The Personal Revolution

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



The phenomenon of simultaneity has long commanded my attention and admiration.  As I recall, I remarked it first in writing in 1973.

It is this:  that always some few people are pushing into current unknowns at the same time although, usually, from different places and unbeknownst to one another.  The WWW has made this phenomenon more patent and, no doubt, to more persons.

Still, it is a fascinating phenomenon bearing deep and potent consequences.


Here are three such I observe of late.

First, regarding sodomy and the teleology of life.  Norbertine Novice Michael W. Hannon has a systematic mind and felicitous art at writing, which he uses expertly to make the point that the hetero/homo-sexuality binary is a fabrication — a social construct in so-called sociology jargon — that sane people, to include especially Christians, should not employ, ever.

I would call that binary an idol and its use idolatry.  But Hannon summons a great breadth of the classical theological tradition to make the same point.  Certainly the construct is nowhere in Classical or Christian philosophy or theology.  It dates from sodomists of the 19th Century.  The hetero/homo-sexuality binary is merely a construct, hollow as an idol, bereft of soteriological or even sustainable socio/political puissance.  It self-reveals as patent nonsense used with malevolent intent.

Second, regarding treatment and prognosis of the disease which has all but overtaken the living … and gleefully threatens worse.  Richard Fernandez at Belmont Club writes a lamentation over the profusion of vacuous language hiding malevolent intent under title Creative Workspaces.  He discusses the impossibility of remedy absent a profusion of accurate language.  With edits here, I commented as follows:

Socialism and De-Construction are advanced consequences of The Industrial Revolution. Treat persons as things early in that Revolution and you will socialize and deconstruct them later in it.  We have yet to see the end of The Industrial Revolution, which, unchecked, is near-universal slavery to benefit — supposedly but not really — a few.  Marx was right about that but wrong in the remedy.  Today we see just how right Marx was and just how wrong in exactly those phases of his observations and ruminations, which were essentially theological.

From the 1940s and 50s to the early 1960s the phenomenon was already known, as depersonalization. Jacques Ellul and others discussed it.  Many bemoaned its ubiquity and strength.  It was exactly that: depersonalization as a direct effect of The Industrial Revolution.

Depersonalization was the phenomenon against which Orwell and Rand wanted to warn. But Ayn’s hero was a paragon of The Industrial Revolution, which produced the very depersonalization she and Orwell abhorred. She and George did not make the connection. More or better of same — industrial efficiency, Ayn’s Objectivism — would not re-presonalize the populace.

Orwell and Rand did not make the connection between idolatry of industrial efficiency and massing of depersonalization because they were atheists.  (Atheism is an existential impossibility, by the way, because everyone believes at least in their self, even suicides).  Modern secularists and libertarians cannot make the connection because they are atheists.  Ironically, Marx did make the connection — because he was an existentialist and therefore not really an atheist.  Marx’s solution to the problem, however, magnified it, as EVERYONE all-too-well knows!

Only the interiority of monastic life can re-presonalize the populace. The riches of personhood are inside not outside a person. The power of a civilization is its monastic culture, not its industry, which is an epiphenomenon of personal interior freedom, strength and wealth.

The answer to socialism, deconstruction and anti-human consequences of The Industrial Revolution is another Revolution, this one for Personhood. Say, perhaps, The Personal Revolution.  It starts as monasteries, libraries and self-educating families.

The point being, we are persons in each of whom resides original authority.  Our very being demands treatment as independent persons, not unintelligent, senseless, worthless things. We are who’s, not thats; moral personalities not amoral articles or particles.

Third, partially illustrating — and with a dash of grandiloquence — the phenomenology of personhood.  John Marini of The Claremont Institute spoke at Hillsdale College under title Frank Capra’s America And Ours.  Speaks for itself, so, enough said.

Update 1: Dr. Goebbels, who murdered his six children and did suicide with his wife, could not have done better than this.

Update 2: Paul Mirengoff at Power Line: [The Fraud] Unwilling To Let A Serious Riot Go To Waste. I commented:

The Fraud is drugged, diseased and dangerous. The retainers are terrified to say so. The external hegemons are delirious with joy. And SCOTUS is going to subvert the remedy absolutely. Second American Civil War in progress.

Update 3: Paul A. Rahe: Political theater and coordinated disinformation are the order of the day.

Update 4: Richard Fernandez: The Global World Hits A Snag

Update 5: Massive Genetic Study Reveals 90 Percent Of Earth’s Animals Appeared At The Same Time


Grace Kelly
Grace Kelly

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