Who Is Right And Who Is Wrong? — Take One

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



A Note From A Theologian

There come times in the affairs of men and nations, when all possible avenues of redress and reconstruction are exhausted, what if’s are sophistry, criticism is carping in ignorance, and the active question is, Who is right and who is wrong?  We are in such a time.

The decision is that Americans are right and Socialists, Wahhabists, and Shiites are wrong.  The direction of events rests in non-obvious hands, but the result is easily extrapolated from the decision regarding who is right and who is wrong.

All of the categories our political and military leaders and we use to understand and cope with events as they develop are partial.  Our leaders and we do the best we can, with the best resources we can bring to bear on problems we face.

The process has already inspired heroism and professional competence and will inspire more.  It has also inspired loss and sorrow, and will inspire more.  We may draw comfort from the fact that the decision regarding outcome has been made by competent authority: the Wahhabists are not going to form a one nation planet and the Shiites are not going to do that either, nor will they maintain their hold on Iran.

When this matter is settled, when the Wahhabist and Shiite clergy and their properties are extirpated, what is wrong with Americans will become visible and be corrected.  Until then, criticism of Americans is incredible.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: DNC Grassroots Victory Fund Bankrolled by 13 Wealthy Liberals


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