Boomer Control Freaks: Fabricate And Plant Inculpatory Evidence, Gaslight

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



In support of recognizing the Brennan-Hussein-Jarrett-Rice-Mueller-Comey-McCabe-etc. operation to manufacture inculpatory evidence framing Donald J. Trump and his Presidential Campaign and Administration with the prosecutable crime of endangering United States national security, I offer the following anthology of works by other observers:

John Kass: Obama’s silky lie and FBI bias in the Clinton investigation

VDH: Elites Value Mellifluous Illegality over Crass Lawfulness

Related from Ann Althouse

VDH: The Scandal on the Other Foot

Scott Johnson: To And From Russia, With Emails

Lee Smith: Tying Hillary’s Emails to the Russian ‘Collusion’ Probe

James Wesley Rawls: The Mathematics of Countering Tyranny

Bayou Renaissance Man: The “Russia! Russia!” court case is getting entertaining

Mark Wauck: A Guide To Spygate

John Hinderaker: Did The FBI Frame Flynn?

Sundance, quoting himself in the following excerpt in a post, identifies the subject of the fuss: freedom.  His full statement, containing this self-quote and its remarkable context and other points, is here.

When we see that justice is measured, not by due process, but by compulsion; when we see that in order to invoke our fourth or sixth amendment right to privacy and due process, we need to obtain permission from men who rebuke the constitution; when we see that justice is determined by those who leverage, not in law, but in politics; when we see that men get power over individual liberty by graft and by scheme, and our representatives don’t protect us against them, but protect them against us; when we see corruption holding influence and individual liberty so easily dispatched and nullified; we may well know that our freedom is soon to perish.

Scott Johnson: On Mueller’s Appointment

Sharyl Attkisson: 8 Signs Pointing To A Counterintelligence Operation Deployed Against Trump’s Campaign

Her timeline collusion against POTUS Trump.

Her The FBI’s Fractured Fairytale

Her 50 Media Mistakes In The Trump Era: The Definitive List

Clarice Feldman: The Great Unmasking

Conrad Black: The Collapse Of The Collusion Narrative

Margot Cleveland: 3 Reasons Rod Rosenstein’s Special Counsel Appointment Was Illegal

Malcolm Davis: China’s Strategic Strait In The South China Sea, Part One, Part Two

Thomas J. Farnan: How Then FBI And CIA Restarted The Cold War Top Protect Themselves

Karin McQuillan: Outside The Defensible Perimeter

Angelo M. Codevilla: The Tipping Point

Norman Borlaug, agronomist, Father of the Green Revolution

William A. Jacobson: Bernard Lewis RIP – “First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people”

Rod Dreher: Benedictine Agrarians

Today at The Conservative Tree House, one truthseeker39525 writes:

Last night I read on CTH the statement:

As McCarthy points out, it is not likely there was a singular FBI source buried within the Trump campaign.  Instead it’s more likely that particular campaign aides were targeted and dirtied-up by unofficial intelligence operators like Stefan Halper.

This morning it occurred to me ….  Is this not what happened not only with Mr. Papadopoulos and Mr. Manafort, but also Don Jr (the Natalia Veselnitskaya meeting), and even one of the Trump computer systems where the FBI or someone detected communication to a Russian computer …. that I believe turned out to be that a computer in Russia sent a ping to a Trump computer, and the Trump computer automatically sent a ping in reply?

Just make contact, establish communication, no matter how you do it, and how trivial it is …. and do it so that there is something for the corrupt Deep State and media to investigate …. and announce to the world.  Dirty ’em up, as Mr. McCarthy said.

Is this a pattern? …. or a strategy? …. and how widespread is it … how many times has it been employed?

If it is a strategy, it is straight out of an episode of the 1960’s British The Avengers TV show, where several foreign spies were filmed (without sound) talking to Mrs. Peel, the films were sent to British intelligence headquarters, and it threw suspicion on her.  Her partner, John Steed, hired a lip-reader to read what the spies were saying, and it was stuff like What time is it? and other innocuous-seeming questions.

Anyone with better knowledge please chip in!

I replied:

I cannot say I know better but feel I may be able to add some at least verbal simplicity:

Those people have been planting evidence and gaslighting their targets and the public to further control of their careers.  Attending the nation’s business, ensuring safety for the people who elect their appointers is not in their repertoire of desires.  They are corporate creatures only . . . and merely.  Their goals are mean and their methods cruel.  And their intelligence, Lord knows, is crusted over with base selfish impulses.

