Reprimand For An Indian

Thanks for your note.  Your impression of Vivekananda fighting pitched battles in this part of the world for Hinduism and against suppression, etc., is hyperbole and leads people astray.  There is a tendency of people who come to the United States and other liberal countries from areas of the world where people do not get along to denigrate their new homelands as repressive, racist, etc.  This is improper behavior.  You come to this country specifically to have a place to live where you are not suppressed and not being shot in the head or bludgeoned with axes and machetes.  The United States is the haven where you come to live in safety.  Be grateful and do not denigrate.

Vivekananda was warmly received in Chicago.  He did not have to fight at all any more than any religious person is not always welcome anywhere on the planet during Kali Yuga.  But Chicago received him warmly and Adwaitha Philosophy which he represented as well.  It was in this country that the conference was held to which he came.  Remember that.  It was not held in Delhi or Madras.  It was held in this liberal and great country and I want you to be very careful that you do not fall into the trap of denigrating this country as so many do — such as so-called Moslems — when they come here just to be able to live without being shot, starved and enslaved.  It is very bad manners to come to a country where you can live and then say it is no good.

This Christian culture we have here is very great and very tied to Indian Spirituality.  I will not tolerate anyone saying that Christianity is some inferior religion or that it’s time is past.  It is represented on the Sarva Dharma Symbol Swami drew.  It is equal of Hinduism in every way and full brother thereunto.  It is not so-called present-day Hindu culture which allows people to live liberally together with many religions but present-day Christian culture.  Look where you are.  Christian culture today is in better shape, more patently true to its nature, than Hindu culture is.

Moreover, you should be aware that Vedas have been studied and appreciated in Western Civilization and Christian Culture since over 200 years, long before Vivekananda arrived.  Long before Ramakrishna, even.  Our great German scholars had translated Vedas and pointed out linguistic origins of European languages in Sanskrit and understood and used manthra long before Siva decided to make Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.  So let us be humble within this great Christian culture in which you are able to earn a living and have a nice life.  If you run down this country or Christian culture you will have a very big unhappy time in your next birth.  And you will have me cheering for that.  Be grateful for where you are and who lets you earn a living.  It is Christian culture you are enjoying and which fosters you and your family.

Behind that is Indian culture, I know that, but the immediate mother whose tit you are sucking is the Christian Church and specifically the Knights Templar if you are living in the USA or France or England.  The laws of these countries are Christian/Templar/Masonic in origin and these laws are a lot more fun to live with than anything there is today in India.  If the Indian culture were better — more fun — you would live there.  But you live here and make a lot of money, probably, and I will not be happy if then you want to lord it over Americans or Christians and tell us we are inferior all the time that you are using American culture and Christian culture to have a happy life.  I will call you a big hypocrite if you do this and you will know that that is the truth.

I am not as welcome in India as you are in USA and Europe.  That should tell you which end is up and I am not going to sit idly while you scold me about how unspiritual USA is and unintelligent when it is in this country or in Christian culture that you want to live.  I am sure you understand what I am saying.  I hope you have enough humility to accept its truth and talk to me on a level, at least.

You Indians have terrible class, race and religion consciousness, you almost all think you are inherently superior to Americans and Christians and I declare to you that this is dangerous nonsense and I will not tolerate it and furthermore I will point it out publicly whenever and wherever I see or hear it.  I get very incensed when I see you people come over here to wine and dine and tell us how unspiritual and out of touch we are and how Christianity is not a “real” religion.  It is a vicious thing when you do that and I will say so publicly when you do it.

For example, instead of being good examples of vegetarian diet and sathwic living when you come over here, you Indians plunge headlong into eating rotten flesh (“meat”) and adopting the most rajasic and even thamasic modes of living extant here.  This is shameful behavior.  And then you are pleased to hector us for non-sathwic living?!

Now, that is not the answer you expected, and I admit that I unloaded a lot of pent-up resentment on you, and if any of it is undeserved, I apologize.  But if it is deserved, then you got it and must wear it because it fits.  The answers to your questions are all in the Adwaitha Hermitage Homepage and subsidiaries.


Annex - Loren, Sophia (Legend of the Lost)_02

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