Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000
In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.
The Jewish Homeland is Kashmir. In the Bible, when heaven is mentioned, Kashmir is meant. This is invariable.
The issue is suzerainty: to whom does one belong? One belongs either to the gods or to God, to parochial interests or to the Universal Love.
There is no other option. Independence is a delusion. Belonging to God is the only suzerainty which includes belonging to oneself, the only means of having freedom. Freedom is being a servant of God rather than of parochial interests (gods). There is no freedom apart from bondage to God.
The Kingdom of Heaven is the hegemony of the Solar Dynasty in world affairs. The Solar Dynasty is the suzerainty of God in world history, the visible sign of an inward and invisible Grace. The Solar Dynasty is safety, happiness and health (Latin salus, salvation) amidst the mix and flux of life.
The Solar Dynasty is the line of Rama, the Pandavas, David and Solomon, Celts, Jesus and Mary, Paul and his wife, Benedict and Scholastica, Jerome and Paula, Ambrose, Sephardis, Templars, Francis and Clare, Bernard, Maimonides, Spinoza, Luther, Calvin, Madam Guyon, Bach, Brahms, Franck, Bahá’u’lláh, Mary Baker Eddy, Kandinsky, Roerich, Prokofiev, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Paul Tillich and Taizé.
Kashmir is connected to the Solar Dynasty through the marriage of Kaikeyi, Princess of Kashmir, with Dasaratha, Emperor of Ayodhya and father of Lord Rama.(1)
Baptism is the ceremonial induction or re-birth of an individual into the suzerainty of the Solar Dynasty, the Kingdom of Heaven. Baptism in one form or another is the sine qua non of salvation because outside the Solar Dynasty there is no salvation. All must come to Rama, who is the Bearer of all names and the Indweller of all beings.
The Solar Dynasty is a perpetual hegemony which behaves like an underground stream. Periodically it rises to freshen the whole countryside. For long periods it flows unseen, nourishing from below the realm of ordinary view. Sometimes it constructs freshets and artesians.
The Solar Dynasty with Pandavas at its head ruled the entire globe just prior to 3800 BC, a year which effectively marks the boundary between two great eras of history: Dwapara Yuga before 3800 and Kali Yuga after that date.(2)
The Davidic Dynasty is a branch of the Solar Dynasty. The name Solomon means Peace but it also means Sun. The word Jerusalem means My God is the Sun. Jesus the Christ participated in and represented the Solar Dynasty. This was the soteriological puissance that He had. Since He is His Name, his Name, Jesus the Christ (not merely “Jesus” or “Jeeeesus”!), is the soteriological puissance He is wherever and whenever His Name is called with reverent affection and sincere pleading. He is commonly pictured with a solar orb about the Head.
Judaism is understood when referenced to Kashmir and Christianity when referenced to Tibet. Judaism is a denomination of Christianity. Christianity is based on the Seers of Buddhism. Islam is based on the Prophets of Christianity. The Messiah came and was Jesus the Christ, heir and representative of the Solar Dynasty of Dasaratha, Kausalya and Lord Rama.
The original impetus for Christianity was Buddhism, primarily Tibetan. Buddhism is an atheistic spirituality and religion. The Three Wise Men were Tibetans and Jesus spent most of his life in Tibet, Kashmir and India. He also traveled in Russia and Iran — both before and after the crucifixion and resurrection. He grew up in Egypt and points East of Jordan … far East of Jordan! He realized while in His twenties that He was the Messiah foretold by Hebrew Seers. He was at a monastery in Tibet at the time. He resolved to return to Palestine and fulfill his calling, his mission.
Jesus’ Jewish heritage was with the so-called Lost Tribes,(3) roughly speaking the Sephardi, who were anything but lost.(4) His persona was that of an international, not a parochial. To think of Jesus as Jewish is far off the truth. He was comfortable in the Roman Empire, which accepted both Him and the religion He inspired. He was opposed by parochial interests, by Palestinian religious and monastic leaders, not by Imperial ones. Jesus was a trans-national or comprehensive (German Ubergreifenden) figure, at ease in the Roman Empire or in any locale or society. Both His rearing and His mission, after all, were universal, not parochial. He had neither the hot-headed bigotry of Palestinian partisans nor the irreligious hauteur of Jewish religious and monastic leaders. Among his closest companions in Palestine were families of station, intimates of both civil and religious responsibility. Though Himself very poor, Jesus was widely known and admired by the leadership at all levels of First Century Roman/Palestinian society. He had an entourage comprising members of Jerusalem’s and the Empire’s leading families.
