Polytime And Deservedness

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



All time-fields are concurrent.
The concurrency of all time fields we call poly-time.

To separate what we do and what we are — God loves us for one, not the other — is a non sequitur in poly-time. He loves us for what we do or not just as much as for anything else, since, all is occurring up front. That we don’t see what He is loving us for is not saying that He is not loving us for something. You make this point about telos, but it also applies to ethics. Ethics, telos, kairos are inseparable. God is very caring about what we do. I think Jeremiah and Amos would concur in that observation. His love is frequently conditional on what we do, not in the sense that it’s there or not, but in the sense of what it produces or not. He doesn’t throw pearls at swine, for example. You want to live improperly, His love treats you in a manner differently than it does if you want to — and do — live properly.

Of course, absolutely speaking, there are no swine.

Treacherous persons say that knowing what is proper and what is not is too difficult for humans to discriminate, so, proper living is something which is not available to human capacity. This, of course, is a dissembling. The love is always there, but it doesn’t do the same thing for all. Jeremiah is treated differently from Josiah. Absolom is treated differently from David. Jesus is treated differently from Herod. The Divine Love is as present to each as to the other. But what It produces is different in each case. The difference is accounted for by the factor of deservedness, a factor which our society likes to deny exists.

Deservedness is something which always has to be taken into account so far as is possible. Especially is this so when one is operating in poly-time.

Update 1: However, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that no such star is high on the list of those being mentioned.

Assuming those stars actually have light sufficient for a career of staring, I’m glad none is on Trump’s short list — precisely because they are political stars, careerist professional politicians!!!

I’d like in office anyone BUT a professional politician, anyone BUT one who craves the office, anyone who is NOT thinking about THEIR future.  The very mind-set which produces the concept of a political star with a future I find smug, anxious, cynical, elitist, and un-American.

If you want my vote because you want your concept of a career for yourself, you don’t give a damn about my soul and you don’t deserve my vote.  You deserve the sole of my shoe.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God


BB-61 USS Iowa
BB-61 USS Iowa

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