A Festival Composition For The Feast Of The Holy Trinity

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.

Homage to J. S. Bach for The Prelude and Fugue in E Flat Major (Saint Anne)


Christian spirituality is inherently eremitical: renunciation is the foundation of life. Christian spirituality is the elimination of everything from the mind except the Name of Jesus. Christian spirituality is the Bible, wherein Heaven means Kashmir and Hell Phoenicia.


Christian religion bridges between the primness of Benedict and Scholastica and the insouciance of Francis and Clare. Christian religion bridges between Mounts Carmel and Sinai. Christian religion bridges between the unitarian monotheistic Vaishnava of the North, represented by Persia and Abraham, and the trinitarian monotheistic Saivism of the South, represented by Egypt and Moses.


The Roman Church is the cultural millieu of Celts, Greeks, Italians, Franks and Sephardim whose ancient homeland extends inland along the Mediterranean Sea from the Iberian Penninsula through France to Northern Italy with outposts in Great Britain, Bohemia, Sicily, Israel and the Southeast Coast of Italy. The Roman Church is Hieronymean in character, Ambrosian in liturgy and Gregorian or Benedictine in organization. The Roman Church is the Knights Templar, the Protestant Reformation and the Anglican Communion.

Eadem Mutata Resurgo

Update 1: Global Divestment Day



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