Jesus’ crucifixion involved death of the ego but not of the body.(5) Appeal was made to Pilate showing conclusively that an innocent had been condemned — something for which Pilate would be chargeable — and the unconscious body was removed from the cross and restored with medicaments, including a poultice or cataplasm. Wealthy families of Jerusalem and Benjamin accomplished this reversal of fortune and health. When He could travel, Jesus returned to India and Tibet and traveled as far as Malaysia. He threw off the mortal coil and His Body was buried at Srinagar, Kashmir, and the body of Mary His mother was buried nearby after she left this world.
His mother was not a virgin in the physiological sense of the word though she became one in the spiritual sense. She became a great devotee of Him after practically abandoning him when he was very young. Jesus had a twin brother, Thomas, whose name means twin in Aramaic. In later years the two were frequently taken for one another. The Church maintains awareness of Jesus’ connection to India and the Vedas by placing Thomas as Apostle to India.
The twelve disciples were not as important to Jesus or the development of the religion He inspired as the Gospels, especially the Synoptics, appear to make them out to be. Country rube to international spiritual leader makes good public relations, sometimes, and public relations is skeins of illusion, not plates-full of fact.(6) A fisherman did not compose the opening Chorus of the Johannine Gospel. A celebrated monastic did. Work around the persona of Jesus occurred from nameless devotees or from members of named families, especially those residing at Bethany, Jerusalem’s then-toneyest neighborhood.
The figures of the twelve disciples are literary composites of non-intimate stringers or attenuated caricatures of seminal figures such as John, Thomas and Andrew.(7)
The greatest of the Apostles was St. Paul. This personality had been Moses and came again as St. Jerome.
John the Baptist was direct heir to the throne of David. Herod, a usurper, was after him on that account and wanted him dead. John was aware that Jesus, though not direct heir to the Davidic throne, was heir-designate according to the testimony of the Prophets. The baptism of Jesus by John was the moment John made public recognition of Jesus’ status as heir-designate. Then and afterwards, as the Synoptics recount, he used language which elevated Jesus’ status over his own. Such language was necessary because everyone was aware that John was direct heir by birth and so the status of Jesus had to be explained in public.
The Essene Community agitated Jesus’ crucifixion. They never supported him.
The cause of the crucifixion of Jesus is contained in Ramayana, The Rama Story. Nearly the whole world, even her son Bharatha, cursed Kaikeyi for forcing Dasaratha to exile Rama into the forest.(8) The “curse of the Jews” is this curse laid on Kaikeyi, Princess of the Jewish Homeland, Kashmir, by nearly every citizen of the world during Tretha Yuga. Although Kaikeyi repented her action with heart-rending contrition, and although Rama assured her that no blame attached to her for her action — that all was His Divine Play — the curse laid on Kaikeyi and, through her, on Kashmiris/Jews, stood effective for tens of thousands of years. The crucifixion of Jesus, a Kashmiri Jew come to save the so-called Lost Tribes, the Sephardi, atoned the so-called [by nearly everyone] sin of Kaikeyi by fulfilling the curse that had rested on her and Kashmiris/Jews for so long.(9)
When Jesus returned to Palestine from Tibet at approximately age 30, unitarian monotheism was the stochastic structure in which the message and ministry of his mission could be understood. Unitarian monotheism, though puissantly developed in the direction of trinitarian monotheism by St. Paul, through his doctrine of the Spirit, remained the ground of Christian religion until about the third quarter of the First Century. Just before that time, Vedic trinitarian monotheism, supporting St. Paul’s development of Christian doctrine, was returned to eremites in Egypt and Sinai by Thomas, John and others who were in India with Jesus post-resurrection. Of course, Veda-derived Greco/Roman trinitarian monotheism always had been at hand among Pythagorean monastics, who were recondite on this as so many other principles. All of these theological genetics, and especially St. Paul’s doctrine of the Spirit, describing his reflections on his personal experience, his responsibility for inviting persons and groups in Christo as well as Pythagorean doctrine, led to the establishment of trinitarian monotheism in the center of Christian liturgy and doctrine.
