Geopolitical Predictions: Europe

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

Queen St. Elizabeth Of Hungary Feeds The Poor

With Great Britain reclaiming her sovereignty, EU has no moral center, only money.  Ergo:

Germany (aka EU, The Fourth Reich) is going to rearm and mobilize, looking eastward, as always,

USA is going to pull up stakes in Germany, move them to Poland, Romania, and Ukraine, acting as the buffer between traditional Germanic (aka Frankish = French and German) east-looking militancy and Russia,

the New German Army is going to be in fact Turko-German, with Germany and Turkey effectively melded (Euro-Moslem Brotherhood Fascists Unite!),

France (Frankish = West Germanic, contrasted with Slavic = East Germanic) is going to go with Germany, conditional on remaining Afro-French (aka Fascist),

The Low Countries are going to split between German and Great Britain sensibilities,

Spain, Italy, and Greece are going to go with Great Britain, USA, India, and Russia,

and the Pope is going to stand dangling his bonnet and plume.

Update 1: Paul Bedard: Twenty-three nations embrace Trump peace plan, 7 in Middle East

Update 2: I commented today at Instapundit the content of this post and had this exchange with a fellow commenter:

Sam Weiss to David R. Graham
Nice overview.

Two things:

1. You forgot Portugal and Ireland, both of which have significant historical links to Great Britain, but also significant political and economic issues working against closer ties.  They are sort of like Scotland, but not actually in the UK.

2. Do Great Britain, the United States, or Russia want Spain, Italy, and/or Greece?

Okay, I can sort of see Tsar Putin wanting Greece for the Orthodoxy of it, as well as to outflank the Turks so he can finally reclaim Constantinople, but how will he pay for it?

Likewise the UK and US have no domestic support for bailing out Spain or Italy.

David R. Graham to Sam Weiss
All pertinent, salient questions.  You are right that the Russians want Constantinople, at least the European side of it.  IMO, they are right to want it and should have it, for several reasons, not least being as element of lowering the intensity of their chief geo-strategic problem: their nearly interminable and impossible border.  Just thinking about these matters, as you ably do here, is, IMO, exceedingly important for, among other things, getting ahead of events so as to position for guiding rather than being driven by them.  With nation after nation reclaiming sovereignty, de-globalizing, events are hurrying forward under acceleration.  Careful thought is wanted.  Thank you much!

Update 3: Roger Moorhouse: The war that saved Europe from Communism

Update 4: Jonathan Spyer: Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia and Qatar form troubling new alliance

While struggling in the spiritual field, you should take the Lord Himself as your protector.  To instill courage in the child, the mother persuades it to walk a few steps and turn, but she won’t allow it to fall.  When it stumbles and is about to lose balance, she hurries from behind and catches it before it falls.  The Lord (Iswara) too has His eyes fixed on you, the individual (jivi).  He has in His hand the string of the kite, humanity!  Sometimes He may pull it, and sometimes He may loosen the hold!  Whatever He does, be confident and worry-free, for it is He who holds the string.  That ever-present faith and that feeling hardening into an inborn desire (samskara), will fill you with the essence of love (prema-rasa).  The string that binds you and God is the bond of love and grace.  Strive to earn such auspicious mental desires so your bond of love and grace exists and is firm.

Sathya Sai BabaPrema Vahini, Chapter 29  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

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