The Uneven, Constant Fight

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Life is a field of battle on which fight those who build things and tell the truth, on the one hand, and those who tear things and tell lies, on the other.  Up from the field itself rises, and across it spreads, the miasma of delusion.

It is not an even but it is a constant fight.  Were it even, evolution would not happen.  Were it inconstant, life would not happen.  As long as life lasts, this fight will rage and delusion will corrupt friend and foe alike, though in different measure.  Building and truth are the stronger, and less delusion-prone, but never un-beset power.

In this, our era, of history, building and truth are more beset by tearing and lies than in the others.  Those who build and tell the truth are having a very rough go.  At the same time, and because the fight is so endless, violent, total, terrifying and dispiriting, God, as the Power of Rest, which breaks delusion, is more easily reached by builders and truth tellers in this, our era, than in any other.  Pray without ceasing.  Repeat the Name of God without stop.  Follow the Master.  Face the devil.  Fight to the end.  Finish the game.  Duty is God.  Work is worship.


Notre Dame D'Afrique, Algiers, Algeria
Notre Dame D’Afrique, Algiers, Algeria 

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