Trinitarian monotheism has two sources which really are only one source: India.
In addition, Stoic and Pythagorean monastic scholars at Alexandria and elsewhere, who were already at work laying in Stoic Logos Theology as the foundation for Christian apologetic theology (Greek apo + logos, speaking reasonably to reason), canon and piety, recognized the importance of trinitarian monotheism and created the systematic theological, canonical and liturgical stochastic structures which led to the establishment of trinitarian monotheism as the majority ground of the religion.
However, unitarian monotheism, the second original ground of the Christianity, persists in a number of viable and veritable stochastic structures: Arianism as Jehovah’s Witnesses, Masonry, which includes Christian Science, Baha’i, some forms of eclectic Gnosticism, etc. In fact, Christianity can be an atheistic, a unitarian monotheistic or a trinitarian monotheistic religion. It has all three elements in its etiology, and the atheistic element is the seminal one.
As time goes on, the Latin Church, which includes Anglicanism, is moving towards Nestorian Christology. This is integral with that Church’s historical preference for Antiochene as compared with Alexandrine Christology. The Latin Church has always preferred the view of Jesus in his humanity.
The Roman Catholic Church is Roman, Catholic and a Church and not the Vatican, which is a nation-state. The Roman Catholic Church has lineage through Milan and Narbonne. It is the Latin Church.
The Latin Church is
Hieronymean Exegesis,
Ambrosian Liturgy,
Benedictine Organization,
Carthusian Piety
Franciscan Logic.
1 The epithet “kaik,” which is used to insult Jews, derives from the name of Princess Kaikeyi, whom Rama called “Mother,” and is therefore no insult at all but a profound reverence, respect and blessing.
2 A change of Yuga or Era is felt as a “creation of the world,” and significantly, the Jewish calendar puts the “creation of the world” at roughly 6000 years back from today — to the period of 3800 BC when the Yuga or Era changed! In other words, the Jewish calendar is a fairly accurate counter on the duration of Kali Yuga, which has some thousands of years still to run.
3 They were in modern Afghanistan, Pakistan and Kashmir as well as Africa and Europe, as to this day.
4 Nor are they now.
5 Death of the ego is sometimes referred to as the first death while death of the body is called the second death.
6 Many early Preachers of the Church were rhetoricians, entertainers, who used the nascent Christianity for a gig in the same way that African preachers in the United States do. Borrowing a line from Mel Brooks, we could say that many of the Preachers of the Church were stand-up philosophers making a living as entertainers rhetorizing. During the 1960s, Episcopal priest and then-closet homosexual Malcolm Boyd made a living in just this way.
7 The elevation of the figure of Peter is a fiction from partisans of East German and Central Asian barbarians whose ascendancy in the Roman Empire matched inversely the fortunes of the Empire itself. These are the folks who took down the Empire by ruling it and took up the Vatican by reifying it. They were not Romans. Romans had the Celtic preference for collegiality and comprehensive consideration. These folks from Central Asia were certifiable autocrats and remain so to this day.
8 Rama and His mother Kausalya, however, did not blame her. Dasaratha had three wives: Kausalya, mother of Rama, Sumithra, mother of Lakshmana and Sathrughna, and Kaikeyi, mother of Bharatha. The three Queens got on as sisters and Rama addressed them all as “Mother.”
9 Vatican policy asserts a continuation of the curse of the Jews, charging Jews with “deicide” and thereby denying the redemptive work of the crucifixion of Jesus. The intention of Vatican policy, which is nationalistic and imperialistic rather than ecclesiastical in nature, is to supplant Christ with the papacy. The Latin Church, Protestants and Anglicans, happily accepts the end of the curse of the Jews through the redemptive work of the crucifixion of Jesus. Like Herod, the Vatican is a usurper of the office and dignity of the Solar Dynasty.