Major Moron

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



Among Blake Edwards’ many wonderful movies is one named Mickey and Maud.  During it, Dudley Moore, playing a TV reporter covering Southern California pop culture, interviews a group of Los Angeles Police Department Officers who have formed a nudist club.  Moore starts into an on-camera interview with naked club members wearing their police belts and weapons.  He asks their spokesman why they do this.  Meanwhile Moore is slowly dissolving from amused to astounded to horrified to outraged and finally — when the spokesman says, “We believe every person has the right to dress in a way what they want.” — violence, knocking the camera out of the cameraman’s hands, throwing down the microphone and screaming, “This is moronic.  I mean, MAJOR MORON!”

Far be it from me to scream.  However, let what Mark Steyn calls The Moronization Of The Republic be far from us.

The moron is one who claims that something not true is true.  For example, that men and women are the same.  Again, that queers are normal humans.  Again, that government is the source of right, rights, good and goods; incapable of corruption, fallibility, deceit, calumny, mistake, ignorance or evil; and ought in all circumstances to be obeyed without question or demurer and in full.

The method of tyranny is to call a penultimate ultimate.  Tyranny is a superficial vedantha.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Undoing Then Dis-Education Of Millennials

Update 2: Why Won’t The Nightmare Dream Of Communism Die?

ReynoldsPonzi schemes capitalize on greed.  Communism capitalizes on envy, which is why it’s largely sustained by intellectuals, in whose personalities envy tends to be a particularly powerful component.


GOA MacArthur and Staff at Atsugi Naval Air Facility, 30AUG45
GOA MacArthur and Staff at Atsugi Naval Air Facility, 30AUG45

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