It proceeds from a reunion of subject and object, observer and observed, in direct, unmediated knowledge one with one.

There are seven types of diagnosis and not everyone is qualified to make each of them:


Medical doctors only are qualified to make somatic diagnoses. Theologians only are qualified to make spiritual diagnoses. Soldiers only are qualified to make protective diagnoses. Lawyers only are qualified to make legal diagnoses. Every person, except the insane, is qualified to make moral diagnoses. Engineers only are qualified to make technical diagnoses. The self-supporting only are qualified to make political diagnoses.



60163 Tornado passes over the Royal Border Bridge on the East Coast Main Line.

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