Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000
In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.
John Hinderaker at Power Line today notes The Fascist’s speech Monday in Las Vegas to green energy rent-seekers. With edits here, I commented:
I would guess that this Las Vegas speech announces a major NSC/White House national election campaign attack and troop-rallying point. Being flabbergasted is neither intelligent nor effective counter-attack. Its situational awareness is, to put it mildly, insufficient. I would say the Koch brothers just got trolled by masters and the wealth of Americans is even closer to exhaustion than hitherto.
For Anti-Americans, Big Oil is a rage-object even more inciting than Race, Equality and Justice. Big Oil IS the US economy Anti-Americans hate Americans to have and enjoy.
It is well-known that Anti-Americans accuse Americans of what Anti-Americans are doing. Koch could have shot back that the speech-maker and his audience are the rent-seekers and adduced the data points. It’s not his nature to do that, I know. However, the Trump method of direct counter-attack at high emotion with clear data and skilled interlocutory agility is the only way I know to answer this rage-inducing attack begun in Las Vegas, an attack no doubt intended as sustained action.
The NSC/White House has goals for the national election campaign and is moving from multiple directions to achieve those goals and, simultaneously, raise FUD to obscure them and their mission vectors. Someone might wish to divine and expose those goals, at least what they might be. Seizing the wealth of Americans — material, moral and spiritual — is at the center of it. Attacking Big Oil constitutes both goal-achievement and FUD-production, a two-fer to be sustained.
Update 1: Moscow May Have To Open Third Front In Central Asia To Prevent Refugee Influx Into Russian Cities
Update 2: So What’s Happening In The Shipping Reports?
Update 3: The Big Club: Renegotiating U.S. Trade Exploitation Takes Center-Stage This Week
The Big Club opposes USA economic sovereignty, favors global corporate interests.
The Trump administration favoring U.S. companies for U.S. government contracts is alarming to the U.S. CoC business community. Think about that.
Update 4: The Big Club, and President Tom Donohue