Comments On National Sovereignty

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



Over several weeks now I have been drawn to comment, on others’ blogs, on the subject of USA national sovereignty and the phenomenon of sovereignty en soi.  For example:


In this world there is no security, only opportunity. Conflict in Congress is an opportunity for a second political party to emerge.  A citizenry so perverse and lazy as to put a personality who despises them in their executive chair is an opportunity to rear a citizenry who are clean and courageous.  A secret and confounding array of expenditures in time, energy, money and blood is an opportunity to rethink the fundamentals of human nature and recast, as least speculatively, the structures of human endeavor, to include the forms of national sovereignty.  Etc.

In other words, OK, it’s a mess, OK, it’s depressing, but, what should it be?  What IS or ARE the correct thing(s) to be seeing, thinking through, doing?

You know what I think the country’s problems are?  Three in number: drugs, promiscuity, step parents.  Those are fixable problems.  You know what I think the country’s solution is?  One in number, a doable truth: Duty is God, Work is Worship.


As I view them, as a species, libertarians are not street fighters. They resemble cons and neo-cons in that regard. They talk pretty, they are clever, but in historical context both are past the last gripping knot on their rope. They ain’t got no salt. They are, as Noonan says today of their nemesis, “cloud-talking.” Events have overtaken their premises. So really, they are empty-handed. Full-mouthed, big-brained, but empty-handed.

His profession done in Rand Paul as a presidential candidate. MDs are not street fighters. They cannot be and be MDs. His wife and kids love him, surely, but that doesn’t make a man presidential. My wife and kids love me, but, unless you had the benefit of a general anesthetic, I should be the last guy you’d want as POTUS.

Also, and more importantly, libertarians, cons and neo-cons do not get the novelty and teleological flux of current operating conditions. A George Wallace comparison is a real pony keg of crazy. There is no analog there, no correlate. Cloud-thinking. Wallace was a politician. Trump is a builder.

The genius of Vladimir Putin is that he knows he does not know the outcome of trains he sets in motion but he does know for certain — and certainly is right — that every previous set of national alliances is null and void, a completely new set of national alliances is aborning, but not yet viable, and so it makes perfect sense to seize every opportunity seen to benefit Mother Russia (Putin is a Patriot) and not only await but also create the multi-national living structure that is emerging. He accepts uncertainly as canvass, paint and brushes for his working up an agreeable picture. Who can blame him?

USA libertarians, cons and neo-cons have no such energy, courage and confidence. They, not the times, are out of joint. I’ll vote for the guy, or girl, who talks geography, not principles, defensive lines, not social media, logistics tails, not legal qualms, national strategic objectives, not inalienable rights. POTUS is a head of state, not a head of family.

I sense that people uncomfortable with Donald Trump are people uncomfortable with the phenomenon of USA national sovereignty. Trump annoys them only as a figure for something deeper: having to rescan their assumptions generally because the world isn’t as they expected their labors to make it: in some manner administratively or at least intellectually united and moving in the same direction. I remember Pinch Sulzberger moaning at a commencement that his generation failed to give the cherubs arrayed before him the world they had planned to give them because George W. Bush was POTUS. I mean ….


“… how does a parent counteract such programming?”


But your post misses a subtlety: all of your examples are corporations. That tells you they are part of the ruling class right alongside politicians. And both groups are after one thing: gull people into buying things they do not need, calling that “the economy.” That is not an economy (= building up and out), it is a bleeding of other’s wealth.

It is surely ingenious, but is it capitalism? No. It is theft. Generational theft perpetrated by a ruling class now convinced, eyeing and sniffing the lure of global marks, that there is no sovereign nation to which they owe loyalty. The globe is a market of rubes to be nudged, pushed, re-engineered and looted, ever so gingerly as to avoid their revolting. Nations be damned, including the United States. Jeremiah Wright is one of them, who knew?!

