A Poor-Man’s Squalor

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Apart from whether the acts were obstructive,
this evidence of non-corrupt motives
weighs heavily against any allegation
that the President had a corrupt intent
to obstruct the investigation.

To me, that is the heart of the report.  Corrupt intent must be proven to make obstruction stick.  That is what Mueller cannot prove.  So he lists — politically, for media and D-R UniParty continuing use as harassing fire — ten items that can be seen to imply corrupt intent but do not prove it because of the factors Barr enumerates.  Mueller, Rosenstein, and Sessions knew from the start there was no collusion.  So the aim animating initiation of the SC was to entrap POTUS/Staff on obstruction.  Unable to do that, Mueller kicks the ball over to Barr, who says it’s flat, not kickable.  Slimy son of a dog, this German.

Sessions must have been complicit somehow therein.  That is the salient inference I draw from this poor-man’s squalor.

Clergy of a religion, in this case statism, seek the demise of an innocent who, in public, identifies their corruption.  Sounds familiar.  And in this of all weeks.

A thought arises from use of the word criminal in the ultimate sentence:

1- Democrats see enemies as legal rather than military problems.  They want enemy combatants tried in courts rather than shot in combat.

2- Democrats — and not a few Republicans — have set their hearts against the USA as a sovereign nation state.  Their thinking that of a nation state, their own country no less, makes their posture military.

3- Democrats continue pursuing their enemies through courts and legislatures, per their disposition for legal rather than military conflict.

4- Democrats — and their RINO fellow-travelers — are unserious.

5- That also is my assessment of The Mueller Report: unserious.  Those men are poor relations of the likes of Jeff Davis, Tom Jackson, and R. E. Lee, West Pointers all.  Those were serious men.  And IIRC, Lee was a Whig, not a Democrat.

Pax Trumpiana

Our story is worth telling [original here], because we have been hit by a perfect storm of trends currently tearing through the American academy: the confident ignorance of administrators, the infantilization of students, the policing of faculty, the replacement of thinking with ideological jargon, and the corporatization of education.

Prayer with and faith in God make churches beautiful.  If those are present, the inspiring art, to include architecture, follows.

There is this: that stupidity and excess and mendacity lack punch; only truth has force-in-depth, and that from intelligence, calm, and sincerity.  The Christian Liturgical Year, which is the Kerygma, recalls this fact this very week.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: I don’t see a principled basis on which this position can be reconciled with the nearly unanimous opposition of Democrats to Bill Clinton’s impeachment in the 1990s.

I see a very principled basis for treating Clinton and Trump differently: Trump won the POTUS election of 2016, he is crude, insensible, rough-hewn, filthy rich, an outsider, without decorum, has weird hair, lacks polish, he does not belong to Our Crowd, and we we hate him.

Principles?  You want principles?  There they are, principles, in black and white and even neon strobe.  What’s the matter with you?  Are you blind?  Deaf?  We stand on the very highest principles of all.

You need help, at least from an oculist.  Our principles are in clearest possible view: he is horrible!  What can be clearer, more trustworthy, more principled than that?!?!

[Shuts door, joins friends in back room, starts laughing.]

[All together:] Those people are dumb!

I have said this on a couple of other websites:
1. If Mueller could have recommended that Trump be charged with obstruction, he would have.  Because he couldn’t, he didn’t. Because he didn’t, he couldn’t. Case closed.
2. Trump’s lawyers outsmarted Team Mueller. The over-disclosure was brilliant. They stuffed the channels with information and waived all privileges. The only way Trump could get into trouble would be a process crime, and everyone made sure he didn’t commit one. Mueller couldn’t even make a plausible case to interview Trump.

David R. Graham to Amadeus27
It’s a little more than that, but so far so good.  The little more are the 10 behavioral items in Vol II included so that the political process (impeachment) could take over and go where the legal process (prove corrupt intent to obstruct) could not make a go, not for lack of trying.

Mueller’s report hands off the attack to political actors, having failed to entrap POTUS Trump in a process crime that could prove in court corrupt intent to obstruct the course of justice.

This will not be over until actual Rs control both houses of Congress and the White House.

The first sign of D-R UniParty failure in re annihilating Trump was Ryan, Gowdy, and their likes quitting Congress for board, lobbying, and media gigs.  That was the sign that Trump had won the fight to extirpate him.  Confirmed by #NeverTrump, principled, RINOs actually losing seats in CA and other states in 2018.

The death of John McCain opened the floodgates of truth, thank God!

But let justice run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.   Amos 5:24

Update 2: We try to create space for us, it don’t work.  We want some money to f***ing cook some fried f***king chicken and be n*****s for once, it don’t work.  I just don’t get it.

My comment: Yup, I saw, heard, and felt that frustration in 1967-68 when I was interning as Assistant Chaplain at my Alma Mater in CA.  Black kids then attending in affirmative action numbers told me repeatedly that their enemy in the sense of causing them fits of frustration, is white do-gooders, today’s liberals, progressives, leftists.  What the black kids wanted was straight-across talk with the persons they are, each unique but as a semi-group also sharing some assumptions, aspirations, and behaviors … and reasonably felt need for protection.

They appreciated the calm, steady, seeing eye-contact.  They invited me to their homes in Watts.

I told them they had to be who they are and not be afraid of anyone.  And they knew I meant for them to be men, not punks.  They liked that.  So did I.  I liked them.  The straight-across talk, eye to eye, meaning, as it felt to them and to me, man to man.  The liberal, do-gooder, elitist, progressive, principled, sanctimonious swindler was their enemy then and appears to remain so now.  He or she always has been mine.  So I sympathize with this person’s grief while not sympathizing with their foolishness for staying in a context which incites it.

Update 3: Paul Sperry: Justice Dept. Watchdog Has Evidence Comey Probed Trump, on the Sly


Jatayu, Hand-Embroidered By A Soldier
Jatayu, Hand-Embroidered By A Soldier

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