In addition, they actually believe they can and should control the entire world from the platform of controlling assets of bureaucrats ruling residents of what was once the USA.  In addition, they just enjoy messing people up.  George Soros is a role model to them, a father and mentor.  They have no loyalty to the US Constitution or US national sovereignty.  That means they laugh away any and all laws inside what was once the USA . . . as Kamala Harris does.

As the end drew near, Himmler pushed his office crews out into SS operational units with a view to dirtying them up.  On that model, we watch today a drama which signifies the end of an era, not the start of one.

These are not the best and the brightest.  They compete for the title of worst and darkest.  They embody the lower forms of the already lowlife boomer generation.  Control freaks.  This is our Deep State, our Administrative State, our Permanent Bureaucracy, our Foreign Policy Establishment.  They deserve to experience their permanency terminated and are moving perforce with that telos.

Planting evidence, gaslighting the world.  There is no end to Deep State, Foreign Policy Establishment boomers’ perfidy.  They deserve the fate of Admiral John Byng.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Richard Fernandez: Betrayed By Time.  Hussein’s bipartisan Foreign Policy Establishment gave Hizbollah’s drug, extortion and money laundering operations free reign in the Americas, all of them, in exchange for a deal to not interfere with Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons.  Boomers’ best and the brightest hard at work.  And they really thought Americans could be hornswoggled into accepting that state of affairs as in their best interest.

Update 2: Fascism Came To America Wrapped In A Rainbow Flag And Wearing A Pussyhat

Update 3: Molly Hemingway: 10 Key Takeaways From The New York Times’ Error-Ridden Defense Of FBI Spying On Trump Campaign

Update 4: Byron York: Former top spy rethinks: Maybe we shouldn’t have attacked a new president

Related, from Business Insider

Update 5: Doug Ross: A TIMELINE OF TREASON: How the DNC and FBI Leadership Tried to Fix a Presidential Election

Related, from John Hinderaker

Update 6: Iran Charges Russia With Selling Out its Air Defense Secrets to Israel

Update 7: Sundance: How The FBI and DOJ Intelligence Units Were Weaponized Around Congressional Oversight …

Update 8: Fed’s misconduct in Cliven Bundy case stems from Ruby Ridge

Update 9: Sundance: The System Is Working To Defend Itself

Update 10: Roger Simon: What Do We Know About The FBI?

Update 11: Howie Carr: Time To Abolish The FBI

Then always droll and often sarcastic Glenn Reynolds: If you can’t trust your secret police, what kind of country do you live in?

Update 12: Greatest Scandal In [USA] History Explained

Update 13: Excellent learning experience in leftist intellectual mush: WaPo trashes America

Update 14: Michael Walsh:  What Frightens The Left Most?  The Constitution.

Update 15: Why The FBI Is Dodging Nunes

Update 16: Roger Kimball: Robert Mueller’s Excellent Adventure

Update 17: Clarice Feldman: Trump’s Red Line

Update 18: Sharyl Attkisson:

I think there’s a major fallacy in focusing on the 2016 election without understanding the bigger part of the picture: *why* bad actors in intel community were so desperate to not have Trump elected.  It’s about what could be discovered about the past 10-20 years.  Not just 2016.

How true, how true!  Her website: Full Measure News.

Update 19: Glenn Greenwald: The FBI Informant Who Monitored the Trump Campaign, Stefan Halper, Oversaw a CIA Spying Operation in the 1980 Presidential Election

Update 20: Sharyl Attkisson: What Did Peter Strzok Do?

Update 21: Adam Mill: The DOJ Has Turned The Russia Investigation Into A Puzzle Designed Never To Be Solved

Update 22: Avner Zarmi: The Truth About George Soros

Update 23: Sharyl Attkisson: What would the intelligence community’s ‘insurance policy’ against Trump look like?

Update 24: Sharyl Attkisson: CIA secretly intercepted Congressional communications about whistleblowers

Update 25: Sharyl Attkisson: A Citizen Suing the Department of Justice Needs More than Just a Winning Legal Argument

Update 26: I’m so, so, so sorry: A Baby Boomer apologizes on behalf of his generation

Update 27: Michael Kennedy: The Russia Hoax was originally aimed at Flynn, not Trump

Update 28: Lyman Stone: The Boomers Ruined Everything

Update 29: Sundance: Obama Boomers’ nefarious doings from the 30k feet up perspective

Update 30: Sundance: Pelosi Rejects U.S. Sovereignty – U.S. Immigration Subject to Laws of “A Global Society”


Suzanne Pleshette
Suzanne Pleshette

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