Life Is Fugue / History Is Canon / Creation Is Chant

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



A peculiar post today by Ed Driscoll, a Roman Catholic, at Instapundit, referencing Jonah Goldberg and quoting a religious partisan of the Talmudist persuasion.  I commented thrice:

1- America saved by religious revival by American Orthodox Jewish population?

That is hootin’ rubbish. (1) That population has no connection to or sentiment for the US Constitution except as they can get courts to use it to keep intruders off their reservations, usually in large cities. (2) Judaism ceased to exist in 70 AD and its replacement, Talmudism, is a legal, cultural and social system, not a religion. (3) Judaism was and Talmudism is exclusivist, divine favor for them only, not any others, and no necessary, beneficial or lasting value to any literature outside Talmud and its on-going parsing by Rabbis.

2- America saved by religion, yes, that is the truth. But there is only one that can do it: the one that made it. I think marks of its presence are being looked for in the places it isn’t.

3- Begging leave to correct that statement: America can be saved by anti-religion, that is the truth. And there is only one that can do it: the one that made it. I think marks of its presence are being looked for in the places it isn’t because it is assumed, by the generality, that Christianity is religion or a religion.

Christianity is anti-religion. Religion is laws and customs, nitpickers, gatekeepers, bone-heads, and gossips. Christianity transcends all of that, is for freedom: spiritual, intellectual, social, economic, political.

Christianity is religionless:  see herehere, here and here.

Its non-establishment clause is classical Christian theology embedded in the US Constitution. Good job Framers.

Socialism/Globalism — abetted by all the churches today so-called — and Caliphism are parallel efforts to subjugate humanity in toto to a religion — laws, nitpickers, aka global governance — and its jack-booted activist fighters.

Update 1: Peggy Noonan: An Old-Fashioned Childhood: Nobody Killed Us

Update 2: I think US mil understands that targeted killing and strategic patience are no substitute for occupation until such time as an enemy relinquishes the urge to aggress.  And that those concepts veil acceptance — indescribably immoral — of wastage of human life and culture into the thousands and millions of bodies and years.

Globalists have no qualms about doing, enabling or allowing genocide.  Today they even front the appearance of theological justification for the same: genocide helps over-burdened Goddess Gaia, an hypocrisy so burdensome it vacates the reason and buckles the knees of its proponents.

Don’t let’s blame US mil for Globalists‘ teratologies.


“nothing is an absolute reality, all is permitted”.

Basic philosophical, logical and theological error: to deny something one first must affirm it.  Thus, everything is relative states an absolute. God is dead/does not exist posits God. An atheist is an a-theist, first supporting that that he wants to deny. This is ancient learning (docta, doctrine), not at all new news.

Summary: denial affirms the denied … and the denier is not to be taken seriously. Abelard’s analysis is superficial.

Update 3: 1- Perhaps mistakenly, I was under the impression that neocons, such as Paul Wolfowitz, were/are Scoop Jackson Democrats.

2- War fighting to victory without occupation following is an historical howler.  Never happens.  When tried, as by The Fraud, the result is painful.

3- Occupation with the purpose of fostering representative democratic (republican) government dates from President McKinley and US victory over Spain in the Philippines.  The concept/policy is linked, by McKinley himself, to “American manifest destiny,” an idea not foreign to many today and, in itself, not at all unworthy.

4- Occupation, which is unavoidable and essential following victorious war, should be for as long as it takes for the defeated belligerent to renounce belligerence, and no longer.  The decease of beligerent spirit, not killing, is the purpose of war.  Occupation is the second phase of war, following unconditional surrender by an enemy.

5- If Cruz does not know that now, he will learn it, one way or the other.  Killing bodies and removing governments is not the purpose of war.  Extirpating the spirit of belligerence is.  For that, occupation is ineluctably indicated.

6- Representative democratic (republican) government is not a universal good.  It works only in Christian civilization and in particular those blessed with a legal substrate of English Common Law.  Ergo, establishing such government in a non-Christian civilization is an irrational goal, QED.

7- On the other hand, occupying a defeated enemy’s lands until such time as he renounces belligerence is a universal good with numerous exemplars of success.

Update 4: Found crucifix shows Christianity in Viking Europe earlier than thought.

Update 5: Richard Fernandez: The Global World Hits A Snag

Update 6: The Historic Jewish Enmity Towards Christianity

Update 7:
Not believing in religion is not the same as not believing in God. You can be spiritual without being religious.

David R. Graham to kevinstroup
Well, Tillich is famous for saying that Christianity is the world’s great anti-religion religion.  I add Hinduism to that description, but that will be a bridge too far for many at this time.

Dragblacker to David R. Graham
I’m not sure I follow.  Does it mean that Christianity and Hinduism have elements in them that lead some people to eschew religion entirely?

David R. Graham to Dragblacker
Yes, that is what it means.  It also is in Hebrew Prophetism.  Religion is a means, not an end, much less the end.  Like all means, it is fraught with danger because it can lead either Godward or Godaway because there are right ways to be religious and wrong ways.  In fact, far more wrong ways than right ways.  Far, far more.  Religion is very dangerous in the absence of experienced and skilled guidance.  Religion (Latin re + ligare) means binding up that which has become unbound.  Once a body is repaired, its ligaments (ligare) grown or tied back together, it has no need for the doctor who or the procedures which repaired it.

Lawman45 to David R. Graham
Tillich is correct.  Christianity, shorn of the Elmer Gantrys of the world, is a great handbook to living in a large society.  Just remember that the substance is correct but all the rest is B.S.  And, as I learned at Notre Dame, the “Priests”, the “Rabbis”, and the “Ministers” are just ordinary folk who live life free off of the insecurities of others.


Prairie Trees
Prairie Trees

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