
Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



One of many ironies attending this pass is that these culprits and their supports, thinking themselves superior, actually belong to the Nibelungen tribe, not the Sapiens one.  Humans have lost control of D.C.  And some celebrated dwarf, submerged in the mists of the State Department, is preaching that China is the first enemy (she uses the au courant euphemism competitor) comprising a different civilization that the US has ever faced . . . as if, among other things, Islam — and Japan? — does not count, an enemy comprising a different civilization that the US has faced since inception and to which she once paid tribute?  Such unintelligent leadership, a sure sign of Nibelungen rampancy!  This was my main objection to attending university and graduate school: I had to abide instruction by dimwits and nitwits.

Raising 38. SS-Grenadier-Division Nibelungen was a sign of desperation inside the Third Reich and the SS.  I have used the term advisedly in this post.  Its historical evocations are intended.

I mean to say, regarding today, that the Leftist leadership have shot through their best troops, their Galbraiths, Schlesinger Jrs., Restons, Browders, Marcuses, Derridas, Spongs, Oppenheimers, Pikes, Clowards, Meads, Pivens, Adornos, Niebuhrs, Cones, etc.  For decades now they are, as I wrote on 09 May 2009, an ideology in senescence.

Like 38. SS-Grenadier-Division Nibelungen, Leftists’ formations comprise now remnants of spent forces — loud but jejune descendants of Niebuhr, Derrida, Galbraith, Marcuse, Reston, etc. — students, teachers, and administrators.  Their main reliance today, deployed first in the late 1960s and now their only force, is the hysterical queer and the mindless demagogue, male and especially female.

Leftists’ rampancy as Nibelungen — not Sapiens — glows vividly in their advancement of two female impersonators: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar.  These fakers yearn to feast on the carcass of America, but if they ever could, they would be at each others’ throats soon enough.  The world lacks room enough for two tyrants each bent on devouring the whole perishing thingy.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: The Communist Infiltration of America Was Prophesied!

Update 2: The Pernicious Notion of ‘Unenumerated Rights’


Dallas, South Dakota, 1936
Dallas, South Dakota, 1936
Fake Mexican
Fake Mexican

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