Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000
In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.
So, The Democratic-Republican Uniparty, held together by the glue of the Moslem Brotherhood. US military employed as Iranian forward artillery. US CIA employed as trainer/supplier for Moslem Brotherhood/Salafist operators, Iranian allies of some years’ standing, at least for convenience. It’s satanic, more than merely moronic. No wonder patriots feel the world in chaos. The Democratic-Republican Uniparty has been creating global chaos (experiment they call it?) for its Moslem Brotherhood core’s strategic objectives. Is the Democratic-Republican Uniparty that bent for Chinese hegemony as well, or perhaps, more so? No wonder persons enter government poor or middling in finance and exit it super rich. They enrich themselves selling their country and their countrymen to hegemonic foreigners, whom they’ve redefined as refugees, to give their treachery a patina of magnanimity, or even as world citizens such as they regard themselves. They’re slavers, no? To hell with them and a pox on them then.
But the Republican Establishment today is guided not by the likes of Irving Kristol, but by his epigonoi. His son Bill Kristol has never published a single essay of intellectual significance, and the same is true of Commentary Magazine editor John Podhoretz, son of the estimable Norman Podhoretz. To be a neo-conservative in the 1970s in the mold of Irving Kristol and former Commentary editor Norman Podhoretz meant to repudiate the leftist views of one’s youth and make the leap to the Reagan camp. The original neo-conservatives knew how wrong they had been in their youth, and re-learned their politics after forty. Unlike their forbears, today’s neo-cons never have had a self-critical moment. Today’s guardians of the sacred flame of the sacred conservative flame are to the manure born.
The choice, sadly, lies between an unlearned interloper with common sense and an Establishment whose policy response is predictable as the emergence of a gumball from a supermarket machine after a quarter is cranked in. They are mediocre ideologues incapable of learning from past failures, clinging to their careers because they are unsuited for honest work. Trump may not know much but he is capable of learning. That can’t be said for his detractors.
“It isn’t just that the emperor has no clothes,” I wrote in a review of Angelo Codevilla’s brilliant 2014 book To Make and Keep Peace. “The empire has no tailors.” Three administrations of Bush father and son have produced a monotone Establishment of functional foreign policy morons. One can’t find many prominent national security officials to oppose the signators of the anti-Trump letter [also here] because a whole generation of functionaries has been bred from the same stable. America will have to learn foreign policy from scratch. For my money, I’ll take the rough-edged outsider over the recidivist failures.
Update 1: The goal of Republicans should be to find the right answers to these problems.
What are they? How many years have you and your class and guild had to find them, and not? Just like a Democrat, We need change!, well, yeah, you’ve said that for decades and nothing ever pleases you and you haven’t pleased anyone but yourself and your peers. And you sure as shootin’ haven’t solved the problems you say we have. That’s called prattling impotence where I come from.
The ideas given in the post are about political maneuvering, not problem solving. The problems are intellectual and spiritual, not political, at least not in the first instance.
Yes, Reagan era is over, sitrep far otherwise now, but no, what now passes for conservative principles ain’t worth spit. They have produced exactly nothing, or rather, a Democratic-Republican Uniparty, which is an eight-bit name for nothing. Spengler himself just described Bill Kristol and John Podhoretz with metaphor earthier and rather father through the GI tract than mine here.
Tobin has incinerated a straw man. Typical conservative chinless sanctimony. He grasps the movement the way an ant grasps the ocean. It’s big, buddy, it’s big, and it makes very powerful weather.
It’s a good thing the Democratic-Republican Uniparty is using their bureaucracies to burn down their own breeding sheds — schools — turning their own offspring into mountainous morons.