Now that is sinister. Corporations riding successive waves of loopy-ness, some they generate, some they discover, paying off politicians who extort them for the privilege of riding, and all giggling off to the bank, the escort service and the drug supplier for a good time. That’s not America doing business. That’s America prone in a coffin.


A USA statesman would join Putin to quieten MENA and invite India to join the party. None of the inherited alliances, none of the inherited lists of friends and foes is valid now. An entirely fresh alliance system of sovereign nation states incubates in history’s womb and the global governance global “elites” — to include Salafists and Iranian Mullahs — are desperate to abort it’s birth, hurling at it every weapon at hand. USA-Russia-India, brothers, is the fundamental structure preparing emergence. The other sovereign nations will friend or fight that fundament through secondary and tertiary arrangements while global governance global “elites” weep screams wiping down the birthing chamber.


Transnational progressive. They call themselves globalists. An accurate descriptor. Implies their affinity for Caliphists, who also are global-governance-minded. Both recognize no national sovereignty. Thus their impulses and ideas are not trans-national but post-national.

Globalists are everywhere. The big schools, the CIA, the big foundations, the big corporations, the big churches and synagogues.

Progressive means to them rules-based global community wherein globalists make the rules that effect global governance and the generality give them thanks and praise. Their self-important sanctimony is Dionysian in its conceptuality. Right up there with Caliphists’.

They are their own religion. They hate Christianity, specifically, because Christianity is an anti-religion, as was Hebrew Prophetism. Caliphists hate Hinduism and Christianity for the same reason.

Rabbi Heschel would get an impish gleam in his eye when he asked a class, “What is the world’s most anti-Semitic book?”, and, the class stumped, would answer his own question, “The Hebrew Bible!” Just so, the world’s most anti-religious book is The Christian Bible.

Globalists are highly and deeply religious, absolutely, unswervingly believe in themselves, to a fault. So do Caliphists. No wonder they both hate Christians. One could not imagine they would not. They could not. Incidentally, every Muslim is a Caliphist. Islam, like Globalism, is a political movement masquerading as a religion. Dr. Carson is right about that.


We should not have a religious president. That excludes Globalists from that office because they are religious, they are devoted to destroying national sovereignties, just as Caliphists are. That’s the religion of both. Neither should be president or any other office of high national responsibility. I don’t want any religious person having authority over me, my family, my employer, my town, my state or my nation. That’s why I am a Christian and glad of it. Christianity is anti-religion, pro-freedom and power for that into the bargain.


Good post title, thoughtful post. The Anglican, Protestant and Reformed wings of the Latin Church went environmentalist and pacifist in the 1960s. That is when they conceived government, specifically Five Eyes governments, as embodiment of the Church, obliged to compel from taxpayers cradle-to-grave support for cheats and idlers (“the poor,” the “precarious”)

IOW, clergy went worldly. Now Roman Catholic prelates world-wide, follow their Anglican, Protestant and Reformed “separated brethren” into venality.

German prelates receive taxpayer monies in abundance from the German Reich, The Diocese of Cologne alone receives more German taxpayer money than the Vatican has!

Today Pope Francis spoke at the USA as if it were part of the Nation State government he heads. Consistent with ancient Roman Catholic doctrine, he spoke as the Chief Executive/Representative of Christ for the unitary Global Government (“… all things in heaven and on earth ….”) as which the Vatican sees the Church and itself.

There is no inconsistency or hypocrisy, in Vatican doctrine, as between calling for USA open borders (i.e., non-sovereignty) and Vatican closed borders (i.e., the sole center of the sole global sovereignty, the Church). USA is a province of the Vatican. Only the Vatican inner-core, Vatican City, needs physical protection as the sovereign center of its global aegis and property. Walls, restrictive immigration, etc. Absolutely consistent with open borders, no walls, everywhere else.

Caliphists make the same claim for a different actor, whomever is their chosen god.

