
This experience is not uncommon but it is usually unreported. When the experience is calming it is Divinity taking a stronger than usual presence. When the experience is unsettling and to a clear point, it is also Divinity with a didactic purpose that is deemed necessary. (Divinity’s presence, settling or unsettling, is redemptive, beneficial to one.) When the experience is unsettling and NOT to a clear point, there are several possible causes of it, none involving Divinity.

The experience you relate appears to be of this last type. There are several possible explanations.

If you are living in an older house that was inhabited by a person for a lengthy time, or in which a prolonged or especially gruesome violence occurred, the presence could be the “ghost” of that person or persons. “Ghost” in this case means the mind and part of the remnant of the physical body of that person. The mind can takes several years to cease following the medical death of the body. Not the brain, the mind, which is the thoughts we constantly have that are the actual energy of life. The mind should cease when the body does, but it doesn’t always, the mind also is capable of keeping attached to itself some of the subtle aspects of the physical body, which I’m sure you know is far more substantial than medical science customarily gives it credit for being. So one possible explanation of the experience you had is that it was the mind and probably part of the subtle body of a previous inhabitant who was attached to the place — usually through lengthy residence or through an incident of great violence.

Another possible explanation is that one of the individuals who is opposing our efforts at community building is on the prowl mentally and is able to project both mind and much of subtle body into your immediate orbit. The engine of this activity is ordinarily a great hatred, fear or anger or some combination of these negative emotions. If this is the explanation, it means that this individual — and it is an individual, not a group — is feeling that they are losing the struggle to your efforts and are resorting to subterfuge to advance their agenda. Usually after such a nocturnal visitation the perpetrator shows themselves in a comely guise the next day or very soon after the visitation. They are very attached to you and not in a redemptive or loving way.

Some form of this scenario is the usual explanation for the type of unsettling experience you relate. We — myself included — usually have these experiences during times of creativity that is opposed by others for this and that reason. In war this capacity is used by some commanders to contribute to and cause much of the “fog of war.” There’s more to the “fog of war” that this, of course, but this can be a considerable factor of it.

Another explanation is that you had a bout of food poisoning of a kind as not to cause more typical symptoms.

And finally, this sort of experience can be caused by hallucinogenic drugs singly or in combo. This is a sub-set of food poisoning and I am sure it is not indicated in this instance.

Summary: I would guess that someone is pissed at you and is trying to terrorize you to unfocus you from your mission.

The appropriate treatment for such experiences is to laugh and/or to sing quietly — or loudly if severe trauma/terror exists — a favorite spiritual song or song that indicates the victory of love over malice, cheerfulness over terror, family over separation and light over darkness. Laughing and singing such songs unsettle these presences, unravel their ability to terrorize and make them disappear. Laughter and spiritual song are our way to stay detached from malicious agenda and without an attachment to us, those agendas have to leave and cease.

Usually the individual causing this experience shows up physically or in other close communication the day after. They want to view the effect of their activity on their target.


Dance Of Shiva
Dance Of Shiva

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