Thandava – XXI

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Democrats: A plague on the nation

Leading Catholic Jesuit magazine retracts endorsement of Judge Kavanaugh

The Indestructible Lie: WaPo Congressional Reporter Blames Right-Wing Mobs For Inspiring Gabby Giffords Shooting

Inside The Deluded & Desperate Mind Of A #NeverTrumper

Women to Crazed Feminists: We Will Fight You to Defend Our Men

The Grievance Studies Scandal: Five Academics Respond

De Mattei: The Church and the Men of the Church

U.S. Army’s Future Combat System Gives Way To Mobile Protected Firepower

Eerily prescient 1907 poem by Stefan George: “Der Widerchrist”

On Point: SecDef Mattis and India’s Sitharaman Conduct Meaningful Public Diplomacy

President Trump Speech to 73rd U.N. General Assembly – Transcript and Video

Knowing What We Know Now, We Must Remind Ourselves

10 Red Flags About Sexual Assault Claims, From An Employment Lawyer

The Bishops In Their Labyrinth

How Trump broke through the moralistic BS of American foreign policy

Great Powers Prepare For Battle In The Arctic

I’m Sorry Dems, Russia Is Not The Main Threat

The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: What Really Happened With That Russian Recon Plane

Russian Anti-Decadence Movement Shuts Down Rap Tour Citing Propagation Of Unhealthy Lifestyles And False Values

China Is Behind Much Of What Is Happening To America

China Plans To Take Over The World

The Stalinist Court Of The Anti-Kavanaugh Neo-Bolsheviks Will Backfire – Big League

The Pope urges we embrace migration whilst he lives behind walls and we are in the ‘front line’

Sharyl Attkisson, Veteran Journalist and Government-Fighter, Opens Up

The Eternal Return of a Malevolent Charade

Progressives Have Arrived at Their Veruca Salt Moment

GM’s Case Shows the Weakness of ‘Free-Market’ Dogma

Will the Leakers in the Flynn Case Escape Justice?

Trump Is a Patriot, Not a Nationalist-Populist

The Open Border Activists Behind the Illegal Immigrant Caravans

Michael Kennedy: The Russia Hoax was originally aimed at Flynn, not Trump

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God



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