Most human embodiments in this Kali Yuga are in fact rakshasas of Treta Yuga: human embodiments but demonics hearts. Quite apart from Swami’s witness to the fact, which should be sufficient, the evidence in behavior throughout the world is overwhelming. It is a transnational phenomenon. The Church bears witness to this phenomenon through the Doctrine of Total Deformity (Aquinian sense: all are tainted; Augustinian sense: all are all bad), which, as with all Doctrines of the Church, is learning compelled by experience of facts (doctrine means learning).
The majority of devotees of Swami, also, are rakshasas. He came now for these as He promised during the Rama Avathar — which Swami is — that He would. The rakshasas of Treta Yuga did not have the chance of nearness to the Avathar that the humans did then. So Rama is here again so that these demonic individuals can have the chance they did not have then. Those who expect all around Swami to be human with respect to the qualities of the devotees are due for an awakening. Most of the devotees — as most of the citizens of this Kali Yuga — are demonic not human individuals.