Cardinal Marx

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Cardinal Marx — an apposite surname! — has been reading Jim Pike as a how-to manual — as Pike intended — rather than a cautionary tale, which he really is.

Following The Episcopal Church down the path of legalistic humanism no doubt appeals to Jesuit and Silesian antinomianism — the short road to absolutism — and from the vantage point of the commensuration no doubt appeals as financially advantageous to the institution. In point of historical fact, accepting marriage outside procreation is not a long-term financial asset, although it is a propaganda one if one seeks to keep secular monies flowing to one’s institution when bureaucrats controlling it demand submission to their equality regulations and opinions.

Then a church, like a legacy media agency, is seen, rightly, as an arm of secular, statist bureaucracy, al la Stalin/Beria/Putin/The Fraud, etc. All the Reformation churches are there now. Cardinal Marx and his master — and Jesuits, as expected — are taking the Roman Catholic Church there, too. Or want to.

Well, Bonhoeffer saw this and the problem it created for Christians. He said Christianity would have to be practiced without the assistance and back-up of the institutional churches and a publicly-expressible piety. Actual religion without the customary visible signs, the liturgies and mannerism, of religion. Religion-less Christianity, public-ritual-free, speechless Christianity.

Actually, he did practice Christianity publicly and was hung slowly with piano wire for his audacity. So I am not really sure there is such an actual thing as *religionless* Christianity. The survival of truth during a time of its persecution seems to depend on (1) its own buoyancy and (2) its affronting practice in thought, word and deed.

I think laughing at the bastards is the best medicine for them and one as well. Christian detachment eases the way, fosters courage as well as facility.

Update 1: The Blindness Of The Ideologically Bound.

Update 2: Pope Francis’ Encyclical Is About More Than Climate Change

Update 3: More insanity: up-arming MENA states knowing they lack ability to use them intelligently or diligently.

Update 4: Judith Curry: Climate Etc.

Update 5: Why The American Church Should Go Off The Grid

Update 6: Michael Walsh: As the Pope Releases Laudato Sii, Get Ready For Another Wave of Anti-Catholicism On The Right

Update 7: The Distributional Effects of U.S. Clean Energy Tax Credits [spoiler: helps rich, hurts poor]

Update 8: Noonan on Shows Of Strength and Kirill (a KGB double agent inside the Russian church) on holy war.



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