AQ And IRGC Teaming Up On USA Soil?

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


A year-old attack on electrical infrastructure in San Jose, CA is just now getting public attention … and mine as well.  That alone is reprehensible.  And of course officials — Baghdad Bob Americans — declare no connection to terrorism.

Today emerged the fact that the attack in San Jose came one day after the bombing of the Boston Marathon.  This is important.  It means a textbook military one-two punch, as also occurred in September 2001 when first an enemy (AQ working for Saddam as well as themselves) struck with planes (four one day and another soon after) and then with weapons-grade anthrax.



USA homeland is an undefended battlespace for Caliphists, Sunni and Shia, and therefore Americans since at least 1979.  Americans as a nation — and especially her leader cadre — have not admitted it.  As individuals many do.  But the resources of the nation state have never been applied by her leader cadre to winning or even fighting this war occurring on American soil.  American soil is undefended.  The Land that is one third of the USA is undefended.  The Caliphist war against the USA, conducted on her own soil, has been treated by USA leader cadre as if it were random individual criminal activity or episodic, non-teleological terrorism.  But not as what it really is, full spectrum military operations against the existence of the USA … and her leader cadre despite their passive and active support for the Caliphist side.

Sophia Loren
Sophia Loren

My Thoughts

First, I use AQ to mean the organizationally decentralized, self-motivated and self-financed fighting forces of Caliphist puritanism called Salafist.  By IRGC I mean the organizationally centralized, state-motivated and state-and self-financed fighting force that is the so-called Islamic Republic of Iran.

AQ and IRGC are teamed militarily on USA soil, coordinating plans and attacks.  They also are, of course, conducting separate military operations in the same undefended battlespace.  Lucky them.

AQ likes to attack people.  They like to dip their hands in blood, watch suffering and grow gore.  Turning the standards of Christian civility into occasions of death and destruction gives AQ a thrill.  The same impulse wastes their front line fighters.  I would put the bombing of the Boston Marathon to AQ.

IRGC are smarter than AQ.  They are a state, after all, as AQ, even after all these years of conjuring the devil, is not.  It is like IRGC to want to attack communications rather than people.  This is the smarter play.

The multiple attacks of September 2001 were against people.  Thus the trace to AQ, although the longer trace was to Saddam in Iraq, a fact that was known in some circles at the time but did not penetrate the wider consciousness … or USA leader cadre.  (The attack on Saddam was not for his attacks of September 2001 but for his general ass-holery and ability to give that effect with WMDs.)

That these attacks come day-and day-after suggests coordination between the attacking forces.  And that would mean, IMO, between AQ and IRGC.

Such has precedent.  After AQ was thrown from Afghanistan, elements holed up in Iran with IRGC blessing.  IRGC supported both AQ and Sadr elements against Coalition Forces inside Iraq.

Boston and San Jose succeeded but less so than the attackers hoped.  Their military one-two punch was effective as diversions but also as reconnaissance and as testing and training exercise.

Gilligan's Island
Gilligan’s Island

An unanswered war is occurring on USA soil.
Not crime.  Not terrorism.
Straight-up war.

The enemy is inside as well as outside the wire.  And USA leader cadre refuses to believe it.  This is not a happy situation for America, but it is for AQ and IRGC.  They are whom USA leader cadre benefit.  What a hell of a deal.

The United States of America is an undefended battlespace.

Related 1: Bob Owens just after the San Jose attack.  And here.

Related 2: Democratic Party propaganda outlet CNN

Related 3: More attacks on power distro

Related 4: Shane Harris at Foreign Policy

Related 5: Leslie Eastman at Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion rounds up on the attack in San Jose

Related 6: IRGC Navy off USA East Coast
If Iran can do this, so can China (and here) and maybe North Korea.

Related 7: LAT on the San Jose attack a year earlier(!)

Related 8: The Washington Free Beacon



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