The Churches Are A Corpus Mixtum

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



The churches are a corpus mixtum.
Some members belong to the Church
and some do not.

Since, in the churches, those who do not belong
to the Church
outnumber those who do, any decision
taken under a democratic process
in the churches
must contemn the Church.

This is the cause of
the major bodies’ severing themselves
from the Apostolic Procession.

This phenomenon is evidence
— as if more were needed —
that councils are no more inherently authoritative
than is a bishop or curia.

There is only one authority in the churches,
only one base of certainty,
and that is who illuminates
by conforming to the principle,
ob sie Christum treiben:
what deals with,
concentrates on
or drives toward Christ,
the intense presence of divinity
the Prophetic Imperative,
the Effusion of Love.

What does not do this
is not Christ,
not Christian
and not the Church.

The churches are a corpus mixtum, always have been and always will be. Not all the members of the churches belong to the Church. This means, among other things, that the churches only more or less approximate the Church, sometimes more and sometimes less, though never not at all, interestingly.

The Church is the Presence within existence, fragmentarily and anticipatorily actualized, of Unambiguous Life. The symbols Life of God and Eternal Life refer to that Unambiguous Life and thus are used to expound the meaning of the doctrines of incarnation and salvation.

The symbol, the Body of Christ, describes the Church as the saving love and power of God continuously present within existence since their unambiguous manifestation in, over, under, around and through the Messiah of history, Jesus the Christ.

During some periods, such as today, most members of the churches do not belong to the Church and so it is well to distance oneself from participation, although recognizing that the soteriological promise of God in Jesus as the Christ is absolute — as love is — and so remains in the churches so long as they call Jesus of Nazareth the Christ. The Church is never ambiguous about that profession.

Update 1: Why The American Church Should Go Off The Grid

Update 2: The Reformation is over.  Protestants won.  So why are we still here?


Giralda, Plaza Virgen De Los Reyes, Seville, España
Giralda, Plaza Virgen De Los Reyes, Seville, España

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