The Rev. Dr. Mark Durie

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



The Rev. Dr. Mark Durie, an Anglican Australian Theologian, Linguist and Priest, has shouldered the heaviest burdens, and successfully, in recent years of the technical/intellectual battle against Islamic hegemonic deceit and imperialism, aka Saudi Salafism/Wahhabism.  His counter-attack is across the broadest possible front with the greatest possible economy of force.  Quite utterly delightful and effective.

To win the theological battle, consult this Churchman.  To learn more about that, consult this.  And this and this.

Related by Richard Fernandez: This is precisely the opportunity which the faithless PC Western world cannot grasp.  The world is facing a moral and spiritual threat that it cannot even recognize because they have no notation for that dimension.  Salafi jihadism is the ultimate stealth weapon against the Western elite because they cannot see it lest they see themselves.

Sovereignty is the form of freedom and freedom is the substance of sovereignty.  That notation parallels Paul Tillich’s famous formula: Culture is the form of religion and religion is the substance of culture.

Finally, lest we forget: Christmas Is Total War On Commies

Update 1: A stupid treatment of a central question, one of which Father Durie treats expertly.

Update 2: National Review Online gets something right for a change, regarding jihad.  Related.

Update 3: Counter-Terrorism: The Source Of Islamic Terrorist Justification

Update 4: The Daily Signal, house organ of The Heritage Foundation, writes Caliphists’ lulling propaganda for them.

Update 5: The Rev. Dr. Mark Durie: Ishmael Is Not The Father Of The Arabs

Update 6: Marilyn Stern: Mark Durie on Islam’s Crisis of Apostasy



And in celebration of The Holy Trinity,
about Whom The Season is,
Bach’s St. Anne Fugue

Andrzej Tadeusz Bonawentura Kościuszko
Andrzej Tadeusz Bonawentura Kościuszko

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