Memories Of An Inhuman Horror / 11 September 2001

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


They overplayed their hand.  Americans are neither weak nor prone to cowardice.

The United States harbors large populations prone to direct treason through action or indirect treason through sullen jealousy and hatred of “Americans” or “whites.”  We face civil as well as international war.  This is because, under the influence of charlatans who call themselves clergy and professors, sense-based data from studies has replaced participation as the preferred epistemological tool of leadership:  evidence is accepted without involvement and opinion is permitted that is bereft of experience.

This is modern innovative business practice – destroy the competition’s headquarters?  Businessmen demanded unfettered world trade and got it.  Businessmen are advised to revisit assumptions, especially devotion to Darwin’s ill-considered theories, which partake more of inevitable-istic, self-congratulatory triumphalism than of sound observation and judgment.

They used our technology against us.  No American pilot would ram the World Trade Center.  The WTC withstood two massive hits.  Did not even sway.  What engineering!

To themselves they are state or independent organization actors, not cowards.  This was counter-intelligence executed by Saddam Hussein’s counter-intelligence service plus a multi-nation-based array of Muslim Brotherhood (Salafist) functionaries.  And massive Saudi funding.

The primary target is Saddam Hussein and his supports.

The secondary target is the Muslim Brotherhood and their supports, and specifically the charlatans of that designation who call themselves clergy (mullahs) or scholars.  OBL is a soldier of the Muslim Brotherhood.  His organization will collapse without its “mullahs,” who are the supply line of totalitarianism in this emergent configuration.

The tertiary target is so-called Ultra-Orthodox Ashkenazi Judaism, and specifically the charlatans of that designation who call themselves rabbis.

These organizations gravitate to one another, either from mutual attraction or mutual repulsion.  Their commonality is (1) isolationism and (2) imperialism.

They originate as a single stalk in ancient Kashmir and iterate from that stalk in several varieties during subsequent millennia.  They can be friends with no one and allies with anyone temporarily if they estimate that the alliance will advance their fundamental goals of isolationism and imperialism.  They are a lethal combination.

Today their leading vigor is Salafi and Shi’a Jihad.  Neither is Islam.  They are imperialistic totalitarianisms of related flavors.  We are at war with totalitarianism, again, but with unfamiliar root, stalk and bloom.  This one is remarkably and essentially misogynist.  Another name for the phenomenon, perhaps the most fundamental name modernly, is Arab/Pan-African Imperialism.

Take down the Salafi and Shi’a mullahs, every one of them.  That is the second objective, after taking down Saddam Hussein and his supports.  Compunctions regarding clergy as a class of target must be ignored in this case because these are tyrannical businessmen using the designation of “clergy” to shield themselves from scrutiny and punishment.

The mullahs, self-called, are the real cowards of this situation.  They are charlatans, not clergy.  Neither clergy nor religions cause harm or wars.

As the Salafi and Shi’ite mullahs are taken down, Jews themselves will wise up their Ultra-Orthodox Ashkenazi rabbis, self-called, who, equally with Shi’a mullahs, are charlatans, or eliminate them.  This will cause Ultra-Orthodox Ashkenazi Jews to merge with Conservative and Reformed Jews, Ashkenazi or Sephardi, with whom they would associate if they wished not to accept Christianity.

Imperialistic, misogynistic ethnic anachronism blights humanity and threatens international security.  It is not religion.

Judaism is a Unitarian Christian denomination, not a separate religion.

Self-called Christian clergy who actually are charlatans say that inhuman acts occur because humans have freedom to act inhumanly.  This is not the case.  Inhuman nature produces inhuman acts.  Human nature produces human acts.  Human nature cannot produce evil.  Inhuman nature cannot produce anything but evil.  No American pilot would ram the World Trade Center.

Most individuals are a mixture of human and inhuman natures, some more of one, some more of the other.  Whichever nature predominates in an individual will produce the predominant characteristics of their life.  The predominant characteristics of a life are more or less admixed of their opposites as the nature which produces them predominates more or less in the individual who is the admixture.

The vision of the event and the thought of it, both, are too much for humanity to admit.  Participation is the only valid cognition in such situations.  It was truly a terrifying deed, as intended.

Our nation is now on war footing, or should be, and should take that footing very seriously because of inhuman individuals and nations that support them.  We will rid the world of these individuals, their organizations, the nations that harbor them and the demonic religion that produces them.

Near-term attention is advised regarding a catastrophic detonation from a cargo aircraft on a glide path over a major city.


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