Gnostics, New Agers And Mother Haters

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



In this essay, Bob Belvedere is making an important point in re the religious pretensions of socialists (Mother-Haters). Important to bear in mind during analytical and prognostic activities. Gnosticism is an appropriate point of reference here, too.

A few weeks ago I started an essay on this subject – socialist religion – including to name it, but bogged down, so I laid it aside awaiting clarity in approach. A religion it is, and importantly to realize, and Gnostic-related. But exactly how, where headed, what named, how to confront … these questions remain unresolved in my mind.

This much is clear and inspired by Bob’s essay here: that whereas Gnostics (today, New Agers) claimed (and today claim) for themselves special knowledge they can pass along for a fee, and that made/makes them superior to any not having that knowledge, Christians claim against themselves only the freely available knowledge of a genuine scandal, the horror of a crucifixion. In the marketplace, one seems clearly a winner and one laughably a loser. But man is not a marketplace. He is a creature with a homing-instinct.

Update 1: Contemplation of addressing a phony religion, particularly one of great attractiveness, calls to remembrance Elijah and the soi-disant Priests of Baal.  There really is only one way to deal with such.  And ultimately, as also in the Ramayana, there really is only one power to do it decisively, though skilled and uninhibited human effort, as represented by Elijah, must be thrown first into the battle.

Update 7: Jonathan Chadwick: Ancient Israelites burned cannabis to ‘stimulate ecstasy’ as part of ‘cultic ceremonies’, remnants at 2,700-year-old Jewish shrine reveal


Anita Ekberg
Anita Ekberg

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