Sensitivity Training

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



University of Tennessee has resolve to put everyone connected to it through sensitivity training.

Boy, does this bring back memories!

Glenn Reynolds, host at Instapundit, teaches at UT School of Law in Knoxville.

Comments on the post, which is by Instapundit contributor Gail Heriot, are uniformly anguished.  Here is mine, painful memory indeed:

King County, WA transit agency did this in the early 90s.  It was promulgated by young females in HR.  Waste of time, money, and energy.  But the young females made career points.  The agency had not moral strength to resist the fleece.

The agency immediately became an hostile work environment, embarking upon a long, slow slide into incompetence, laziness, cynicism, defective, high-cost equipment, randy uniforms, low morale, high turnover, high-level corruption, and PC (Salafi-Socialist) management values.  A planned, transformative reversal of corporate culture, from useful and fun to useless and grinding was had.  And many in the agency, top to bottom, went on anti-depressants.

That is when drugs came onboard unrestrained and gangs and violent passengers harassing and terrorizing passengers were tolerated.  They were just people who “needed to be understood.”  Meanwhile drivers had knives stuck through their necks and their busses driven off bridges under physical force.

Yeah, we had sensitivity training alright.  Real sensitive.  Basically, sensitivity training is disarmament in the face of violent aggression.  This makes one sensitive very quickly indeed.  And so it went at the agency.

This is how it will go at UT.  It cannot go otherwise because that is how it is meant to go.  I am very sorry, was hoping my grandkids could consider UT.  The Darkness (Jihadis-Socialists) drives the country to delectate the truly deplorable.  UT must not have moral strength to resist the fleece.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Finally Some Robust Research Into Whether “Diversity Training” Actually Works – Unfortunately It’s Not Very Promising

Update 2: Are We All Unconscious Racists?

Update 3: Paul Bradford: The Pathetic End Point of Racial Sensitivity Training


Lana Wood
Lana Wood

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