Mr. Francis, Sir, a nation state is a sovereign entity. The Church is not one of them. Nor is a nation state the Church, although many arise in Christian tutelage, especially of their armed forces, absent whose record of victory a nation state does not exist.
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops receives from the USA executive branch millions if not billions of taxpayer monies yearly to “settle” refugees, migrants and terrorists in the USA. It’s a business and they are businessmen, not clergy. Baptists and virtually every other *mainline* denomination’s clergy ditto.

And taxpayers want to admire these tergiversators and termagants?


Is The Pope Catholic?:

By Roman Catholic doctrine, a pope is a head of state and the vicar (plenary representative) of the Head of the Church. A pope speaks in both capacities simultaneously whenever he speaks.

Functionally, a pope, is not different from a late-period Roman Emperor as both head of state and head of religion. Also functionally, a pope is not different from a Caliph, who also is head of state and head of religion.

Doctrinally, there is another non-difference between a pope, a late Roman Emperor and a Caliph: each treats of their person and position as master and chief executive officer of the world’s sole valid state and sole valid religion. Doctrinally, a pope and a caliph claim sovereignty over any, as they see it, soi-disant nation state, e.g., the USA. A pope claims quietly, a caliph-pretender rather loudly.

American Roman Catholics mostly reject, even doctrinally, the subordination of USA sovereignty to the Holy See. The Holy See, however, claims that subordination, however sotto voce, and yesterday to Her and today to the World we hear the tones and see the trappings of that claim.

Is the pope Catholic? Very much so, no doubt about it. His claim, by ancient doctrine, of universal civil and religious authority (because Christ’s salvic power is universal) — suffering him to reprove one and all with exquisite sanctimony — is the very definition of catholicity.


The objective is world governance by global politicians/businessmen — who include the regime pounding us — through their bureaucrats, who behave as theocrats. Part of getting there for them is eliminating national borders. We see global politicians/businessmen doing this here and in Europe, and trying in MENA. They count Putin, the Ayatollahs and al Baghdadi as their own with whom they are scrumming for lead position in the global governance network they are sure they are ushering in. From the point of view of all of them, USA sovereignty (national) and security (local) are THE enemy because those embody the one thing they agree to abominate: liberty for anyone but themselves.

Basically, your standard issue barnyard bully with lipstick. So weak.


Integration is relatively easy. Assimilation has to be wanted by both parties. Domestic structure comprises three forces: sovereignty, solvency, supremacy. Modern international structure comprises a triangulation, not a multi-polarity, of three forces: USA, Russia and India. The ontic source is trinitarian.


Two comments:

1- Russia is playing with Iran for Russia’s calculated benefit, not for any long-term Russian-Iranian alliance. The two countries are fundamental enemies.

2- The Fraud’s options are not just counteract Russian expansion or give speeches. There is also the option of joining Russia to defeat ISIS and defeat or check Iran, strengthen Iraq and Afghanistan, and into the bargain, bring in India to help, who would be enthusiastic. That were an option of genuine statecraft.

One slogan:

Sovereignty – Solvency – Supremacy


Ahmad’s statement does not felicitate Mirengoff’s willingness to have a Muslim POTUS. Islam is an anti-everything-else political movement masquerading as a religion. No Moslem can take the American Oath of Office without mental reservations and self-compelled perjury. A profession of Islam is prima facie evidence of treason against the USA.

“I’m sure most American Muslims ….” Not anywhere near a surety, unless to the opposite effect than you intend. See Paul’s quote of Ahmad today. That’s not religion, that’s treasonous politics.

Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion. Pull off the mask and what’s there?: a clear enemy of the Constitution of the USA, a present danger to the nation, formulated as a political party. Are there not Constitutional restrictions on political movements working to annihilate the US Constitution? Is Ahmad just kidding? Does the Constitution subsidize its own suicide?

Islam is not a religion. It tries to hide itself as one. Tries! Treat it as the totalitarian, treasonous Anti-American political movement it is.


The Party is for the People, but the People are for their Country.
Rework of Polish resistance motto, mentioned here.

