Revolution And Conversion

A re-revolution of our country, our republic is underway. Individual sovereignty (morality) in service of community (ethics) is the ideal of the re-revolution. I think the republic cannot be saved, but it can be and is being re-revolutionized. Might look like the same thing in process and outcome, but it isn’t. Re-revolutionize is to make something new, yet of fundamental principle (again), of her. Save in common parlance would be to turn her around and head in roughly the reverse direction from that current. I don’t know of an example of the latter happening, either in national, group or individual history. Of course, I don’t know everything! Still, I think there is an accurate observation there. Evil cannot be walked away from. It must be destroyed.

What we classically call conversion (turning away and around from a course presently taken) is not a simple course reversal. It is a “turning with,” specifically with God, or better, toward and to God, or in philosophical expression, a re-turn to and re-uniting with one’s essential self, which is the Ground of Being (God, to re-turn to theological expression).

Relative to the previous course, a con-version is (1) re-volutionary, revolving around an essential center rather than spitting off tangentially from that center, and in willful enthusiasm for the same, and (2) radical, submerging in the root of existence, which/who is the Ground of Being/Father-Logos-Holy Spirit, One God Almighty.

The TEA Party movement and concurrent forces drive by and towards individual sovereignty (morality) in service of community (ethics). I think the genius of these forces is not to save the republic but to re-revolutionize her. Not to reverse her direction, which is suicidal, but to throw off bolt-ons and barnacles glomming onto her essential self after years of struggle in the dynamics of history. Not a course reversal but a garbage removal is indicated, and I think, underway. No individual or group force has power sufficient to turn the republic from her suicidal course. The devil cannot be converted. But his prey re-revolutionized, that is not only possible, it is underway. The power of creation is in the self.

In any case, the republic persists and cannot be destroyed. Harmed, yes, cleaned, yes, destroyed, no. We are children and a nation of Providence and Destiny. We are not going away. We are prevailing.



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