When The Light Shines . . . .

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



. . . you see things that have been there all along, hiding, many of them wanting and trying to hurt you.  POTUS and FLOTUS Trump and their large and variegated family are such a light.  They illuminate.

In support of recognizing the Brennan-Hussein-Jarrett-Rice-Mueller-Comey-McCabe-etc. operation to manufacture inculpatory evidence framing Donald J. Trump and his Presidential Campaign and Administration with the prosecutable crime of endangering United States national security, I offer the following anthology of works by other observers:

John Kass: Obama’s silky lie and FBI bias in the Clinton investigation

VDH: Elites Value Mellifluous Illegality over Crass Lawfulness

Related from Ann Althouse

VDH: The Scandal on the Other Foot

Scott Johnson: To And From Russia, With Emails

Lee Smith: Tying Hillary’s Emails to the Russian ‘Collusion’ Probe

James Wesley Rawls: The Mathematics of Countering Tyranny

Bayou Renaissance Man: The “Russia! Russia!” court case is getting entertaining

Mark Wauck: A Guide To Spygate

John Hinderaker: Did The FBI Frame Flynn?

Sundance, quoting himself in the following excerpt in a post, identifies the subject of the fuss: freedom.  His full statement, containing this self-quote and its remarkable context and other points, is here.

When we see that justice is measured, not by due process, but by compulsion; when we see that in order to invoke our fourth or sixth amendment right to privacy and due process, we need to obtain permission from men who rebuke the constitution; when we see that justice is determined by those who leverage, not in law, but in politics; when we see that men get power over individual liberty by graft and by scheme, and our representatives don’t protect us against them, but protect them against us; when we see corruption holding influence and individual liberty so easily dispatched and nullified; we may well know that our freedom is soon to perish.

Scott Johnson: On Mueller’s Appointment

Sharyl Attkisson: 8 Signs Pointing To A Counterintelligence Operation Deployed Against Trump’s Campaign

Her timeline collusion against POTUS Trump.

Her The FBI’s Fractured Fairytale

Her 50 Media Mistakes In The Trump Era: The Definitive List

Clarice Feldman: The Great Unmasking

Conrad Black: The Collapse Of The Collusion Narrative

Margot Cleveland: 3 Reasons Rod Rosenstein’s Special Counsel Appointment Was Illegal

Malcolm Davis: China’s Strategic Strait In The South China Sea, Part One, Part Two

Thomas J. Farnan: How Then FBI And CIA Restarted The Cold War Top Protect Themselves

Karin McQuillan: Outside The Defensible Perimeter

Angelo M. Codevilla: The Tipping Point

Norman Borlaug, agronomist, Father of the Green Revolution

William A. Jacobson: Bernard Lewis RIP – “First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people”

Rod Dreher: Benedictine Agrarians

Leftism is a personality disorder marked by
the presence of sententious spite, shameless immodesty,
aggressive self-promotion, ruthless absolutism, and relentless lying.

Overall, the national alliance structures are adjusting to contemporary rather than legacy conditions all over the globe.  They need to.  I have to assume The Almighty has it in hand, and beyond that, do your duty as God gives you light to see your duty.

Proclaim LIBERTY Throughout all the Land unto all the Inhabitants Thereof Lev. XXV. v X.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Nonsense, people were talking about deep state in 2015 and earlier.  And it is bi-partisan.  And the Hussein cohort were trying to turn Trump into a Russia-friend or plant at least since he announced candidacy.  Likely from much earlier because of his public statements regarding Hussein’s qualification for POTUS.  Deep State, specifically CIA, has been running the country through the Presidential Daily Briefing for decades.  This author [J. E. Dyer] is throwing up chaff.

Ukrainian Intel was the foreign force in the election, starting early, 2015, and to paint Trump as a Russian collaborator, colluder, prevent Trump from working with Russia geo-strategically.  They were pushing this line at HRC and at Hussein’s IC people along with many in Congress.  Ukraine maintains huge US-based lobbying organization.  Of course, so do many others.  But in this particular matter, Ukraine, not Russia, is the black hat in the works, the Wormwood whispering and manipulating in the background.  See Attkisson’s timeline.

Update 2: I think McCarthy’s construction is accurate in general but as regards a fraction of the landscape.  Ukrainian Intel was pushing the Trump-Russia investigation to Hillary earlier than 2016 and to many in Congress and Executive then and later.  And US armaments industry thrives in Ukraine.

Comey, McCabe, Mueller, Brennan, Clapper and others likely are bound for jail, for breaking laws, but that is just superficial, not the true landscape.  Means nothing in re draining the swap.

The true landscape, the swamp, is the families to whom those characters belong and for whom they work.  Those families are the ones who believe they should manipulate or ignore law, custom, and fairness to gratify their . . . whatever.  There is the evil.  And it smirks beyond the reach of the law . . . and reason.

DJT is not of those families, never has been.  And all this is about that only, his lack of family.  Those families originated the Trump-Russia investigation, to expel an interloper, a virus, a pathogen (to those families, who are a pathogen to the USA).

Update 3: A commenter here writes:

Forgive my naïveté, but how does one like Brennan rise in government circles?  Is he just one among many?  And, have we no one who outs these fools along the way?

I replied:

He is Communist and Moslem.  That is how.  And he has the requisite aura of menace.  Ever been at a table with one of these guys?  That is the vibe they put off: top level predator, thug, happy to crush you without giving it a thought.

