The Darkness

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



I have not listened to the podcast.  However, I have this: POTUS says the perps knew they were lying and knew that their evidence was a hoax.  Dowd said a month or more ago that he and POTUS knew everything Mueller had and that it was nothing.

Now, if everybody knew it was a hoax, then the hoax had some purpose.  A purpose requiring the perpetration of a fraud, a swindle.  And that hoax and necessitating fraud would be?  To mask what they had been doing ’09 to ’16?

For the following train of logic, let us say that was the purpose of the hoax and its accompanying swindle.

But that would mean there was an even larger hoax because these hoaxers stood on the shoulders of mentors . . . who were? . . . and who wanted?

Obviously that train can continue way, way back, getting less and less funcitonally relevant to today.  So let us follow it back to the point of recent memory at which everyone agrees things got seriously wrong in the USA.  That would be the early 90s.

That is when PC (aka Socialism, what I call The Darkness) visibly started its march through the institutions, especially through governmental agencies, NGOs, and post-secondary schools, then taking less than a decade to reach businesses and industries.  Those were our first Clinton years.  Also Gates years.  Bill C and Bill G made most giddy with happiness (speeches, money, novelty, the seductive potentials of a data base) while spreading The Darkness of Socialism.

Following which, The Darkness spread farther and thicker until finally, completely hoaxed in intellect and flummoxed by voting fraud, there jumped on our backs what I have long called The Fraud, incarnate, with a big smile, big ears, and a bigger smirk, for eight long years, now recently and blessedly past officially although not actually.  The Fraud is still at it, spreading The Darkness, cooking up things, as he puts it.

So I take Dowd that we are victims of a fraud, a swindle.  And I hope against the day the main perpetrators at least face adequate punishment in public.  However, I think the much bigger hoax and fraud is The Darkness itself, the power of non-being for which these and these perpetrators are mere vectors.

Stopping The Darkness in its tracks is a spiritual endeavor far more than a legal or even a cultural one.  Setting minds free of hoaxes is far more difficult than setting nations free of frauds.  It can be done but only in a monastery, so to speak.  Prayer and fasting, detachment and renunciation . . . in place, as they say.

It must be of the spirit if it is to save the flesh.  And not of the psyche, the mind, but of the pneuma, the spirit.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1:

Mueller never had a crime to investigate.  And that hindered him. after listening to this I do wonder if Paul Mirengoff, the lawyer, still thinks Mueller is an honorable man with integrity?  I mean how bad does it have to actually get?

David R. Graham to lydia
Indeed, and even more to the point, why did Mueller and Co. proceed when they knew they had nothing? Whatever the answer to that question, it paints them as swindlers of Americans, their self-respect, their fortunes, and their sovereignty.  All no doubt intended.  This is much bigger than a gang of reprobates misbehaving.  This is an entire world struck by The Abyss of Darkness.

Update 2: Roger L. Simon: Trump Was Not Just Spied Upon But Entrapped

Update 3: I heard that and thought, Mirengoff will be on that one.  Such fun.  Althouse uses the word frequently, or did — I have not followed her for several years now — and Reynolds deploys much more than that on rare occasions.  No one behind POTUS appeared distressed by the usage, indeed quite the opposite.

Who does not use that word . . . and stronger?  Surely what is presidential is not other than what is familiar.  We are not an oligarchy, surely.  Who among us demands a title of nobility, however and by whomever that is defined?  I should think that telling the truth would be considered presidential and the more dramatically the better, so that everyone remembers it.

FWIW, my take aways from the rally at Grand Rapids:

1- Moment that made me cry: POTUS returned the salute of the elderly Army Veteran.  In all that huge, noisy crowd he spotted that one man with his salute.  This is a MENSCH!  He sees persons, even in a crowd, and he respects the elderly.  Have you any idea, Mr. Mirengoff, how important that is to people . . . belay that . . . to your, like it or not, fellow citizens?

2- Loudest cheer was for the border wall.

3- Second loudest cheer was for the 2 A.

4- POTUS is master of the emotional high.  Which one of us can remain conversational with that much electricity pulsing through a huge crowd into us?

5- He has the eyes of Siva when he wants to deploy them.  My God, he must terrify tergiversators.  Callas had those eyes.  Argerich does.  Papas too.  So did MacArthur.  That so many love and are grateful to POTUS Trump says that at least that many of our fellow citizens are NOT in The Darkness.  This is welcome news.

Update 4: Sundance: Beware of Obama’s Outrage Trap – Susan Rice’s “By The Book” Memo

I commented:

Good point, would explain why Clapper is chirping.

Question: Does this memo/scenario congrue with the thesis of some that the entire dossier/investigation was instigated by MI6 through Brennan?  In other words, the entire business is started by British/Canadian toffs still smarting from having lost our War of Independence, still wanting to help themselves to American wealth, and, the eclectic stupidity of the Obama minions wanted to justify their willingly having been mousetrapped — by Brits/Canadians — when the grand plot failed, i.e., the target got elected.

Alternatively, one could speculate that the business could have been of Russian origin originally, but I would not entertain that speculation because Russia’s inroads here are not such as to get Brennan moving with them.  If the origin was foreign, it had to be from another Five Eyes country’s envious prigs.

Update 5: A sea-change, so to speak, has occurred thanks to the courage and perseverance of POTUS Trump and team.  Americans are confident of themselves as Americans again, thank God and the Trump Family.  There is no going back.

And observably, partisans of several flavors are wanting on the boat even as it sails forth into adventure.

There is no reason US-Russia relations are not entirely friendly.  Not stupid, not myopic, but friendly.  Russia is not The Soviet!  Putin faces the world as Ivan, Peter, and Catherine.  Not as Joseph, Nikita, or even Mikhail.  The strategic opportunities are rich.  The so-called US foreign policy establishment is poor and worse.

Update 6: Sundance [I think he just about has it here, what happened and why]: Carter Page Had a More Important Use Beyond a FISA Warrant

Related: Sharyl Attkisson interviews Carter Page

Also Related: Scott Johnson: The Case Of Carter Page

Update 7: Angelo Codevilla on GA Douglas MacArthur: The Tipping Point (PDF)

Update 8: Jacob Nordangard: The Elite Technocrats Behind The Global ‘Great Reset’


1960s City Girl
1960s City Girl

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