Epigrams IV

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.




Christianity has at its core an unmitigated horror. Christianity is a Saivite religion.


Diversity is in non-essentials. With respect to essentials, there is no diversity.


Incarnation Theology means that only Christians and Hindus can cope with God relieving nature and only Hindus can cope with Him and Her engaging in reproductive activity.


With respect to the sanctification of Nature, therefore, Hinduism more fully and accurately reflects the universal Ur-Religion than do Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Islam, Christianity, its companions among the Five Great Religions of Man.


Jesus is a figure of Oriental culture, of Eastern religion.


Les Chansones de Dieu.
The Ballads of God.


Gothic Cathedrals are Christian Synagogues.


The Curse of the Jews dates from Kaikeyi’s exile of Rama. Rama did not charge her with a heinous sin but the ordinary people did. They used her name for a derisive epithet: Kaik.

Kaikeyi was the Royal Princess of Kashmir, the Jewish homeland.

The Curse of the Jews is a bum rap.


The Liturgical Year is a medicament appropriate for people having the malady it treats.


Geometry speaks to our hearts because it is the general principle of things.



Be still and know that I am God.

Psalm 46


Power is efficient, timely and appropriate maneuver.


Speech is for the convenience of those who are hard of hearing.

Henry David Thoreau


Christianity is a bridge between Mounts Carmel and Sinai, between unitarian monotheistic Vaishnava in the north (Persia/Abraham) and trinitarian monotheistic Saivism in the south (Egypt/Moses).


If you want respect, you have to deserve it.


The power of delusion is pervasive, infinite and un-regulatable by man.


The great ones live in seclusion. Whom Baba wants He raises.


The Church is one who or that illuminates by conforming to the principle, ob sie Christum treiben: that which deals with, concentrates on or drives toward Christ, the intense presence of divinity (Para-ousia), the Prophetic Imperative, the Effusion of Love.

Who or what does not do this is not Christ, not Christian and not the Church.


The Feast of Pentecost is the location of Christian Environmental Theology. It is the moment when the Church recognizes the wildness allowed the elements.


The original designation for “force multiplier” is “love.”


Jesus had a sizable retinue, variously stationed, a court in fact. He was a ruler, not a priest and certainly not a carpenter or fisherman.


The Solar Dynasty of India is the Underground Stream, the Stream of Sacred Sweetness, which nourishes the whole world.


The interface of eternity is a personality.


The spiritually excellent can be historically accurate. The work of the spiritually excellent is temporally persistent.


Theology is the theory.
Scripture is the notation.
The Church is the instrument.
Life is the music.
God is the player.


Adwaitha Hermitage is a refuge from the machinations of the world for those who are no longer trying to beat the world at its own game.

The mission of Adwaitha Hermitage is to reestablish the philosophy of Non-Dualism (adwaitha) in the orbit of the Latin Church and culture and to make it flourish.

This mission will succeed.


Wealth is not a human goal. It is not an animal goal. It is not a natural or a divine goal. Wealth is a dæmonic goal.

Immediate Unconditional Awareness


Humans know as much about God as animals know about humans.

Animals are created for man’s pleasure and man for God’s.


Life begins at conception.
Death begins at birth.
The cause of death is birth.
The cause of birth is desire.
This is the Tetrarchy.




Take no thought for tomorrow,
for your heavenly Father knows
that you have need of all these things.

Jesus the Christ


Quit this world, quit the next world and quit quitting.

Jean Guyon


Love God and do what you want.

Augustine of Hippo


Abandon everything and live your life.


An Incarnation of the Supreme Absolute is a paradox (unexpected, unforeseeable) with respect to both syntax and semantics.


May the Camel of Tibet help you find the Star of Heaven.


Tara Puttaparthi Sathya : The Star of Heaven has taken birth at Puttaparthi as Sathya.


Creedal Christianity is feeble Christianity.


