Tactical And Strategic Surprise


The Dance Of Siva


Reveal to an opponent the point of attack only at the last instant before it occurs.  In jousting, for example, carry the lance tip high and lower it to target just before the moment of impact.

Seize your own naval supply points on an opponent’s territory but away from his main force.  Concentrate force where an opponent isn’t but still on his turf.  Ditto air supply points.

Navy and Air Force are forward logistics and fires support for Army combat operations against an opponent.  If Army combat operations against an opponent are not contemplated, Navy and Air Force have no combat role vis-a-vis that opponent.  Cyber and Space are another matter altogether.  However, still, their essential role begins with anticipatory fires and intel support for an ambiguous and inchoate resolve upon Army combat operations against an opponent, operations that, if resolved upon, would be forwardly supported by Navy and Air Force logistics and fires.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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