CIA / FPE / IC / Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi

Four Faces Of The Avatar


Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind the functionaries that they are not proprietors.  This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment (FPE) and intelligence community (IC).

Has anyone seen or heard from Abu Baker Al-Baghdadi — aka Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai — of late?

When released from US military custody on 08 December 2004, he is reported to have said breezily to US personnel, See you in New York.

Is that where he is today, inside CIA/FPE/IC protection?

With direction from the Obama White House and encouragement from the McCain-led Senate Armed Services Committee, CIA, State Department, and FPE so-called NGO personnel supplied and trained al-Baghdadi’s ISIL legions, thinking thereby to remove the al-Assad family from the government of Syria and to facilitate an arc of Iranian control across Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, from Tehran to Beirut.

Tulsi Gabbard, a Soldier, was among the first elected officials to remark that activity.  She stopped short of identifying its origin.  She pulled a punch on her then-C-in-C.

Al-Baghdadi chirped a few times after 20 January 2017 and then fell mostly or fully silent, without notice of his having been silenced or whatever.  Has anyone this side Tigris and Euphrates seen or heard from him?  Is he in New York as he promised he would be?  I do not know.  I think it is plausible — and under CIA/FPE/IC protection — but I cannot say it is factual.

In human affairs, meta-messages oft indicate pertinences more than do messages.

An example, and a response to it:

PDJT and cleaning crew are near the source of pollution.  Its generators are self-identifying.

Tucker itemizes CIA failures over the years.  Many others could be adduced.  Also some outrages.  But were these failures or outrages?  I doubt that they were.  Nefarious, yes, failures and outrages, unlikely.

Agency and FEP/IC personnel generally do not exhibit signs of considering their activities failures or outrages much less of acting to correct or stop them.

Pattern analysis — so many failures, over such long decades, of the same general kind: we did not see it coming, and to the same general effect: harmful to US sovereignty — suggests Agency and FPE/IC personnel generally consider successes what American patriots would consider failures and necessities what American patriots would consider outrages.

There would be a reason for this differential, namely, that Agency/FPE/IC self-assessments and popular assessments arise from opposing expectation regarding Agency/FPE/IC mission and therefore attribute opposing evaluations to the results of Agency/FPE/IC activities and intentions.

Institutionally, Agency and FPE/IC personnel generally labor contrarily to Americans’ expectations for them, namely, that they are faithful stewards of USA personal and national freedom and sovereignty.

Something Agency and FPE/IC personnel generally believe in does not match, and in fact opposes, what Americans assume they believe in, namely, America, Americans, and Americans’ personal freedom and national sovereignty.

Self-important, seditious persons and treasonous institutions at the comms nexus of a nation state having desire for their own sovereign freedom . . . said nation state is going to want to clean out her pipes, her transit networks, un-foul her loyalty infrastructures.

And a dirty main switching station is going to want to put a shiv, as they admit now, in the cleaning agents.

Upon receiving requests and orders from Washington, GA MacArthur’s staff tasked with conducting Korean War operations remarked to him and to one another, Whose side is Washington on, anyway?

Whose indeed?  Among the CIA’s failures, two biggies related to what became war in Korea.  They failed to predict Communist Korean intent and attack south across the 38th Parallel.  They failed to predict Communist Chinese intent and attack south across the Yalu River.

Later, McArthur’s air staff received permission from the JCS in Washington to drop the bridges spanning the Yalu River between China and Korea so long as neither ingress to nor egress from the attack crossed Communist Chinese geography.  This could not be done.  The JCS and Washington knew that it could not be done.  The bridges stood for the PLA to use for comms right up to the Armistice, which stopped the fighting, humiliated US sovereignty and war fighters, and handed The Red Army the prestige of crafting a strategic geo-political victory.

Was all this a failure?  Was the assassination of POTUS Kennedy a failure of intelligence to protect POTUS?  The Marine Corps Barracks bombing in Beirut, the bombing of Khobar Towers, both attacks on The WTC and the second one’s follow-up, an anthrax attack, the Boston Marathon bombing, verbal bombings and information operations against Donald Trump since 2011 at least?

These are failures of intelligence?  Failures to protect America and Americans?

I think not.  Not with that track record.  That consistent a pattern has to be intentional.

