Pacific Pathways Bullet Points

The Dance Of Siva


Pacific Pathways is a strategic path-finding and proof-of-concept operation exploring ahead for multi-partner, multi-domain comms freedom across the Indo-Pacific engagement space.

At its heart, Pacific Pathways contemplates a transition of US statecraft asset deployment — diplomacy, finance, war-fighting — from a strategic posture of defensive crouch to a strategic posture of confident participation and from a tactical temperament for monitoring to a tactical temperament for building.

Pacific Pathways treats the US-partner relationship as mutual rather than provisional.  Partners in the engagement space carry their own weight, committing the fulness their assets to tasks at hand.  US statecraft assets are deployed to help build partners’ assets rather than to substitute for them.

In this way, Pacific Pathways explores ahead of and precipitates the build-out of multi-partner, multi-domain comms freedom across the Indo-Pacific engagement space.

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The background strategic goal of Pacific Pathways is the general US strategic goal of building freedom of communications across the Indo-Pacific engagement space.

Three hegemonic forces obstruct and/or threaten comms freedom in the Indo-Pacific engagement space: Chinese Communists, Euro-American Socialists, and Salafi-Shiite Jihadis.

Rationale for deploying the military component of US statecraft assets to build comms freedom in the Indo-Pacific engagement space drives from classical doctrine regarding the purpose and needs of the land-based force.  Multi-domain military operations integrate the total force to execute for reasons and in directions set forth immemorially in the classical experience and literature regarding statecraft and warfare generally.  Tools and habits change but times and humans do not.

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The Pacific and Indian Oceans rest on land.  Mobility devices crossing over that land require land bases for rest, repair, and replenishment.  Cables bearing communications rest on that land.  Strategically and tactically, the Indo-Pacific engagement area is a land-based problem set.

After nourishment, creatures seek mobility. Mobility’s purpose is to cross land.  We have to move about in order to live.  Thus, our comms freedom is a core treasure.  When someone moves to obstruct or threaten our comms freedom, they endanger our life.

A sovereign nation deploys her statecraft assets — diplomacy, finance, war-fighting — to build free comms for herself and her partners and, with them, to remove obstructions inside and threats flanking their comms’ tracks.

Mobility as free comms between nations means: mutually unobstructed, unthreatened communications/commerce along established tracks on land, on/under sea, on electronic networks, on air, and on space.  Pacific Pathways explores opportunities for building mutual comms freedom with partner nations across the Indo-Pacific engagement area.

Update 1: Contemplating Positions On Chinese Flanks

Update 2: Daniel Greenfield: The Future Does Not Belong to China

Update 3: Catherine Smith: Trump Proposes 21% Cut in U.S. Foreign Aid in 2021 Budget Proposal

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