A Movement To Sovereignty, A Movement To Mutiny

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Embodiments of love!  Discipline is very vital, it is as important as the spinal column for a human-being.  Discipline means the observance of certain well-defined rules and regulations.  Without such regulation, it is not possible to maintain humanness; mankind will be ruined.  Discipline cannot be acquired from books.  Nor can it be learnt from teachers.  It must become a natural component of your daily living in the discharge of your duties.  Discipline is essential from the moment of waking to the time of going to sleep.  It is essential for every group, for every society and for every institution.  It is a basic insignia of social life.  You must observe discipline in speech, in sports and in every kind of relationship.  Whoever you may be, you cannot afford to be free with your tongue.  While speaking and writing, you must be thoughtful of the future implications of your words and observe restraint.  Your discipline will protect you in everything you do.

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba — Divine Discourse 19 June 1996.

A movement to sovereignty and a movement to mutiny are clashing before our eyes, and we belong to one or the other, not neither.  The sovereignty movement is ripping the Republican Party away from the Islamocrat-RINO (D-R) UniParty, who are mutineers, aka Globalists.

As in 2016, this 2020 general election is about foreign policy (includes borders).  The principled, dense USA foreign policy establishment — clergy and professors, politicians and bureaucrats, think tankers and IC officials, defense contractors and military personnel — rightly is accounted mutinous because its members’ interest is themselves rather than their countrymen and country.

What if Kim flips NORK to USA/ROK?  MENA is legacy interest of USA, easily wrapped up through entente with Russia.  The Asian littoral is central USA interest, whether Kim flips NORK or not.

As mutineers against USA sovereignty, USA foreign policy establishment is unprepared for, unserious regarding actual USA strategic interests, which are to the west, not to the east.  POTUS Trump knows that, at least intuitively, and labors to make it patent.

To discuss theological criteria for the constitution of a secular republic runs against the grain of modern political thought, even though constitutional restrictions on popular sovereignty imply reliance on an authority that is greater than human.  In a republic the people are sovereign, yet the purpose of a constitution is precisely to restrict the power of any future majority . . .  The only basis for a polity to accept severe restrictions on popular majority rule is the conviction that the founding constitution derives its power from a higher form of sovereignty than the voters in any given legislative session.  Without such a theological foundation, a republic cannot feel bound by the rules laid down by its founders.  A purely secular republic would self-destruct because it could not protect its constitution from constant amendment.

Jewish theologian Michael Wyschogrod, 2010.

Globalism is mutiny against the unity of nature and nature’s God.  Globalist mutineers really hate Jews because they recite The Shema, which declares the world united in God, and they really hate Christians because they recite The Nicene Creed, which declares God united in the world.  Globalist mutineers abhor unity and preach dualism: themselves, the Oligarchs, and the ones they call ordinary working men and women.

The message and the reality of unity — religious unity, cultural unity, political unity, personal unity, spiritual unity — feels lethal to Globalists.  It quite makes them sick at mind, at stomach, and at heart.  Their only thought and wish is to mutiny against, rebel and resist unity.  And they must do that or lose their place in affairs of men.  They are slaves to their own feelings, marching to self-destruction.

Sovereignty is movement towards unity.  Mutiny is movement towards chaos.  These movements clash before our very eyes today.  Take the drama as monitory and never doubt that nature and nature’s God are themselves united as power and meaning.  The drama has but one ending, and meanwhile, its particulars are potentially edifying by offering opportunities to test the result of holding the mind bound to truth and taste the sweetness thereof, the truth and the result of loyalty to it.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Steve Bannon: Crisis under Pope Francis will worsen, laity needs to act [stop donating money to the prelacy]

The lesson I draw from this fine interview is that religion is upstream from politics.  We know that culture is upstream from politics.  Is culture upstream from religion or vice versa?  I say vice versa.  Tillich had a saying: Culture is the form of religion and religion is the substance of culture.  So, I would say that one who wishes to improve politics should first improve religion, and from that, culture.  With luck, this institute at a Cistercian establishment achieves that auspicious result.  Its proposed location could not be more auspicious.  If the institute does its job, impulse will soon appear for monastic modes of living, both individually celibate and what I call family monasticism, meaning, a man and woman in union celibate to itself, and with that, children.

Update 2: What Is REALLY Going On With America’s Food Supply?

Update 3: Spengler (David Goldman): Unless there is something for which we are willing to die, we will find nothing for which we are willing to live.

Update 4: Swarthmore College Offers Course on ‘Queering God’   🤣

Update 5: . . . has pushed Trump further to the right.

That applies a political taxonomy to POTUS Trump that I, at least, find jejune.  Going in he was no dilettante libertarian and going now he is not that either.  His epistemology is that of a statesman, rather than that of a politician.  Pundits modernly think in terms of politics when, were they useful, they would think in terms of statesmanship.  Libertarians arguably are the chief dunces because they take process for perfection.

Update 6: Spengler: Yes Iranians Are Crazy (So Was Hitler)

David R. Graham Commenting
With respect, the mullahs are neither irrational nor nuts.  Well, they are by our rubrics of rationality and nuttiness but not by theirs.  Shiite theology declares that bringing down the fire of evil ones on one’s head is virtuous, rational, sane because it expedites the parousia.  The mullahs predictably calculate how long they can prolong their privileges in situ, this side of the eschaton.  But in the end, their theology-based (theirs) estimate of the road to salvation will guide their actions, to the destruction of themselves, much Iran, and many Persians.