Like the strange thumping noise from the fictional submarine that suddenly up and disappeared from Seaman Jones’ sonar monitors: . . . that’s got to be man-made, Captain.

No one is that incompetent.  Not even generations of Yalies.  (I know, a cheap dig, but I will leave it standing with a footnote to the effect that it aims at certain fraternities, one in particular.)  No one fails so spectacularly for such important stakes over such a span of decades.

If those are failures, there must be successes along the way, mixed in with them, if we are expecting CIA/FPE/IC results to show as stewardship of USA sovereign freedom.  However, what we see of CIA results in particular, especially in the big, important matters, is that they uniformly prejudice Americans’ personal and national sovereign freedoms.  And that uniformity can only be a consequence of intentionality.

Who lost China?, the question went.  Answer: American CIA/FPE/IC personnel working for themselves and a singularly un-American ideal — or, as they put it: set of values, who we are — rather than for Americans and America.

The State Department and The Agency are the same problem.  They are connected.

Who can claim surprise that Americans, as Codevilla predicted (and here), found a way to elect someone whose loyalty is to Americans and to their sovereign national freedom?

As is known, The Agency (CIA) came into existence after the war-time OSS left it.  Both actions were taken by POTUS Truman.  The Agency’s roots are Yankee, Yalie, and Cavalry, which is to say, certain filaments of high society, American and British.  Rich, diplomaed, privileged gang bangers.  Or as they declare themselves, elites.

Here are three facets of the aetiology of the OSS and its follow-on, The Agency (CIA):

William J. Donovan
American Committee On United Europe
Allen Dulles

Bill Donovan had a knack for reading geo-political movements, usually accurately, sometimes ideologically, a knack for farsighted and unexpected but useful activity, and a knack for dealing with and learning from non-Americans, to include nascent and actual enemies.  He also had a sense of loyalty to his mother country, The USA, a loyalty which governed his activities generally.  He retired back to the bar when Truman closed the OSS.

His successors at Truman’s new CIA, although they consider Bill their founder, quickly got into inciting geo-political movements, pushing transgressive activities, and treating familiarly with enemies.  These things they did largely for their own sake, because they could, for the fun of it — as high-society style high jinks — but also to promote a globalist ideal which had taken hold of American intelligentsiya and high society early in the 20th Century.

Park Avenue left churches to make NGOs and GOs.
The Secular City indeed.

Confusing, meddling, and coddling describe what the CIA promptly got to doing.  Loyalty to their mother country CIA leadership replaced with loyalty to themselves and operations for Americans’ benefit they redirected for service to high society’s global governance ideal, themselves controlling the titular head thereof by controlling his or her information protocols, measurements, and contents.

The Agency deserves to be disbanded, together with their clouds of colluding NGOs and GOs.  The singularly un-American ideal — globalism — The Agency and State Department brandish against and thrust into Americans and America deserves a cosmic laugh and a concrete shattering.

Euro-American High Society’s late assessment that Communist China is a threat to themselves — reversing their policy of a century’s standing — springs more from their resolve to favor Moslems rather than from any jaundice they nurse regarding ChiComs — and not at all does it spring from their affirming Americans’ inalienable freedom and American national sovereignty, both of which, to Euro-American High Society, are anathema.

This observation yields a factoid of strong import: Euro-American High Society Socialists (CIA/FPE/Euro-American IC), one of three currently rampant aggressors attacking US sovereignty — the other two being ChiComs and Salafi-Shiite Jihadis — have deduced that they cannot manipulate both of their counterparts, at least not at this time, and therefore have made a loyalty decision between ChiComs and Jihadis.

They have thrown in with Jihadis at the expense of ChiComs, on the false pretext of defending human rights, of course.  (Actually, it is fear of having their throats slit by Moslems and their nefarious deeds punished by Christians.)  This is a geo-strategic movement bearing strong consequences.

(American corporations’ currently high-profile submissions to ChiCom demands do not falsify the foregoing analysis: corporations are tertiary authorities; they obey politicians/bureaucrats [secondary authorities] and clerics/teachers [primary authorities].  Euro-American High Society clerics/teachers and politicians/bureaucrats — all Humanists/Socialists — have found for Jihadis today and are letting ChiComs fend for themselves.)

