Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen



Not a few Americans have the jitters over AOC, aka Sandi from the Bronx.  A fine, sweet man, Scott Johnson, is among them.  To his post today titled Wallowing In Stupidity, I commented thrice, with edits here:

With respect, I submit that she is making perfectly clear sense . . . relative to the historiography she has internalized and believes sans even a scintilla of doubt.  She absolutely is speaking sincerely without mental reservation.  That sincerity is what comes across.  It is powerful medicine.  People love sincerity.

She puts it in fresh phrases and interesting conjunctions.  She works from a definite historiography.  It confuses the lightly-read with respect to consequences of concepts.  However, the sincerity she evinces so adamantly tells everyone she is on to something important, consequential, and true.

She appeals, she compels attention without seeming tyrannical.  This is powerful presence.

Obama had/has not one sincere bone in his body.  Everyone knew that, knows it, including his voters and he himself.  He hid and hid and hid.  His handlers and he felt he had to, no doubt rightly.

AOC and her handlers — and she is an actress for them, a hired hand, but a true believer — see no reason to hide and every reason to be bumptiously sincere.  They are right.  She is everything her handlers could want.  She already controls the House and the DNC.  The courts cannot be far from her thralldom. If Big Law and Big Banking are not in her pocket already I would be surprised.

And her articulation is novel, fresh, refreshing, deafening, and, again, absolutely sincere.  She means every word of it and that is her power, right there.  It is POTUS Trump’s power, too.

This is no calculating, modulating politician.  This is a battle leader, a female battle leader, of extraordinary perspicacity and high, rapid success.  She is doing her job admirably and has no reason to throttle back, especially on her sincerity.  All Americans, real Americans, love a winner and will not tolerate a loser.

And I anticipate she will carry the Somali and Palestinian Salafists, and others where they came from, over any conceivable white water rapids.

Boys, this one is far more powerful than Barack the Fraud.  Her only match on the horizon is Michelle the Big-Spender.  And, of course, the Ladies Trump.

Tittering, tearing shirts, and moaning are not going to affect this girl.  Raillery and ridicule will not reach her.  Sunlight will neither embarrass, obstruct, nor stop her.

Knowledge, unprocessed frankness, and superior sincerity can do that. But if conservative principles are thrown into the argumentation, forget deflating much less defeating this grubby psychopath.  She will eat your lunch.  My lunch, too … .

A material observation on AOC’s historiography:

It parallels Islamic historiography insofar as the latter sees the world as originally united under Islam and subsequently fallen into a babble of petty religions (idolatries) but with Islam still the original, singular, pristine religion of God and the world.

That, of course, is a distortion of historiography that is of Hebrew and Christian origin, but that point is not my focus here.

AOC and her handlers substitute America for the world and Socialism for Islam to obtain this historiography: America was originally Socialist but fell into a babble of immoral politics called Judaism, Christianity, Capitalism, Wealth, and we now propose to take us all home to our warm and friendly origin in glorious, cuddly Democratic Socialism.

What could be more attractive?  Who does not want to go home, to comfort and happiness?  Who is so rude as will not honor their origin?

Again, this is a distortion of historiography that is of Hebrew and Christian origin.  But it sure sounds reasonable and inviting.

Listen to her and you will hear visions, no reality, visions.  Socialists love visions.  Vision Statements, aka Five Year Plans, mean everything to Socialists.  They live for them.  Persons be hanged.  Visions are like where it’s at.  Jihad they call it in Islam.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Related 1: Socialism As Deliberate Destruction

Related 2: Video makes case: Radical movement running Ocasio-Cortez wants to take over Dem Party

Related 3: John Hinderaker: How Dumb Is Ocasio-Cortez?

Related 4: She marks civilization’s fundament: agriculture.  We live from six inches of top soil.  Period.

She does not know how to proceed from that fact, at least not yet, and she approaches the subject from the ideology of identity politics, but she sees the fundament and deserves credit for that, even if she wills to misuse it.

She is, after all, up from the plantain Puerto Rican.  Hitler saw the need for German military restoration as fundament of antidote to Allied rapacity at Versailles.  AOC sees local agricultural puissance as fundament of antidote to crony capitalist cash crop farming.  Give the monsters credit for what they got/get right.

Give her time, she will only become more formidable in this and other regards.

As to what she and her cohort want really to institute, ponder the career of Ks. Jerzy Popiełuszko.

Update 5: The hydrocarbon / energy industry is the ur-ground of technology innovation.  Even the armaments industry lags the hydrocarbon / energy industry in technology innovation.  CIA’s D-R UniParty social circle know that, which is why they are resolved to dominate the hydrocarbon / energy industry.  AOC is CIA central.  Like the Obama-Biden-Harris Junta, she is CIA’s operator.


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