Where Shiites are concerned, the adage to expect your enemy to do what he should do to defeat you does not apply.  They are unique theologically and that is consequential.

Would that the USA foreign policy establishment — clergy and professors, politicians and bureaucrats, think tankers and IC officials, defense contractors and military personnel — grasped Shiite uniqueness.  I see no evidence, so far, that they do and expect them to continue not doing, counseling war at every opportunity and sans strategic purpose.

Dr_Grabowski to David R. Graham
What do you think of Reuel Marc Gerecht on Shiism and Iran?

David R. Graham to Dr_Grabowski
Out of his depth.  Nuts.  USA foreign policy establishment, unending failures, chaos, mayhem, dis-ease, witting and unwitting.  And still presuming to have sound ideas.  I am sure he is liked and admired on the cocktail circuits.  The list of his publication outlets is enough to read the man and his manias.

Sunnis are right that Shiism is an heresy of Islam.  But so is Asharite Islam (Sunni), and almost all Moslems today are Asharites, as are their Salafi vanguards.  Mutazilite Islam is all but extinct, but it is the the closest we have seen to what could be called orthodox — meaning civil, agreeable — Islam.

Dr_Grabowski to David R. Graham

So whom do you like?

Who, in your view, gets it right, has Iran and/or Shia aspirations figured correctly?

David R. Graham to Dr_Grabowski
Ali Khamenei, Qassem Soleimani, any number of Baha’is, and more generally, anyone who looks at the ayatollahs with cold implacability.

Whom I do not like are fear-mongers, who are legion and not circumspect regarding their visions of doom.  But whom I like or dislike is, IMO, immaterial to anything whatsoever.  I have my likes and dislikes, but they are fleeting and I am not God.

What matters to me is phenomenology.  The persons and types of persons I have named above I trust with respect to answering your question, which itself is imprecise.  You mean who understands the ayatollahs’ intent but you write who understands Iran’s intent.  I have answered the former, not the latter question, because IMO there is a material difference between the ayatollahs’ intent and Iran’s (Iranians’/Persians’) intent.

Update 7: Jed Babbin: The CIA Is Running Scared

Update 8: Codevilla’s ruling class/country class dialectic was usefully accurate a decade ago but not now.  Now the dialectic is between patriots and oligarchs, sovereignty and mutiny.  Codevilla’s country class won their war, as Codevilla predicted they would (actually, they cannot fail to win, even in a place like China or Africa).  Now they are struggling to hold onto their victory in the face of mutiny against them, against their personal and national sovereignty, by those who lost the previous war, namely, Codevilla’s oligarchic ruling class.  We observe now not class warfare per se but mutiny against patriots and their persons and nation states.  And there are not a few patriots among the sheafs of the former ruling class, making them a valuable fifth column inside the ranks of the mutineers, who can be identified also as the legacy USA foreign policy establishment.

Hulegu commented:
I cancelled an almost 40 year subscription to NR over the NeverTrump issue.  But in one sense their demise is a tribute to W F Buckley.  He won, and now his commentary instrument is free to wander off into irrelevance.

David R. Graham to Hulegu
Good point. Victory is a watershed point where past struggles end and new ones begin.  NR is trying to refight past struggles, i.e., trying to stay up-stream of the watershed point, the point of change in vector and substance which has occurred, irrevocably.  Libertarians also are attempting the same maneuver when their structures and contents are all upstream from current reality, which in functional matters could not care less about them.

Unsurprisingly, neither NR nor Libertarians make anything new today.  That is because their structures and contents are incapable of following the stream of struggles.  In effect, they essay to keep stepping into the same stream.  In their works, Hayward and Reynolds illustrate this phenomenon.  Carlson observes it.

richard40 to David R. Graham
Many of the Trumpists who want to throw the libertarian conservatives and NR out of the repub party are also fighting the last war, not this one, which is against the leftie dems.

David R. Graham to richard40
I take your point, but I think there is a more comprehensive way to observe the developments.  To wit: Trumpists are stripping the Republican Party away from its recent RINO/Libertarian/Islamocrat/NeverTrump iteration.

I had thought a new party would be formed, as a second party, because there was only one and that is destructive all around.  The TEA Party movement beckoned then did not do the job, did not become a political party.  The loss of Breitbart was seminal in that outcome.

But I was wrong.  The movement came from within the Republican Party and has successfully retrieved it from its co-opters, ripping their hands from off of it, and restoring it to its original Whig-descent nature.  Candace Owens embodies this development, which is auspicious.

Update 9: Vaclav Klaus: National Sovereignty and the Unsolvable Problem of the EU

Update 10: Sundance: Pelosi Rejects U.S. Sovereignty – U.S. Immigration Subject to Laws of “A Global Society”

Update 11: VDH: A Western Globalized Phenomenon That Citizenship Doesn’t Mean Much Anymore

Update 12: Jesuit Chief: No Country Has The Right To Turn Away Migrants

Update 13: Contemplating Positions On Chinese Flanks

Update 14: Jacob Nordangard: The Elite Technocrats Behind The Global ‘Great Reset’


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