There could be two reasons for this decision: (1) Euro-American Socialists are controlled by Jihadis, and (2) Euro-American High Society (Socialist) have concluded that Jihadi impetuosity will sooner and better deliver their desires to concretion than will or can ChiCom intrepidity.  While I would not dismiss an impingement of reason one, I think reason two controls this situation.

Basically, CIA/FPE/Euro-American IC Socialists (Euro-American High Society) fear Moslems more than they do ChiComs, which makes sense because Humanists/Socialists are Communists.  And they imagine they can control Jihadis, ultimately, despite being afraid of them penultimately.  So little respect have they for Moslems and for themselves.

FWIW, my best inference at this time: CIA-State desired to arm and train Salafi (Moslem Brotherhood-related) trans-nationals, to include those forming as ISIL, in order to prevent Assad from partnering with Russia and, instead, make him remain with the Salafi-Shiite Jihad state-sponsored primarily by Iran and Qatar.  Drugs and communications (aka money), road and pipe, were next in importance after ideology for inspiring this desire.  CIA-State enemy was Christian Russia and USA and Hindu-Christian India, not the effectively-agnostic Assad regime.  So CIA-State stirred up the Homs rebellion (Sunnis, potentially Salafist) to keep Assad busy and then looked for ways to arm them off-the-books while training them as well.

They thought they could simmer the Salafis without their boiling over to depose Assad.  But they could not do that, so they induced introduction of US Armed Forces to contain Moslem Brotherhood-related Salafis but not annihilate them.  This is the definition of endless wars.  John McCain was a key enabler of this particular one, in both concept and operation.

Kaddafi was the chosen lamb, possessing copious arms which could be supplied to Salafis across the Mediterranean, and done beyond notice.  With Kaddafi murdered, CIA-State immediately began shipping his armory to Power’s, Rice’s, Monaco’s, Clinton’s oppressed peoples (aka Syrian and trans-national Sunni Salafis) whose — paraphrasing Shakespeare hearts and minds already they had stirred to mutiny and rage.  Transferring his armory from Libya to Salafi Jihadists in Syria (and beyond?) was the reason for murdering Kaddafi.

What happened to Libyans, their country, and their neighbors afterwards . . . well, what difference, at this point, does it make?  Who cares about them anyway?  So what?  They were just unlucky small potatoes, not our concern.  CIA-State personnel left to be murdered in Libya a year later?  Same, we must think of the greater good.  So goes CIA-State’s gangrene logic.  Theirs is the logic of frat rats and sorority society, who acquire diplomas but not enlightenment and incline toward tricks rather than truth and stealth rather than strength.

Whatever CIA-State did anywhere in the world was in furtherance of what the US FPE and IC deemed profitable to their — not Americans’ or America’s — welter of — paraphrasing Shakespeare, again — plots, inductions dangerous, drunken prophecies, libels, and dreams, starting with drugs and moving on to money and sex.

Update 1: Jim Hoft: Obama’s State and Justice Departments Assisted Billionaire and Democrat Donor George Soros in Attempt to Control Ukraine’s Oil and Gas Industry

Update 2: Patrick Howley: John Kerry’s State Department Wanted A Contractor To ‘Build A Network of Civic Activists Throughout Ukraine’

Update 3: The Rev. David R. Graham: Piercing Eloquence: Three Brothers Doctrine, Three Eyes

Update 4: Russia offers to form security organization to protect Persian Gulf

Update 5: Sundance: Break-Out Segment – President Trump Press Conference Remarks During U.S-Japan Trade Signing

Update 6: Glenn Reynolds: Two Takes On The Syria Decision That Disagree With Conventional Wisdom

Update 7: Sundance: Smart Move – Flynn Lawyer Tells Judge Motive Behind Why Flynn Took Guilty Plea

Update 8: Judi McLoed: Entrenched in Deep State Obama Now Leading Army of Children Against The World

Update 9: Bill Gertz: California Probes Chinese Communist Police Impersonators

Update 10: Chinese influence on display at UN as US decries human rights abuses

Update 11: Matthew J. Peterson: To Hell With The Elites

Update 12: A. Dru Kristenev: Did Hillary strike a nerve? [in re Tulsi Gabbard]

Update 13: Sundance: CIA Circles Wagons – Dispatches Media Narrative Engineers to Defend Interests

Update 14: Sundance: Durham Looking At Brennan – A Reminder of “The Crown Material” Conflict

Update 15: Angelo Codevilla: Who The Hell Do They Think They Are? . . .  referencing Bill McRaven’s call to mutiny

Related: Chuck de Caro: The Trump Mutiny, Starring Bill McRaven

Update 16: Rand Paul: There Are GOP Senators ‘Whose Allegiance Is More to the Deep State’ Than Trump

Lindsey [Graham] has always fought for allowing these to be done secretly.  These FISA warrants, even allowing Americans to end up — Americans be caught up in these.

