The Courage To Be

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Joshua Philipp: On Marxism in America, the Communist China
Threat, Unconventional Warfare and Hong Kong
Dated 03 August 2019, Superb Hour-Long Video Interview

Pentacost Sunday

With few exceptions, the modern public school, college, or university is where parents send daughters and sons to have their courage to be* ripped out of them.

Business relies on industry.  Without a product, you have nothing to trade.  Industry relies on engineering.  Without design, you cannot make a thing.  Engineering relies on warfare.  Without protection, you cannot make anything.  Warfare relies on the courage to be.  Without good character, nothing you have is safe because you will not protect it.

The courage to be summons the art of war.  The art of war summons the art of engineering.  The art of engineering summons the art of industry.  The art of industry summons the art of business.

Courage, protection, design, product, trade.  That is life’s operational taxonomy, its order of causation: a vector of power arising in the power to be of Being Itself and projecting its will to be safe clean through the necessary stages of labor, which are struggle, to the result of having products to trade.  This is how life works.  All of it, everywhere, or life does not happen and reverts to latency from corporeality.

The earlier of these operations command the later.  There is no vector of life, no causation, running from business to the courage to be.  The argument that granting and moving goods and services — i.e., doing business — will instill moral strength, good character, in a population is not serious.  Adam Smith, a Professor of Moral Philosophy, made no such argument.  No serious person would.  Anyone making that argument does not mean it.  They know from direct experience that the argument is a lie, not an argument, because the actual vector of life, its line of causation, so obviously proceeds in the opposite direction: from the courage to be to conducting business.

This fact explains why those who make the business-to-courage argument spend no more than hot air making the argument and instead — wisely for their goal — commit the bulk of their energy to convincing persons young and old to eschew and despise their intrinsic courage to be.  That is the intelligent way to weaken an individual or a country: blab about free stuff and business, and even deliver some.  But such is mere diversion.  Subverters’ main attack, through families and schools, is directed against persons’ courage to be, their Spirit.

The English are preeminent in the art of literature.  Germans are preeminent in the art of music.  The French are preeminent in the art of architecture.  Italians are preeminent in the art of design.  Russians are preeminent in the art of engineering.  Arabs are preeminent in the art of deception.  Chinese are preeminent in the art of greed.  Indians are preeminent in the art of religion.  Americans are preeminent in the art of war.

A desire in a nation’s leadership to live under the protection of Americans’ prowess in war, relying on Americans’ three preeminent war-fighting assets — diplomatics, finance, and fires — is natural and understandable.  Americans’ proficiency at warfare summons their proficiency at engineering, industry, and business.

Off-shoring American engineering and/or industry is lethal to American proficiency at the art of war.  Globalism is a notion nursed by families pining to abort Americans’ courage to be by (1) off-shoring their engineering and/or industry, thus eliminating their ability to prepare self-defense, and (2) ripping out their courage to be directly at home and in school.

Globalist families fancy business, aka themselves, controlling the world by subjugating their own antecedents in life.  These are our better families.

Without courage to be, a person or a nation is a ready to have their pockets picked, a cowering, whimpering slave.  Globalist families want to see that round about and under them.  That is the thirst inside their labors for global governance.

Never underestimate Russians’ proficiency
at engineering, even by their uncultured
who, after butchering their cultured,
repurposed their engineering skill
to social engineering, aka

The business of America is not business, pace President Coolidge.  The business of America is nurturing Americans’ courage to be.  Better it is to say that is the mission of America.

* The Courage To Be (German: Der Mut Zu Sein) is the title of a still well-loved and modern-speaking work published in 1952 as an expansion of his Terry Foundation lectures, given in 1950 at Yale University, by The Rev. Dr. Paulus Johannes Tillich.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Anthony Esolen: Oberlin’s Comeuppance (exceptionally well-written)


Reims Cathedral, North Transept Rose
Reims Cathedral, North Transept Rose

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