Occupation Is Phase Two Of War

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


1- Perhaps mistakenly, I was under the impression that neocons, such as Paul Wolfowitz, were/are Scoop Jackson Democrats.

2- War fighting to victory without occupation following is an historical howler.  Never happens.  When tried, as by Harry Truman (Korea), Gerald Ford (Vietnam), GHW and GW Bush (Iraq and Afghanistan) and The Fraud (Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan), the result is painful.

3- Occupation with the purpose of fostering representative democratic (republican) government dates from President McKinley and US victory over Spain in the Philippines.  The concept/policy is linked, by McKinley himself, to American manifest destiny, an idea not foreign to many today and, in itself, not at all unworthy.

4- Occupation, which is unavoidable and essential following victorious war, should be for as long as it takes for the defeated belligerent to renounce belligerence, and no longer.  The extirpation of beligerent spirit, not killing, is the purpose of war.  Occupation is the second phase of war, following unconditional surrender by an belligerent.

5- If Cruz does not know that now, he will learn it, one way or the other.  Killing bodies and removing governments is not the purpose of war.  Extirpating the spirit of belligerence is.  For that, unconditional surrender and occupation are ineluctably indicated.

6- Representative democratic (republican) government is not a universal good.  It works only in Christian civilization and in particular those blessed with a legal substrate of English Common Law.  Ergo, establishing such government in a non-Christian civilization is an irrational goal.

7- On the other hand, occupying a defeated enemy’s lands until such time as he renounces belligerence is a universal good, with numerous exemplars to commend it.

Update 1: Common SJW Phrases Translated Into English.  Commenter: This made it worth chewing through the restraints this morning.

Related:Militant Snowflake: New Insignia For Social Justice Warrior

Update 2: Spengler on Ted Cruz

Update 3: This is evergreen: YEP: After boasting for three years that he ended the Iraq War, [The Fraud] says it was Bush’s fault.

Update 4: An Israeli Hero and a Power Line failure of intellect.  I commented:

The Bush Neo-Cons refused to put USA on war footing on 12SEP01.  They essayed to make less than 1% of the country carry 100% of the burden of battle.  Their successors deny there is a battle or ever has been, except to throw off the grotesque yoke of Amero-Euro colonialism.

With all that, the ME/Islam is small potatoes as battles go.  The big potato is in the South and East China Seas.  China has punched through the USA western defensive littoral.  Salafist and Iranian Jihadis/Caliphists are flies.  They exist because no one, so far, has fumigated for them.  The arch-hegemon, the capital carnivore, is in Asia.

Staff Sergeant Weissman died a Solder’s death, in battle with a mortal, vicious enemy.  That is honorable.  His widow and child have comfort in that.  His honor protects them, as a man, husband and father should protect his family.  May the men of Israel earn as much honor, at least, by protecting their families and country, decisively, in a manner which will leave no doubt in Jihadi/Caliphist minds regarding the impossibility of their success and the non-alternative to their being happy with Israelis and Israel and every other person and thing they currently hate and despise.

And may American men likewise come to their senses and fumigate for Salafist and Iranian Jihadis/Caliphists wherever they are, however they hide, so that mankind’s major threat, China, can be faced and disabused of her posture for aggressive, hegemonic racism.

And John, they are not terrorists.  They are Salafist Jihadis.  The nomenclature has to be accurate before the battle can be successfully joined.  So far, that has not occurred among the lib-con cartel.  And that is why this war, a piddling affair relatively speaking, has not been won.  Calling them terrorists nebulizes them, conjures confusion.  They love it.  Here’s what they are.

Update 5: National Review Online gets something right for a change, regarding jihad.  Related.

Update 6: Sage words from Bing West at Hoover Institution: America The Weak.  I commented to a commenter:

Good point.  If I may try to clarify: President Bush and the Neo-Cons had no careful plan what to do after they overwhelmed Iraqi Armed Forces.  Gradually, they tracked with a concept that emerged I think from Hoover Institution originally (?): for ME quiet, replace USA reliance on ME dictators (some of them, anyway) with reliance on USA-installed democratic societies where dictators just had been.  The argument was, we’re more secure dealing with a democratically elected government than with a dictator. That argument is probably irrefutable.

However, making a democratically elected government rise in a former dictatorship is not easy, if possible at all.  I think only Japan has done that and then only under the very wisest possible facilitation by GOA MacArthur.  The Bush Doctrine was to develop mini-USAs with local color thrown in.  Rather naive.  And that, specifically, was the error at the base of the Bush Doctrine: a government of any kind does not come up on its own or even with outside help; it comes up only in, under, around and through the presence of a victorious domestic armed force.  A nation only builds up and out around its victorious army (armed force).

As West says and implies, it would take 20 to 50 years of USA occupation to achieve an Iraqi armed force strong enough to guarantee the country’s independence and the safety of her government.  And meanwhile, as West also says, the occupying force should pick the leadership for the country it occupies.  It also is a military commander’s job (see SCAP in Japan), not a diplomat’s, to deem when that is accomplished (see heart-breaking battle between Bremer and Sanchez, because GWB/Neo-Cons did not grasp basics of statecraft, nation-building).  GWB and the Neo-Cons did not see these phenomena clearly.  Their successors do not want to see them and will not.  Occupation is phase two of war.

Overall, the way out of this mess now is to forge a fresh multi-national alliance structure — specifically India, USA and Russia — to include growing protection by growing independence.  Representative democratic (republican) government is not a universal good.  It works only in Christian civilization and in particular those blessed with a legal substrate of English Common Law.  Ergo, establishing such government in a non-Christian civilization is an irrational goal, QED.

Update 7: The EU Always Was A CIA Project

Update 8: The Daily Signal, house organ of The Heritage Foundation, writes Caliphists’ lulling propaganda for them

Update 9: 6 Reasons Why Starship Troopers Is The New The Art of War



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