Settled Science

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


The settled science is that there is no settled science and that scientists, therefore, may speak but not insist.

In the same way, the constitutionally protected human right to speak freely does not include either a right or a responsibility to insist.

The good and the wise insist on nothing.

This was on my mind today.

Update 1: Pope Francis’ Encyclical Is About More Than Climate Change.

Update 2: Richard Fernandez: A Washington elite accustomed to adjusting reality by manipulating the narrative is now up against the limits of pretense.

Update 3: Judith Curry: Climate Etc.

Update 4: Michael Walsh: As the Pope Releases Laudato Sii, Get Ready For Another Wave of Anti-Catholicism On The Right

Update 5: The Distributional Effects of U.S. Clean Energy Tax Credits [spoiler: helps rich, hurts poor]


Teatro della Pergola
Teatro della Pergola

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