And so this is something that there may be a concern that if we look at the Intelligence state — the deep state — that as we find out things that some of their power may diminish, and so there might be a philosophical difference that he wants them to maintain their power.  He wants to maintain the Intelligence Community’s enormous grip on things.

Update 17: Jim Hanson: Alex Vindman Is Living, Breathing Proof That The Deep State Exists, And It Is Corrupt

Update 18: The Brennan Dossier: All About a Prime Mover of Russiagate

Update 19: Sundance: A Seditious Conspiracy – Lt. Col. Vindman, CIA “Whistleblower” Source #1, Shaped False Summary of April Trump-Zelensky Phone Call

Update 20: Rob Urie: Impeachment, Brought to You by the CIA

Update 21: Thomas Lifson: Ukraine and the fine hand of George Soros

Update 22: VDH: The Military-Intelligence Complex

Update 23: Julie Kelly: Obama Successfully Hunted Trump Campaign Aides Instead of Terrorists

Update 24: The Washington Post’s ridiculous headline for the death of al-Baghdadi inspires other #WaPoDeathNotices

Update 25:

It’s been going downhill much longer than the last three or four years.  I am old enough to remember Kennedy’s murder and the clamor of the ’63 and ’64 television networks and the four or five national newspapers at the time to get on the “right” side of the story.  Especially given what we’ve seen over the past three years I am more convinced than ever that Kennedy was taken out by the CIA with the FBI engineering the cover-up.

JFK had told aides he was going to smash the CIA into a thousand pieces after his ’64 re-election.  The only thing that got smashed was his head.  It ended up on Elm Street and LBJ who the Kennedy brothers were about to expel from the ticket wound up in the White House only too happy to lead the cover-up.  The CIA has been in the saddle for sixty years.  Time they were smashed into a thousand pieces.

David R. Graham to VoteOutIncumbents
CIA was created/structured/tasked to promote the Globalist/Transgressive agenda their authors called liberal hegemony or liberal democracy.  OSS, claimed by CIA as their ancestor, had a completely different, and military, remit and was shut down before CIA was opened up.  Some OSS operators came to CIA, but their task was to transgress national sovereignties, not collect intelligence military, financial, and diplomatic and spread mayhem behind active enemy military formations.  Donovan was a patriot, not an anti-national sovereignty Globalist.  The mayhem-spreading task was handed to CIA but for de-sovereign-izing states various Globalist/Transgressive families wanted to dominate for this reason and that — to include, importantly, the USA — not for defeating the armed forces of an aggressive national regime at open war with USA.

CIA was founded as the sequestered operating arm of anti-sovereign-states Globalist/Transgressive families in academe, media and other businesses, government/law, and NGOs such as Brookings/Qatar, Ford, Rockefeller, MacArthur.

Alan Macleod: Geopolitics, Profit, and Poppies: How the CIA Turned Afghanistan into a Failed Narco-State

CIA is a bad boy from conception, not a good boy gone bad.  POTUS Kennedy saw that distinction and grasped its import, coming to the logical and necessary conclusion: abort the CIA.  That remains the proper posture regarding the agency and will be as long as it exists because its provenance is witting anti-American animus.

Update 26: Intel Shows Soleimani Was A Protected CIA Asset

Update 27: Angelo M. Codevilla: Abolish The CIA

Related: Very weak tea from Austin Bay

Update 28: DNC Scrambles To Change Debate Threshold After Gabbard Qualifies

Update 29: You Didn’t Really Think the DNC Would Allow Tulsi Gabbard Into a Debate, Did You?

Update 30: Cynthia Chung: Secret Wars, Forgotten Betrayals, Global Tyranny. Who Is Really in Charge of the U.S. Military?

Update 31: Lloyd Billingsley: How the CIA Failed America on 9/11 – But now successfully meddles in domestic politics

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