Support For The Universal House of Justice

Brothers and Sisters,

As Senior Christian Theologian at this moment of history, I commend your Message to World Religious Leaders with unreserved support and enthusiasm.  In addition, I pledge the complete support and participation of the Christian Church in affirming the principles and implementing the goals you identify as essential to the welfare of mankind and the whole family of God.

All Christians support and will to implement the principles and goals you enunciate in your Message to World Religious Leaders.  Any who claim to represent Christianity yet quibble about your Message to World Religious Leaders do not represent Christianity and are not Christians.

The Christian Church commits Herself as follows:

  1. The Church understands Herself in two structural and two operational metaphors.  These are The Vine and The Branches, enunciated by Jesus, and The Body of Christ, enunciated by Apostles and Fathers, the two structural metaphors, and A Boat and An Army, the two operational metaphors.
  2. The two structural metaphors articulate Christianity as a religion, a binding together of what has come apart, a force for unity, tolerance and forbearance.
  3. The two operational metaphors articulate the two different and necessary activities of the Church in the world.
  4. The metaphor of the Church as A Boat describes the several monastic ways of life, those of itinerants, recluses, theologians, family advisors and some warriors.
  5. Monastic ways of life are established in the founding statements and the Rules for Orders of single monastics and Orders of family monastics.
  6. The metaphor of the Church as An Army describes the ways of life of most believers, those who are “in the world but not of it” and are tasked with reminding the world, by precept and example, of the Effulgence and the Requirements of Divine Life.
  7. An Army is recruited, trained, tasked and deployed.
  8. The Church as An Army passively recruits members, trains them in all intellectual, scientific, spiritual, professional and moral development, tasks them with missions and deploys them with support to accomplish those missions.
  9. The missions of the Church are:
    1. Plant trees
    2. Guarantee potable water
    3. Support the Armed Forces of nation states
    4. Destroy structures of evil that afflict humanity
    5. Focus all activity to reproduce humanity, namely, the family born from husband and wife
  10. The structures of evil to be destroyed today are the concept and the implementations of “market economics.”  These structures grew among university faculties, who claim they supersede and replace the legitimacy of nations, religions and all ethnological and cultural activities.
  11. In place of “market economics” the Church establishes “responsible economics.”
  12. Responsible economics promotes the five great human values of Truth, Proper Conduct, Peace, Love and Non-Violence as the sole basis for economics theory and practice.  Responsible economics may also be termed the sole sustainable economics because the universe comprises these five great human values and ultimately only supports them.

India, United States, Russia, Germany and Japan, sovereign, brother nation states, are the defining powers of the new world order, which is One God, One World, One Race, and One Caste, employing responsible economics.

  1. India is the head and source of authority.
  2. United States is the pure of heart and deadly archer.
  3. Russia is the overwhelming hammerer, the great shoulders.
  4. Germany is the skillful arms and hands.
  5. Japan is the swift and sure feet.

Cousins of these nations include: England, France, Italy, Scandinavia, Iberia, Philippines, Vietnam, Canada, Australia, Turkey, Korea, Tibet, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Morocco, Peloponnese, Persia, Ukraine, Jordan, Ethiopia and Afghanistan.

The Armed Forces of India, United States, Russia, Germany and Japan are our leadership for establishing the principles and goals you enunciate, to include the missions of the Church.  Behind these Armed Forces come civilian workers to expand and fulfill the work they began.  The tasking of these nations’ Armed Forces is the van of the new world order.


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