In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.

During 1994 in the State of Washington, a unique and productive series of meetings occurred involving educators from the homeschool, private school and public school aspects of our system of education. Presented here is the record of those meetings, showing their result as well as their foundation.

Anita Ekberg
Anita Ekberg

Our people are searching for spiritual formulae that will protect their science, their religion and their government from simultaneous attack by three tyrannical combinations: puritanical hegemonists from the Middle East and Asia, anarchistic hegemonists from courts and businesses and academic hegemonists from schools, NGOs and foundations.

Our people are our nation.

Puritanical hegemonists from the Middle East and Asia hate our people’s science. Give it to them.

Anarchistic hegemonists from courts and businesses hate our people’s religion. Give it to them.

Academic hegemonists from schools, NGOs and foundations hate our people’s government. Give it to them.

To the puritanical say, “The summit of Everest is marine limestone.” (John McPhee)

To the anarchistic say, “Freedom is built on and fueled by personal responsibility.” (Star Parker)

To the academic say, “Culture is the form of religion and religion is the substance of culture.” (Paul Tillich)

The womb of the spiritual formulae our people seek is the Christian Liturgical Year. The seed of those spiritual formulae is the will of God which bears fruit in that womb.


Mother Feeds Her Children
Mother Feeds Her Children

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