Yakshi Yaksha

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



The Hindu (Vedic) view of queering is rather specific.  There are two types: Yakshi and Yaksha.  Yakshi is male in female body.  Yaksha is female in male body.

Both Yakshi and Yaksha figure prominently in Hindu Scriptures, such as Ramayana and Mahabharata, which includes Gita.

Yakshis and Yakshas are not human creatures.  They are one of several types of sub-human creature who populate the earth at all times of history.  They are akin to but not identical with Rakshasas, who are demonic creatures.

During this Kali Yuga, when violence and treachery are taken for ‘normal,’ both Yakshi/Yaksha and Rakshasa activity are much in evidence.  Humanity suffers continuously on account of the activities of these creatures.

Yakshis and Yakshas practice deception.  They change their physical appearance to look like something they are not.  They try to convince human creatures that they are human creatures and should be taken as such.

Yakshis and Yakshas are unable to practice sadhana (spiritual discipline).  They cannot pursue a spiritual life.  The reason is, sadhana is possible only for human creatures and Yakshis and Yakshas are not human creatures.

Anita Ekberg
Anita Ekberg

Although some Yakshis and Yakshas like to act as though they are interested in spirituality — in order to gain entrance to the company of human creatures — their ultimate concern is unlimited body consciousness, which is the opposite of spirituality.  Ram and Kam will not co-exist.

Everything ‘spiritual’ that Yakshis and Yakshas do is counterfeit, phony.  It serves a purpose, however, in that it trains human creatures to recognize signs of body consciousness.  Queer behavior alerts human creatures to some of the traps that threaten the success of their own sadhana.

Generally, birth as a Yakshi or Yaksha is the recoil of thoughtless venality in a previous birth.  But this is not always the case.  Sometimes, birth as a Yakshi or Yaksha is the result of a curse that an individual incurred from the mouth of a Sage.

Like all creatures, Yakshis and Yakshas eventually get the chance of birth in human form, which is the only instrument in the universe that can be used to gain Mergence, or, Realization.

Ordinary humans cannot see the cause of a Yakshi’s or Yaksha’s birth in that estate.  But such a birth does have signs, and these should be recognized so that the company of an individual who has such a birth may be shunned.

Yakshis and Yakshas are interested in bodies, only.  This is the sign of their birth.  They define themselves as sexual entities.  Body consciousness is their only concern.

Human creatures may become mired in body consciousness, but they will not become captives of it.  They will not define themselves in terms of sexuality.

The modern argument by queers that they are genetically different from human creatures (they say ‘other’ human creatures) is supported by the Vedas.  Queers are a sub-human species of creature who have an operational profile that counters human interests, which are spiritual.

Update 1: Hollywood Creep Joel Schumacher: ‘Double-Digit Thousands’ of Sexual Partners Within LGBT Community is ‘Not Unusual’

Update 2: Shhhh! Media Downplay MIT Study Finding ‘No Gay Gene’


Tina Louise
Tina Louise

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