The Liturgy Is The Kerygma

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.





Ever seen this?: The Liturgy Is The Kerygma.


Not in those words, but the work of the people is to proclaim the Good News.  I like [that] because it spreads the work around to everyone rather than just the preacher.



Good point, thanks.

I think it also means the work of the faithful, ipso facto, is the Good News.

We tend to think of work as its result(s).  But what if the work is the work itself, just itself, sui generis, and that itself (not its myriad of results) is the kerygma?

Oetinger’s famous remark has been going through my mind: The end of the ways of God is corporeality.

So what is the truly important bit there?  I think it is the ways.  The corporeality just happens as effects of the ways.

What fires the faith?  Hearing the story/narrative as presented in the Bible in natural, not forced, meaning.  That is, exegesis, not eisegesis.  What is says, not what some ideologue wants to put on or hear from it.

You know where this train of thought leads with respect to Eucharistic Theology?  So-called trans-substantiation.  (I deplore the term yet understand reasons for its usage.)  Corporeality par excellence.  That’s where it all comes out.

Were I a woman, I’d say, Hey, my husband and I made that!  As it is, I say, Hey, my wife and I made that!  Both statements are the truth: corporeality is the outcome of life, Providentially.  More to the point the making of the that — corporeality — is the Gospel more than the that is.

Were I to articulate thereupon, I would summon the direct (Pauline) experience of divinity described by Augustine rather than the sense-based (Aristotelian) experience of divinity deployed by Aquinas.  But it would come to the same end: the elements are in fact corporeal post consecration.  And in any case, Aquinas said, when he finished the Summa, that is was so much straw and went on to writing hymns/ecstatic poetry.

The English of which is, thanks for your insights and assessments.


Corporeality par excellence.  I love that!

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Inclusion, diversity: The Virgin Mary  Did Not Give Consent, Could Not, Given The Power Differential Between God and Her

Update 2:Lex orandi, lex credendi (Latin loosely translated as the law of what is to be prayed [is] the law of what is to be believed) is a motto in Christian tradition, which means that it is prayer which leads to belief, or that it is liturgy which leads to theology.  It refers to the relationship between worship and belief.  As an ancient Christian principle it provided a measure for developing the ancient Christian creeds, the canon of scripture, and other doctrinal matters.  It is based on the prayer texts of the Church, that is, the Church’s liturgy.  In the Early Church, there was liturgical tradition before there was a common creed, and before there was an officially sanctioned biblical canon.  These liturgical traditions provided the theological framework for establishing the creeds and canon.”

A remarkably accurate statement to find in Wikipedia.


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