Epigrams II

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.




The origin and the termination of the species (a.k.a. genetic variation) is in the genomes, not in the history; in the structure, not in the activity; in the nature, not in the environment.


Environment can affect phenotype but never genotype, which is constant.


Everything that has lived or will live is alive now in the Himalyas.


The process of evolution — which Darwin chargeably misunderstood — is accompanied concurrently and to equal effect by the processes of involution and devolution. There is nothing new under the sun.


Truth can withstand any amount of inspection.


If you have a problem, change your software.


The Great Ones need no explanation, nor have they one.


Today, Zedekah for Theologians is the convent, actual or virtual.


Jesus was educated by monastics, not by academics.


What you talk about, do that. What you can not do, do not talk about.

Sathya Sai Baba


The presence of advertising indicates that businessmen must engineer loyalty because they cannot earn it.


The subject of a statement is the prius of a statement about itself, logically and experimentally.


A perfect life is one which leaves no wake.


The circle represents space and the pentagram represents time. Time exists without space but space does not exist without time. The circle is implied by the pentagram but the pentagram is not implied by the circle. The pentagram, therefore, is original while the circle is derived. Time exists and space subsists.


Time and space are not a continuum. They are disequal partners, inseparable powers, whose concert is the motion we call universe and world.


Circumscribing a pentagram with another figure is ignorant. Projecting an arm of a pentagram through and beyond a figure that has been made to circumscribe the pentagram is evil.


All Life is One. Be alike to everyone.

… words heard by Jesus while He was on the cross


Mathematics is the semantics, not the syntax, of phenomena.


Pantheism is taking the Universe as God. Theology is taking God as the Universe.


Man is immediately aware of something unconditional which is the prius of the separation and interaction of subject and object, theoretically as well and practically.

Paul Tillich


Those we conquer conquer us.


There are four remedies for any problem: the Legal, the Medical, the Theological, and the Pyrrhic.


The Truth is the Whole.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrick Hegel


How about writing a poem on the beautiful way a flower stalk bends under the weight of a bee in its bloom.


God has no second.



As each of you performs your silent work, I will embrace you to My Heart.

Sathya Sai Baba


This makes every problem easy to identify, localize and resolve: when the mind is calm, the world is at peace.


What is non-material and non-mental is spiritual: Love, Compassion, Kindness, Happiness, Peace.


For that which has no second, nothing is relative, everything is incomparable.


Uncertainty is the mead of Sages.


Scientists ask, “What, Where, When?”

Philosophers ask, “Why, What?”

Sages ask, “Who?”


Start early.
Drive slowly.
Arrive safely.

Sathya Sai Baba


The Hand of God cannot be distinguished from the effects of Its acts.


The process of epistemology is inherently dangerous.


There is structure more fundamental than law.


What needs to be done has to get done.


Dharma supports those who support Dharma.


Let content be your content.


Sweet to the Tongue.
Sour to the Tummy.
Sour to the Tongue.
Sweet to the Tummy.


One could rightly say that the existence of religion as a special realm is the most conspicuous proof of man’s fallen state.

Paul Tillich


In the difficult art of war, the moral is to the material as three is to one.

Napoleon Bonaparte


The telos (inner aim) of one’s being is to go home.


Do not try to understand. Try to see.


Euro-American culture is Latinate. In the background it is Germanic and Helenic. In the deep background it is Teutonic, Celtic and Vedic.


Bus drivers are always going where they have been before and where they are going to be again.


What I do may not be absolutely right. But it is not in any way wrong.


Epistemology is reflectivity. To avoid delusion, do not look in the well or at the mirror.


By means of the specific we engage and participate in the Universal.


In abbreviation: religion is the substance of culture, culture is the form of religion.

Paul Tillich


The Great Ones are all-accepting. If you feel that One is not, you are not a Great One.


“Women’s liberation” answers a problem that does not exist.


Seven Mothers:

Natural Mother
Mother Cow
Mother Earth
Mother Country
Mother Language
Mother Scripture
Mother Religion


Male chauvinism and the abuse of men, women and children is an activity of sex-addicts (queers) not of men or of women.


What should be done controls what can be done and can be done.


The ground of Christian Theology is Vedic Trinitarian Monotheism.


Vidyamaya: Illusion that enables seeing.

Avidyamaya: Illusion that disables seeing.


They have agendas who do not have Faith.


Awareness is desirable.
Understanding is impossible.
Seeing is divine.


Ego is ever fresh and vigorous.


The purpose of education is to impart the means of earning peace.


The meaning of Genesis, the story of the Fall, is that man has awareness to misuse. He is not an animal.


There is Church outside Episcopacy. There is Christianity outside Church. There is Church outside Christianity.


Life is a Challenge, meet it.
Life is a Dream, realize it.
Life is a Game, play it.
Life is Love, enjoy it.

Sathya Sai Baba


Follow the Master.
Face the devil.
Fight to the end.
Finish the game.

Sathya Sai Baba


Start the day with love.
Fill the day with love.
Spend the day with love.
End the day with love.
This is the way to God.

Sathya Sai Baba


Where there is Faith, there is Love.
Where there is Love, there is Peace.
Where there is Peace, there is God.
Where there is God, there is Bliss.

Sathya Sai Baba


The circumstances of this career are consequences of actions deliberately done in the previous career, not of actions done in this career.


While we savour freedom, we should favour propriety.


… secular culture is essentially as impossible as atheism, because both presuppose the unconditional element and both express ultimate concerns.

Paul Tillich


The Environment Movement is too little, in the wrong place and for the wrong reasons.

There is no match between Christianity and the Environment Movement.

The Environment Movement is gruel for a prisoner already starved to a stick.

The Environment Movement represents industrial society, which is the enemy of peace.

The Environment Movement is the enemy of the environment.


The King is comfortable today.


The presupposition of doubt is the awareness of something unconditional.


No polity can sustain Divinity.


The Church is the teaching authority of culture.


The God of time is the God of history. This means, first of all, that He is the God who acts in history towards a final goal. History has a direction, something new is to be created in it and through it.

Paul Tillich


Synagogue and Church should be united in our age, in the struggle for the God of time against the gods of space. This is a period in which more than ever, since Christianity has overcome paganism, the gods of space show their power over souls and nations. If this would happen, if all those who struggle for the Lord of history, for his justice and truth, are united even under persecution and martyrdom, the eternal victory in the struggle between time and space will become visible once more as the victory of time and the one God who is the Lord of history.

Paul Tillich


Leadership is evidence that the universe is not mechanistic.


Kings College Chapel, Cambridge
Kings College Chapel, Cambridge

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