When Jesus said He was going where some could not follow Him, He meant to Kailas, the Himalyan abode of His Father, Lord Siva.


He either fears his fate too much,
or his deserts are small,
That dares not to put it to the touch,
to gain or lose it all.

James Graham,
5th Earl of Montrose
The Great Marquis


Awareness is desirable.
Understanding is impossible.
Being is divine.


Das Wort ist Der Name.
The Word is The Name.

Fundamentum in re.
A foundation in reality.


The Church is a corpus mixtum.


The Church is The Name.
The Synagogue is The Name.
The Temple is The Name.


The Christian Canon is the name, Jesus the Christ or Christ Jesus. The Christian Tradition is the name, Jesus the Christ or Christ Jesus. The Christian Religion is the name, Jesus the Christ or Christ Jesus. The Christian Authority is the name, Jesus the Christ or Christ Jesus.


When it becomes illegal for a child to pull the wings off a butterfly, I will become interested in the peace movement.

Glenn Gould


Come autumn, se pensive
in yellow and gray,
and soothe me with tidings
of nature’s decay.

Robert Burns


Esse qua esse bonum est.
Being as being is good.

Augustine of Hippo


The purest and most beneficial worship, and the most efficacious Sacrament, is Selfless Service.


The Protestant Principle is that there is always possible fresh experience which is canonically correct, jurisprudentially congruent, logistically comprehensive and comprehensible, and ecclesiastically constructive.


A thing and its nature is one and the same.

Sathya Sai Baba


All time-fields are concurrent.


Medicines are gross aspects of philosophies.


Ethics is the strength which holds the consciousness bound to truth.

Truth has no second.


The redemption of the United States is in the strength which holds the nation bound to India.


Vocatus Atque Non Vocatus, Deus Aderit.
Called or uncalled, God is present.

The Oracle at Delphi


When you find fault with another religion, you cause disrepute to settle upon your own.


The Church cannot contain The Christ.


There are no “forces of nature.” Every phenomenon is caused by Divine Will.


The stone which the builders rejected, and which has become the cornerstone, is Prussia.


Contént is the real cóntent.


Hold up the penultimate, briefly.


The welfare of the whole world depends absolutely on the life and labor of sages in their hermitages.


Heaven is the absence of attachment to the world. Hell is the consequence of attachment to the world.


Realization is a passive activity.


The world is not an illusion, but taking it as the world is.


Truth is Relaxation.


Anima naturaliter christiana.
The soul is by nature Christian.



Life is Heliotropic.
Universe is Christotropic.


The Latin Church is
Hieronymean Exegesis,
Ambrosian Liturgy,
Benedictine Organization,
Carthusian Piety and
Franciscan Logic.


Theologians earn their bread by superior realism.


Poverty: Clean Blood
Chastity: Clean Heart
Obedience: Clean House


Education is for training the heart to be clean and the hand to be useful.


An educated person is one who has cultured taste, who imbibes the eternal and leaves the ephemeral.


Government responsible for education: drive commerce out of public schools.

Parents responsible for their children: reestablish the curfew.

Citizens responsible for their country: reestablish the draft.


Anyone who finds me objectionable has a lot to be ashamed of.


We have authority but not infallibility, and when we will not be swayed by wisdom we will be leveraged by it.


Man is to God
The Inseparable Other,
The Bride of Yahweh.


The denomination is to the Church as a crew is to a vessel: necessary but replaceable.

The fundamental loyalty of each crew member must be not to the crew, the denomination, nor to the vessel, the Church, but to the vessel’s Owner, the Lord.

Crews are replaced and perish. The vessel is designed to a specific life-span. But the Lord the Logos abides forever.


A religion is an array of practices which rebind the soul to God. Whatever is not a religion is a heresy.


All Nominalist systems use a sense-based epistemology: you know it because you hear, feel, see, etc., it.

All Realist systems use a participation-based epistemology: you know it because you are it.



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