Fine analysis and historiography, thanks. Christianity is interested in liberty, spiritual, mental moral, physical and political. The churches promote religion, which is only occasionally and briefly interested in liberty. Religion, usually, is a business masquerading as liberation, much as Apple, Facebook, Google, etc., do: “this [fill in] ‘allows’ you to ….” The churches, if you pay them with some value, ‘allow’ you to [fill-in]. Christianity is anti-religious, pro-liberty and pro-nation-state.

The global governance crowd, driven by the same socialist religion that drives Francis, also treats liberty as an after-thought and then merely as some good global governance bureaucrats allow people to have. Here is an analysis of that phenomenon.


Peters is making newspaper pap. He has not driven to the back of what is happening. And conjuring fear or anger is not the duty of a military man, an historian or a philosopher. Or of anyone, really.

Peters and so many, many others are stirred up because developments have overrun their strategic assumptions and, ergo, expectations and conclusions they derive from those assumptions.

The modern grand strategic condition is not multi-polar. It is triangular: USA, Russia, India. Multi-culturalists, Cold War veterans, active measures/direct action functionaries and isolationists have been overrun by events. They don’t get it. Neither does Putin, fully, but he’s pushing in the right direction. So should USA be, with him.

Not weeping over blown hopes and plans but looking over present vectors and opportunities would be the literary (and related) output of a military man, historian or philosopher executing their duty.


Logistics is trumped/driven by grand national strategic objective. Our political agents don’t have one. Nor have we given them one. Nor have our spiritual and intellectual leaders articulated one.

Reason?: a century of assiduous fasco-commie subversion aimed at destroying the Anglo/Franco/Germano/Hispano/Italo sphere’s ability to think clearly enough to defend itself (aka The Latin Church).

Well, what is/should be USA Grand National Strategic Objective? See that and military, financial and diplomatic strategy, tactics and logistics are self-evident. Well … ?

…. Following a day thinking over this post and my comment yesterday on it, I want to express doubt regarding the premise of the post, that logistics realities in MENA generally and Afghanistan specifically are in train that, like those facing the German Army in 1914, are irreversible and ineluctable.

Two thoughts:

1- German too-fine precision planning, like German engineering generally, is at least as responsible as the sheer physicality of operations for the General Staff’s “inability” to respond to Kaiser Bill’s thinking. American military planning quite deliberately does not micro-managed from the top, consciously, in order to avoid the rigidity, the degraded agility and adaptability, of the too-precise German machine.

Russians build machines common soldiers can maintain, with wide tolerances and rough survivability. Soldier-proof, it’s called. German machines must go to war with factory-trained and certified techs.

US Armed Forces today have logistics rather well-in-hand, if and when needed. So, WW I German logistics is not analogous to modern US logistics, nor, I suspect, to modern Russian logistics.

2- Wide remark was made at the speed and power of US Armed Forces logistics that enabled strong, decisive ingress at Afghanistan just shy of one month after 11SEP01. That, boys and girls, is logistics.

Conclusion: I think Richard, uncharacteristically, has over-thought this post and under-thought its data points with respect to modern American military logistics. On the politics, of course, Richard is, as always, preternaturally astute.

Update 1: Noonan on Shows Of Strength and Kirill (a KGB double agent inside the Russian church) on holy war

Update 2: Russian defense industry on life support

Update 3: Dr. Ben Carson and Muslim Islamophobes

Update 4: Putin on The Fraud

Update 5: Jonah Goldberg: The Wisdom And Folly In Albert Jay Nock’s Anti-Statism

Update 6: Nancy Pelosi preaching active measures.

Update 7: Earlier student publication, Active Measures, at The Institute Of World Politics

Of 2012
Of 2013

Update 8: Rush Limbaugh on what’s actually happening

Ed Driscoll, an example of Rush’s point.  I commented:

Ed, you don’t get it.  They’re not on the other side of an aisle.  They’re under you and everything you cherish, making caverns and filling them with explosives to blow you and yours to oblivion.  Rush recently did a segment on your kind’s ignorance of the game afoot.

