To Finish The Work

We are going to finish the work begun by Generals MacArthur and Stratemeyer, whose sister I knew in Hemet years ago (she told beautiful stories about accompanying her bother to military balls and dancing with General Pershing). Five nations are in the van: India, USA, Russia, Germany and Japan. These nations are in fact brothers on the modern world stage comparable to the five Pandava brothers of the Solar Dynasty of India who were the most recent family to rule the world as a unit — by our calculations around 3800 BC and for many years before that date.

The strength of the USA is its great purity of character, not always apparent to the casual eye and never to the cynical, but visible at West Point. This strength from purity of character is concretized in our capacity to deliver overwhelming power with great specificity. We are the greatest Bowman, having arrows of incomparable power and ability to get them exactly placed.

The other four nations of this family have strengths unique to their character and all necessary to the task, which in simplest terms is protecting humanity by destroying the capacity for belligerence of the demonic structures on the face of the globe, the source of which is the Chinese, Arabs and Arab-Iranians. “Demonic” means taking as ultimate something (anything) that isn’t. The Chinese, Arabs and Arab-Iranians are the embodiment of this error and are demanding, with justification, to be freed of it so they can learn to be human.

There is also power on the scene which exceeds that of the merely human and this, supporting the human/military power, will make the difference and ensure our job gets done — that the capacity for belligerence of the Chinese, Arabs and Arab-Iranians is destroyed fully and for all intents and purposes permanently. This may be accomplished by 2021, but I’m not sure of that.

I am am sure you can hear in this articulation an effort by your theologian friend to lay in supporting theological-conceptual ground for the work ahead. Is not much of the chaplain’s job to foster morale by articulating reality accurately so the people can soak in confidence? You know, I wanted to be a chaplain — applied Navy — but the denomination would not support me. Navy sure wanted me.  Maybe I looked to the wrong branch … 🙂 . Anyhow, in my heart I’m a chaplain who wants to provide fullest theological-conceptual support for our troops.


Stratemeyer 2

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