And that is what they lack, thought, the deficiency that undoes them.

Hacking the Moslem Brotherhood’s coils from off the USG pains the coils.

Update 4: The Timeline Of A Dossier — A Perfect Storm (and more)

Update 5:  I read through, thanks for this!  For months I felt some piece was missing, even from the rational observers who have been parsing this deliberately-made mess together.  I think Sharyl’s timeline here highlights that piece: Ukraine.  Ukrainian intel got this Russian conspiracy story going as part of their general attack on Russia.

There is in fact massive effort by a foreign power, a Slavic nation, to guide the USA election and subvert DJT.  That would be Ukraine, not Russia.  The Russian effort was traditional, far less than what CIA does to them — or more likely, would like to do to them — on a regular basis, and perfunctory.  Ukraine, on the other hand, threw all their assets into a disinformation full-court press for HRC and Democrats and against DJT and USA grand national strategic interests, which include alliance with Russia geo-strategically.

Obama DOD started building a National Training Center (military) for Ukraine.  This is a strategic thumb in Russia’s eye, utterly gratuitous and ruinous morally, financially, and ultimately, militarily.  Combined Fort Irwin and Fort Polk, brand new, some seven thousand miles from home.  The USA Foreign Policy Establishment is really, really stupid besides being corrupt.

Update 6: The Ukraine pops out at me from that timeline.   And an assiduous Ukrainian-American female operator/agent.  This Russia conspiracy story — the female Ukrainian-American agent’s work, starting right about the time DJT announced his candidacy — is a red herring, has been all along.  The Russians are no angels — nor do they claim to be — but in this deliberately-set mess they are not the bad guys.  And they can prove it, thus their eagerness to accept Mueller’s dare to defend and discover.

It has been Ukrainian Intel all along.  Lies, all lies, disinformation campaigns.  The ones for whom Hussein built a new, modern NTC/JRTC, one better than our own.  Befriended by John McCain, BTW, who also befriended ISIL/AQ principals.  That guy really hates the Russians, so much it blinded him.

Update 7: I am not comfortable emphasizing, chasing after, this Mr. Halper creature.  I cannot at the moment express why I am not.  I just think he is not a significant actor in this Deep State — aka Foreign Policy Establishment — power maintenance drama.  I neither deny nor disparage the information set forth about him.  I just think all of it, at least so far, does not make him a major actor.  He may think that he is, others may think that he is, but that does not mean that he is.  I regret being impotent to identify why my feelz on this matter are going that direction.  So, take that for what it is worth, which may be nothing.

…. here is a thought: the Deep State who bred this Mr. Halper creature is not the one extant.  The twain mingle but are not identical.  The Bush/Reagan Deep State was patriotic.  The Clinton/Obama Deep State is anti-patriotic even though the Clinton end of it presents itself as patriotic (Slick Willie).  (Side point: the Bush Deep State still stupidly thinks the Clinton/Obama Deep State is patriotic.)  This can be seen to explain why the NYT, a den of liars, is making what I am sure is a red herring of this Mr. Halper.

Update 8: FWIW, I concur and consider it a major data point that seculars’ hatred of Judaism is really a hatred of Christianity.  As implied in your review, Freud, charlatan and mountebank that he was, grasped that one clearly enough to tell a bit of truth about it.

Tillich places Marx and Freud, along with Kierkegaard, in a line of existential revolts against Hegelian totalism, wherein the great mind took itself too close to the splendor of Logos and got singed trying to capture even just a drop of its universality, so to speak.  (My use of the Greek metaphor.)

All my life I have said that psychiatrists and psychoanalysts caused the deterioration of American happiness and patriotism because they drove and seduced people to themselves and away from God, from home.  In other words, they made the diseases they claimed to treat by, in effect, making idolatries, which, operationally, existentially, truly are diseases.  Self-promoters indeed.  The bane of the churches are clergy and laity of like ilk.

One name stood out to me as I read your CRB essay: Margaret Mead.  You are aware, I suspect, that in her later years she appeared on public prosceniums costumed as a witch, complete with black robe, pointed hat, and broom.  I attended one such appearance at Berkeley in the early 70s.

Update 9: Mark Steyn: Cicero: Nescire autem quid antequam natus sis acciderit id est semper esse puerum.

To be ignorant of what happened before you were born is to remain forever a child.

To despise what happened before you were born is to remain forever a juvenile delinquent in the thuggish gang of the present tense.

Update 10: Politicizing The FBI: How James Comey Succeeded Where Richard Nixon Failed

Update11: Sharyl Attkisson: What Did Peter Strzok Do?

Update 12: Adam Mill: The DOJ Has Turned The Russia Investigation Into A Puzzle Designed Never To Be Solved

Update 13: Google.gov

Update 14: Devin Nunes, Washington’s Public Enemy No. 1

Update 15: Sharyl Attkisson: What would the intelligence community’s ‘insurance policy’ against Trump look like?

Update 16: Sharyl Attkisson: CIA secretly intercepted Congressional communications about whistleblowers

Update 17: Sharyl Attkisson: A Citizen Suing the Department of Justice Needs More than Just a Winning Legal Argument

Update 18: Michael Kennedy: The Russia Hoax was originally aimed at Flynn, not Trump


Bill and Ronnie at Homestead Air Force Base, FL, 1971
Bill and Ronnie at Homestead Air Force Base, FL, 1971

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