Rush related

Update 9: Counter-Terrorism: The Origins Of Islamic Terrorism

Update 10: Multiculturalism: Something Rotten in the States of Europe and America

Update 11: “Why would I tell you about this?” the imam said. “They’re not terrorists,” he said of the radicals. “They just hate the U.S. government.”  Related.

Update 12: Russian Media Terms Of Abuse For The Fraud

Update 13: Moscow May Have To Open Third Front In Central Asia To Prevent Refugee Influx Into Russian Cities

Update 14: This statement by a Trump advisor is accurate:

On Monday’s Breitbart News Daily, Donald Trump’s Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller said this election represents “binary choice” that boils down to a decision of “nation-state versus globalism.”

Also this is true: two globalist cartels are extant, temporarily allied: Secular oligarchs and Salafist Jihadists.  Both are puritanical hegemons.  Puritanism is the bane of humanity.  It is a mental weakness driving an adamantine morality, which is to say, conjuring the Devil.

Update 6: I read this and try to think of something meaningful to write.  Nothing is there, except there being nothing there.  So I have to write, nothing is there.  Which is actually something (nothing) not discussable.  Perhaps I approach Samadhi.

I do think this: that ValJar is setting up Hillary for Michelle and ValJar. Hillary’s email was unmasked by the White House.  All know who that is. And the only reason she would even bother is, she has no intention of leaving the White House until, as she has said, she turns the lights out there.  I assume she means in order to move to another house, one with a portfolio having global jurisdiction.

She has said over and again, So much remains to be done.  And means it for sure.  Namely, to abolish USA national sovereignty and establish global governance by unelected technocrats, wise-guys.  She shares that objective with very many high and mighty all over the globe and especially in USA (both R&D) and EU.

Power Line team and commentators speak nary a word about this secular globalist phenomenon, this barely concealed and eagerly anticipated agitation for sedition.  John’s post on H1B sub-free labor a while back came closest, I think, to unmasking the phenomenon.  Illegal immigration is noted, but not for what it is: sedition of USA and all other national sovereignties.  One should be a conservative globalist, working an end to nation states, only on conservative principles rather than leftie ones, I guess.  Exegeting the political philosophy inside that posture would make a dandy doctoral thesis.  Maybe even a great stump speech.

Update 7: Comey, as a person and official, makes me feel comfortable.  I sense some titanic struggle is occurring just under the veneer of D.C.’s glittering facade.

It feels like some estimable chunk of officialdom wants to help keep the USA as a functioning, independent nation state while an essentially rabble of misanthropes wants to help each other hide the fact from voters — all voters — that they want to govern (they mean rule, but they do chaos) a full globe on which North America is merely a region — and they want that engineered into sub-regional urban hives centrally controlled from their global bureaucratic hub.

In that picture I see Comey trying to help keep the USA as a functioning, independent nation state.  He looks to me like a fighter pilot with legal training.  An estimable combination.

I think the way you protect people is you grow their independence.

Update 8: Ronald Reagan left liberalism when Communists infiltrated it.

Update 9: Murphy’s Law: The Realities Of Defense Spending

Update 10: So What’s Happening In The Shipping Reports?

Update 11: Moslem Brotherhood tours TSA facilities and procedures at MSP.  I commented:

Oppenheimer — a KGB deep operator — argued for unilateral US nuclear disarmament on grounds of “setting a good example” that would convince the Soviet to do likewise.  After hearing Oppie out once in these terms, Dean Acheson remarked to an aide in exasperation, “How can you persuade a paranoid adversary [the Soviet] to disarm ‘by example?’”  Of course, Oppie’s mission was to nudge US policy to aid Soviet expansion.

Today’s red diaper babies and grand-babies use Oppie’s argument to nudge US policy to aid vectors promising to undo American institutions and strip out American self-confidence.  Inviting the Muslim Brotherhood to reconnoiter US defense facilities and procedures is right in line with that.  Bill Clinton did the same and more for the Chinese.

