The Bane Of Religion

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.

The bane of religion is the impulse to think it demands something, anything, prescribes or proscribes something, anything.

Religion is the gift of freedom to those mired in the endless cycle of knowing good and evil, a “knowledge” which is a curse.

Religion is the antidote for law, which not only demands but also punishes and is therefore an object for defiance by cunning as well as a cynosure of tyrants.

The more laws you make, the more cunning defiance you arouse, including in yourself, and the more you encourage tyrants.

The more you think you know what is right and what is wrong the less do you have of freedom from struggle.

Cold-Hearted Bastards
Cold-Hearted Bastards

The more you try to do good, the more you cause sorrow.

No. Redemption is being repossessed by your owner and salvation is being enabled by him to have fun.

More are redeemed than are saved.

That is what the senses-based liberation theology Jesuit said.

The civility of a civilization is inversely proportional to the number of its laws.

Proliferating laws proliferates chaos.

Mandating kindness causes contention.

Update 1: Sabeel: Liberation Theology, Anglican Edition, spouts in Gaza and the West Bank.  Two thoughts: (1) “I seen me an Arab, I seen me a Gaza and I seen me a West Bank, but I ain’t never seen me a Palestinian or a Palestine.” and (2) “I ain’t never seen me no liberation theology that was Christian.”


Sophia Loren, 1957, Legend of the Lost
Sophia Loren, 1957, Legend of the Lost

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