Update 12: Interesting analysis of tactical situation in re Boko Haram.  Living off plunder won’t carry far in the modern world.

Update 13: George Handlery addresses the question, What is a nation state?

Update 14: At trial is national sovereignty.  Very much so.

Update 15: The low-skilled and modestly-skilled workforce is supplied by H1b here and its comparable in Europe.  Legal and above board.  (Avoiding for the nounce the question of meet, right and salutary.)  Although even those legal paths, here and in Europe, are merely a bridge to massive automation.

So the illegal influx, fostered by globalists in addition to H1b, is not about pumping the work force.  And Murray’s Q about hiring Euro youth to fill the work force is an oblivious non sequitur.

Why, then, do globalists want an illegal influx?  It doesn’t benefit them.  It isn’t meant to.  Why, then?  I’m not sure.  I don’t think like they think.  It seems to me, I would say, that globalists are a seething brew of one part megalomania and one part cussedness: giddy control freaks wrapped in spiteful hedonism.  Basically, your modern iteration of the ever-petulant anti-Christian.  And they are angry at their parents.

Update 16: The notion that refugees and immigrants should be admitted to a sovereign nation without caveat or demurrer is conjured by two essentials of Liberation Theology, itself a successful KGB subversion operation: precarity and what lately is called weaponized empathy (classically: scrupulosity).  Both are perversions of Christian doctrine (aka experience) with the end in view of disabling Christian civilization by eliminating citizens’ ability to tell truth from fiction and thereby defend themselves.  Moslems, Salafist and Shiite, have taken advantage of the KGB’s success removing from so many Europeans and Americans their ability to discern what is in their interest.  Socialists have gone insane from self-induced terror upon learning that more than a few Europeans and Americans retain the ability to think clearly enough to defend themselves.  The answer, as always, is hearty laughter.

Update 17: The Pope is with the Deep State, hard left and here

Update 18: But: Who Killed The Left?

Glenn Reynolds: Having won all the battles, the Left is losing the culture war.

Richard Fernandez: Because, God.

Related 1: President Trump Wins – G20 Concedes on Climate Treaty and Trade Provisions …

Update 19: Conservatives Need A Remedial Course In Sovereignty

Update 20: Why Trump’s U.N. Speech Was A Triumph

Related: To Be Great the U.N. Must Defend Democratic Sovereignty

Update 21: Spengler: The Bells Of Barcelona Toll For Europe

Update 22: Foreign Policy magazine gnashes her teeth, good: Brazil’s Love Affair With Diplomacy Is Dead

Update 23: The link between pot and mass shootings may be closer than we think

Update 24:
Not believing in religion is not the same as not believing in God. You can be spiritual without being religious.

David R. Graham to kevinstroup
Well, Tillich is famous for saying that Christianity is the world’s great anti-religion religion.  I add Hinduism to that description, but that will be a bridge too far for many at this time.

Dragblacker to David R. Graham
I’m not sure I follow.  Does it mean that Christianity and Hinduism have elements in them that lead some people to eschew religion entirely?

David R. Graham to Dragblacker
Yes, that is what it means.  It also is in Hebrew Prophetism.  Religion is a means, not an end, much less the end.  Like all means, it is fraught with danger because it can lead either Godward or Godaway because there are right ways to be religious and wrong ways.  In fact, far more wrong ways than right ways.  Far, far more.  Religion is very dangerous in the absence of experienced and skilled guidance.  Religion (Latin re + ligare) means binding up that which has become unbound.  Once a body is repaired, its ligaments (ligare) grown or tied back together, it has no need for the doctor who or the procedures which repaired it.

Lawman45 to David R. Graham
Tillich is correct.  Christianity, shorn of the Elmer Gantrys of the world, is a great handbook to living in a large society.  Just remember that the substance is correct but all the rest is B.S.  And, as I learned at Notre Dame, the “Priests”, the “Rabbis”, and the “Ministers” are just ordinary folk who live life free off of the insecurities of others.

Update 25: Contemplating Positions On Chinese Flanks



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